while i appreciate some counter balance to the usual "my life is OVER!!! 

" print here... I dont think you actually believe a word of what you wrote OP. It reminds me too much of the sh*t the PUAsphere of the internet used to peddle, where the intent was less to educate people about life and more as a echo chamber for an increasingly nervous man trying to fight cognitive dissonance about looks and what not.
the telling part, for me at least, is that the "revitalization" of your sex life is very vague. You didnt say you started dating and a one or two dates lead to sex and now you have a new gf you are smitten with and vice versa f*****g eachothers brains out, or that you went out clubbing for a few weeks and finally started approaching women and finally succeeded with one, instead its a kind of "endless possibility" description.
Yes its good, if you've reached that point, to accept your situation and shave it and become comfortable with having a bald head, but dont pretend for a minute that this has some metaphysical effect on dating that now women who werent before are somehow now inexplicably attracted to you and the only thing that changed was how you felt about yourself.
the telling part, for me at least, is that the "revitalization" of your sex life is very vague. You didnt say you started dating and a one or two dates lead to sex and now you have a new gf you are smitten with and vice versa f*****g eachothers brains out, or that you went out clubbing for a few weeks and finally started approaching women and finally succeeded with one, instead its a kind of "endless possibility" description.
Yes its good, if you've reached that point, to accept your situation and shave it and become comfortable with having a bald head, but dont pretend for a minute that this has some metaphysical effect on dating that now women who werent before are somehow now inexplicably attracted to you and the only thing that changed was how you felt about yourself.