Bald On Bald Hate - Confession Of A 'fullhead'


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I think Samantha actually has Androgenetic Alopecia, not AU or AA. She said she's grateful she's not losing body hair. I think she's including facial hair, but I could be wrong.

I agree that with other alopecias, it's considered appropriate by others to wear hair systems. But how would you feel about having no eyebrows or eyelashes? I'm told that fake eyelashes are uncomfortable, and tattooed eyebrows just don't look right to me. I would imagine stick-on eyebrows would be uncomfortable also. Although I'd probably get some help from insurance with wigs and other things if I had another type of alopecia, and I'd probably get more sympathy from others, I'd rather deal with just Androgenetic Alopecia and pay for wigs myself. I agree with you that Androgenetic Alopecia treatments and wigs should be covered to some degree under insurance for both men and women. I believe wigs are covered for cancer patients under most plans, even though they are not crucial to their survival. Healthy people with Androgenetic Alopecia are just as devastated when they lose their hair, and there is virtually no hope that their hair will grow back. I'm not comparing cancer to Androgenetic Alopecia but just bringing to light that it's of equal importance to everyone's self-esteem to have the best hair possible.

whoops my mistake. I didnt see the "not" I thought she WAS losing the body hair as well.

Also people here are confusing sympathy with understanding. People with male pattern baldness are openly mocked as losers, goofballs, dateless, etc etc (on the average).
Its "okay" to make them the butt of jokes because as stated, in everyones eyes its a condition that can be helped. I mean one pill or some minoxidil and problem solved right?
People "understand" something like AU is a full on disease and for the most part look past it and again you get to take advantage of insurances to help.


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You are only 24, it's not too late, unless you decide it is.

Did you read this on a poster in an office? Perhaps with a bald eagle flying over a mountain behind it? :p


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Sounds like you have full on alopecia. I think this is a better situation honestly than just thinning hair on a woman or male pattern baldness on men.
male pattern baldness comes across with MANY stigmas that are just unattractive and poorly looked on.
I would hate to minimize your situation but I would take full on alopecia universalis over general male pattern baldness, I think. That way you would just have a disorder that IS CLASSIFIED as a disorder. With male pattern baldness its like a disorder that you are frowned upon for making it so.
At least with that I could wear a wig and lashes, etc and it would be expected, not mocked like a male pattern baldness guy wearing a piece.
Plus with that disorder there is always hope of a real cure, not like male pattern baldness.

No I don't have AA. I have Androgenetic Alopecia. My hair is so overall diffused even hair at the nape is as thin as my hairline.
I always think of Androgenetic Alopecia/male pattern baldness as a medical condition. But it might be easier for women to say "I have hair loss and doctors can't figure out what's wrong" which is true for female Androgenetic Alopecia. Also, I took Accutane before my hairloss. I still don't know if that's what caused my hairloss. That's evidence proving that some people did get permenant hairloss from Accutane.

If you have AA as a guy and it develops into AU, believe me things will be 100x worse. People just aren't educated about hairloss. Also, as a woman, we give too much sh*t about other people's style. You think you won't turn into the fagghot who wears eyelashes, a wig and draws fake eyebrows on your face just because you have AA not male pattern baldness? Please.


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Dante, I know how you feel. I struggle with the same thoughts at twice your age but I manage to push myself to make little changes here and there just to keep me from hitting rock bottom again. Those are little victories. You don't want to keep "hitting the snooze button" all your life. I know you want to change so when you are ready, you will. This place is a good start for you.

As always, you are right. Maybe I am actually making small steps towards a positive change after all. For the first time in years, hell, for the first time in my life. That would be great. The fact is that I am afraid. Of rejection and change. Afraid to try. Afraid of living my life I guess. Joining this forum was a great step, that's for sure.


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No I don't have AA. I have Androgenetic Alopecia. My hair is so overall diffused even hair at the nape is as thin as my hairline.
I always think of Androgenetic Alopecia/male pattern baldness as a medical condition. But it might be easier for women to say "I have hair loss and doctors can't figure out what's wrong" which is true for female Androgenetic Alopecia. Also, I took Accutane before my hairloss. I still don't know if that's what caused my hairloss. That's evidence proving that some people did get permenant hairloss from Accutane.

If you have AA as a guy and it develops into AU, believe me things will be 100x worse. People just aren't educated about hairloss. Also, as a woman, we give too much sh*t about other people's style. You think you won't turn into the fagghot who wears eyelashes, a wig and draws fake eyebrows on your face just because you have AA not male pattern baldness? Please.

I'm glad I never took accutane.

I do have severe acne on my upper back though, and have had for over a decade. Lots of things didn't work well, such as salicyclic acid, antibiotics, etc.

What's been working lately:
- Weight loss, which decreases perspiration;
- Intermittent fasting, widely discussed as a means of reducing acne with lots of testimonials backing it up;
- Benzoic acid + adapalene ("Epiduo");
- Zinc oxide cream mixed with castor oil;

I still have some acne on my upper back, but it's significantly less than it's been in years.

I'm glad I stayed away from accutane, and I wish I had stayed away from antibiotics.


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You think you won't turn into the fagghot who wears eyelashes, a wig and draws fake eyebrows on your face just because you have AA not male pattern baldness? Please.

Just FYI boys - women are allowed to talk like this. Men aren't.


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I think Samantha actually has Androgenetic Alopecia, not AU or AA. She said she's grateful she's not losing body hair. I think she's including facial hair, but I could be wrong.

God I wish I'm bald from the eyes down.
This is just such a ridiculous medical condition. And why does Androgenetic Alopecia only affect scalp? If this is a condition that makes us women bald from the eyeballs down, every woman will be figuring out how to get Androgenetic Alopecia.


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God I wish I'm bald from the eyes down.
This is just such a ridiculous medical condition. And why does Androgenetic Alopecia only affect scalp? If this is a condition that makes us women bald from the eyeballs down, every woman will be figuring out how to get Androgenetic Alopecia.

You don't need a medical condition to be bald below the eyes, they have lasers for that.

For whatever reason, Androgenetic Alopecia is related to androgen receptors on the scalp, though there may be a correlation with increasing nose and ear hair. I saw some speculation a long time ago that Androgenetic Alopecia is an evolutionary adaptation, for stone age men to get more vitamin D from the Sun.


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speculation a long time ago that Androgenetic Alopecia is an evolutionary adaptation, for stone age men to get more vitamin D from the Sun.

Stone age men were outside all day and I doubt that lack of vitamin D would be a driving force behind survival. That would be like saying, there were people who lost hair, and BECAUSE they could absorb more vitamin D from their external environment, they survived and passed on their DNA. I definitely don't think it was a factor in natural selection, rather a mutation that just "stuck" because it had no negative effect on breeding.


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laser don't always work. A lot of women reported body hair regrowth after a few years.


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God I wish I'm bald from the eyes down.
This is just such a ridiculous medical condition. And why does Androgenetic Alopecia only affect scalp? If this is a condition that makes us women bald from the eyeballs down, every woman will be figuring out how to get Androgenetic Alopecia.
I would have saved thousands on electrolysis over the years.


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Stone age men were outside all day and I doubt that lack of vitamin D would be a driving force behind survival. That would be like saying, there were people who lost hair, and BECAUSE they could absorb more vitamin D from their external environment, they survived and passed on their DNA. I definitely don't think it was a factor in natural selection, rather a mutation that just "stuck" because it had no negative effect on breeding.

Nature is far from perfect. It makes mistakes.

Baldness is one such mistake that should've been weeded out a long time ago, but as it wasn't entirely detrimental to reproduction, we are stuck with it to this day and age. Yay.


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I would have saved thousands on electrolysis over the years.

Joan, you could have a bush like it was going out of style in the seventies and I would STILL want it!!!! #WHITEKNIGGGGGGHT!!!! #BANNNNNED #SUMMONSFORINTERNETSEXUALHARASSMENT!!!!!!


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Nature is far from perfect. It makes mistakes.

Baldness is one such mistake that should've been weeded out a long time ago, but as it wasn't entirely detrimental to reproduction, we are stuck with it to this day and age. Yay.

yes, perfect explanation imo :)


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Stone age men were outside all day and I doubt that lack of vitamin D would be a driving force behind survival. That would be like saying, there were people who lost hair, and BECAUSE they could absorb more vitamin D from their external environment, they survived and passed on their DNA. I definitely don't think it was a factor in natural selection, rather a mutation that just "stuck" because it had no negative effect on breeding.

I have posted one article here..about one Tribe in India at an Island place 'North Sentinel Islands',which is completely,completely cutoff from modern man.
Few genetic research have found out they might be living at that place from 60,000 years.

There are very few videos on web about them,but in the video which i saw..of such kind of people,I never seen any bald man or receeding man in them,Absolutely not at all.


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yes, perfect explanation imo :)
There's most likely some related factor though. It might be a gene that has some effect in case A and another effect in case B, as is the case for malaria vulnerability among Africans, or the cluster of 4 genes supposedly contributing to homosexuality.


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I have posted one article here..about one Tribe in India at an Island place 'North Sentinel Islands',which is completely,completely cutoff from modern man.
Few genetic research have found out they might be living at that place from 60,000 years.

There are very little videos on web about them,but in the video which i saw..of such kind of people,I never seen any bald man or receeding man in them,Absolutely not at all.

There's less than 500 people living there, so their genetic diversity is probably small.


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Joan, you could have a bush like it was going out of style in the seventies and I would STILL want it!!!! #WHITEKNIGGGGGGHT!!!! #BANNNNNED #SUMMONSFORINTERNETSEXUALHARASSMENT!!!!!!
Well, if "the bush" ever makes a comeback, there's no way of getting it all back now. ;)