Baldness vs Fat Shaming


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Being fat is 100 percent self inflicted, yes some people have a little bit slower metabolism but it is insanely easy to lose weight. All you have to do is water fast. The evolutionary reason for putting on fat is to go long periods of time without food when its not available. Fat people are just lazy and disgusting.

I never watch the news or anything and I have never heard anyone is real life use the phrase "fat shaming" Always seemed like it was acceptable to make fun of fat people, its like making fun of gingers.


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You seem to be content to be viewed as an inferior human being, Danny. Good luck to you, but it pysses me off.
We have NO control over this, yet we are expected to be grateful for a life of being mere amusement for the privileged full heads.
Amusement at best, scorn and ridicule at worst.

You may be able to smile through this. Ya know, play the role society has pegged for you. Don't play up and challenge the status quo in any way. Just be a good boy, baldie.
We will laugh at you when we need a good laugh, we will speak to you when we need anything.
So just shut up and stay out of our way unless your called for. Got it?

This is how society treats bald me.
I cant smile through it. **** em all!!!

I been treated like crap by many people long before i started to go bald, i learned at a young age thanks to school bullies that there is cruel people out there, but i have a good family and i also found good people, noone can touch me now, let them hate, let them diss, let them, but their words will never mean anything if i dont feel bad from them, they are just that, words, goodluck trying to stop horrible people though, if you do good one i guess, im to busy living my life to give a damn.


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Why the **** is she a b**ch? This world is ****ed up. You can't say anything anymore, even if you tell people to stop killing themselves with McDonalds. It's disgusting. She even says she doesn't even talk about those people with a little fat, she's only refering to those fat people that eat like pigs despite a ton of serious health effects.

When I see fat children I die inside. **** that ****. Those parents should be punished in some way, they are damaging a poor soul for ever.


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Because she is. You're a b**** if you go up to a fat person, and call him or her fat. Simple as that.
Obesity is a ****ing medical condition. You can be diagnosed with "obesity due to excess calories", it's a legit MEDICAL term. Being fat is not something inherent to you, give me a break. And parents of overweight children should be ****ing shamed, they are awful people, stuffing food in their children's mouths everyday. Let the child breathe for once.

Are you fat? Can't seem to find a reason why you would care so much about this. I agree though with going to a stranger and calling him fat. You're just an a**h** but this girl didn't go to anyone's face. She didn't name anyone.


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Your logic is flawless dude, keep on going. Insult people who don't agree with you on insulting people that make fun of something bad that people are doing to themselves. What next? Saying smokers willingly destroy their bodies? Or that alchool is bad for you?

Baldness is something you have absolutely no control of. To compare it to obesity is beyond stupid. Obesity is something you have FULL CONTROL OF but you can't stop eating that McDonalds ****.

Childhood obesity is CHILD ABUSE, let's not sugar coat this disgusting truth. I will say to any of my friend: "You stupid man, your child is FAT. Do something about it! Think of his health and all that bulling he's going to get".


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But society will harshly judge any man who is fat, bald, sleeping around (what a pig! while women who do it are just expressing their sexuality).

This couldn't be further from the truth Fred. Men are allowed to sleep around as much as they want, it's looked upon as something to be proud of, being a "player". If a women does the same thing, she's regarded as a sl*t.


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It is a misconception that men are somehow praised for sleeping around, unless you hang around with teenage boys. You think women are going to think more of you or praise you for sleeping around, all you are going to get is jealousy from other men, and douche praise. General society look down upon it, the same with women.

Of course the fat aceptance movement was created by feminism, because guess what type of people comprise feminism. Fat loosers who have no friends and sit on their *** all day on tumblr blaming other people(white males) for all their problems. Feminism has become a self-destructive force, it regularly contradicts its self and show's a deep seeded hypocrisy, which will come to light eventually. Feminism is no longer about equality.


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It shows the power feminists gained in our society. Of course fat acceptance has been developed by feminists, because women are more likely to be fat.

So they had to protect them. A woman can never be held responsible for her actions. So they decided you could not mock them anymore.

There is no fat acceptance movement for men. A fat guy is still more likely to be ridiculed and forever alone than a fat woman.

In support of above, here is an article written by a woman in response to the video:

Note: The video was not gender specific, in fact she mentioned jabba the son.
Now read the article. It only talks about women. It is as if obese men are irrelevant for this discussion.


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Look up the author of that article. She's obese, not just overweight, not just some belly fat, she's straight up obese. I'm sorry but I don't respect that. Call me whatever, at the end of the day she still values McDonalds over having a healthy body.


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Look up the author of that article. She's obese, not just overweight, not just some belly fat, she's straight up obese. I'm sorry but I don't respect that. Call me whatever, at the end of the day she still values McDonalds over having a healthy body.

I respect the right of any person to be obese. I don't engage in trolling and name calling. What does drive me up the wall is the shroud of delusion some people have aka body positivity.
From the authors twitter account, this was how her article (that I posted) was advertised.
My Guardian column this week: On Nicole Arbour's "Dear Fat People," and how body positivity helps all women.
1. How the F does body positivity help all women??
2. The article does not talk about body positivity helping women.


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There were no fat people in concentration camps because those poor souls weren't fed properly. You also don't get fat if you eat vegetables, you would feel full and you would stop. The problem is the high caloric foods that people are eating these days. It truly is a decision these people make to stuff food in their mouths. Nobody is forcing them to be fat. Comparing fat people to bald people is some kind of sick joke. One have absolutely full control and the others have absolutely no control.

You insult me based on something that I might do, you aren't completely sure that I mock fat people but you decided to insult me anyway, just to be sure. Flawless.


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Dude, your response to my post sounded like you were completely shocked on why I was calling that woman a b****. If you dont think she is a b****, then I have no regret of insulting you. If you do, then I'm sorry. I misunderstood you.

- - - Updated - - -

And one more thing. People who make fun of fat people make fun of all types of people. These people are all the same. They're bullies, they're mean people. I bet if any of you are like these people, then you would make fun of bald people too if you had a full head. You cry about how full heads make fun of baldies, yet you think it is okay to make fun of fat people. See anything wrong with that? It's called hypocrisy. You're doing the same thing that these full heads are doing, but just pointing out a different flaw. This doesnt just have to do with obesity, or baldness. It has to do with everything. Acne, disability, mental retardation, how you act, dress, sexuality. Some with absolute no control, some you can control. You can control how you dress, yet people get picked on for being nerdy. You think thats okay? Well nobody is forcing them to be nerdy.

Disagree with me all you want, call me brain-washed. Whatever. I'm happy about my position on this topic. I dont think it is okay to make fun of people, period. Just wished people would stop picking on baldness.


Spot on dude, i have said this myself, it dont matter if they do it to themselves or not you still dont be horrible, that fat person could be the nicest person you will ever meet, but they will never know cause they are judging and being just as bad as the people they moan about here, two wrongs dont make a right.

Agustin Araujo

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No one should be made fun of for anything, whether they have hair loss, are obese, have crooked teeth, whatever the issue is. There's no need to add to the pain.


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JSmith has been brainwashed by the fat acceptance movement. You hear everywhere that it's not OK to make fun of fat people, and he believed it.

There is no bald acceptance movement. Make fun of bald people anywhere, and see what happens. No one is going to make a long moralizing speech like JSmith just did.

It shows the power feminists gained in our society. Of course fat acceptance has been developed by feminists, because women are more likely to be fat.

So they had to protect them. A woman can never be held responsible for her actions. So they decided you could not mock them anymore.

There is no fat acceptance movement for men. A fat guy is still more likely to be ridiculed and forever alone than a fat woman.

It goes beyond than fat acceptance, you can't judge women in general these days, whether it is for fatness, smoking, sleeping around etc.

But society will harshly judge any man who is fat, bald, sleeping around (what a pig! while women who do it are just expressing their sexuality).

I forgot we were on

So bitter and delusional. I bet you're soaking panties far and wide (read: sarcasm) if your personality is even 1/10th as abrasive and needlessly argumentative in real life as it is on this forum.

Then there's the question of when the **** did this become about feminism? Weird correlations that make very little sense and are basically just a Propecia for you to insult something you disagree with are something of a specialty for you it would seem.

Radfems aren't the norm, Fred. True feminism is good for everybody, not just women. If you had done even the SMALLEST modicum of research into the topic without your obvious misogynistic bias at play you might already be aware of that.


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Men's health is undermined, and men often live five years less than women. Men are three times less likely to have seen their GP than women. Men are also three times more likely to die from prostate cancer than a women from breast cancer despite effecting both at the same rates due to lack of funding, and funding for breast cancer is over 600 percent greater than for prostate cancer. There are seven health agencies for women, not a single one for men. A search for over 3,000 medical journals which were listed in Index Medicus found that 23 articles were written for women's health while only 1 written on men's health. Obviously CaptainForehead, the bias against men in our times is impossible to not take notice of.

Men aren't allowed to complain about anything, if we do, we get condemned. I often feel that all we do is only work just to pay bills and taxes, anything else for ourselves is suppressed. Let alone with hair loss, we're told straight to our faces that it doesn't matter and to just get over it.

Although I don't disagree about bias I feel the comparison between prostate cancer and breast cancer is a very poor one.

Prostate cancer is generally very slow growing and the 5 year survival rate is very high when in your 50s or 60s or even 70s

A large reason why prostate cancer has a high mortality rate is that it's very prevalent in elderly people with many comorbidities. An elderly man with heart failure, dementia and COPD would often be treated conservatively. It's unfortunate if they can't tolerate treatment.

A man in their 50s with prostate cancer is generally in a much better position than a woman in her 50s with breast cancer. Breast cancer deserves more research and funding


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You forgot to say I will never get laid because I have a small penis. Oh, and that I live in my mother's basement.


I didn't forget to say anything because I don't make broad sweeping generalizations about people I know very little about. Nor do I make weird, irrelevant (not to mention baseless) correlations between two entirely different concepts just to make myself feel justified in saying crazy ****.

You should maybe do the same?


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Weird? How is the content of my post weird?

It's weird because it's irrelevant and all it does it make you look like a bitter, delusional misogynist.

Irrelevant? Look at the title of this thread.

It's irrelevant because you're grasping at straws to delegitimize a movement that is entirely separate from baldness or fat acceptance because of your own personal (and VERY OBVIOUS) biases towards feminism. Feminism and fat acceptance are two entirely different movements with two entirely different goals. Just because radfems tend to be the type to be into silly things like fat acceptance does not mean that fat acceptance is an actual tenant of feminism. This is not a difficult concept to grasp.

Baseless? So there is no fat acceptance movement led almost excursively by women for women?

It's baseless for the aforementioned reasons. True feminism is not even close to relatable to fat acceptance, so the fact you seem to disagree means you clearly have no concept of what feminism actually is about. You're doing the logical equivalent of condemning all Muslims/Islam as a whole because of the actions of a radical few. Do you not see that or how wrong that is? Not to mention the hypocrisy of your words: "Wahhhh bald guys are so discriminated against, but also hey **** feminism btw!" ... yeah great job, point proven buddy. More ammo in the radfems' belt. Again, well done. Round of applause for this particularly enlightened m'gentlesir everyone.

If you can't see the error in your words then I have nothing more to say to you. Trying to convince someone they're displaying obviously misogynistic behavior hasn't gone well for, well.. just about anyone I know. But hey, keep feeding into the radfems and giving them ammo by invalidating real feminists. Not my problem.