You shouldnt make fun of fat people. You shouldnt make fun of bald people. Period.
[TaylorSwift-voice]What I hope to happen, is one day someone comes out with a video "Dear bald people" and it gets just as much negative feedback as the "Dear fat people", because then that means that people are starting to notice that it is not okay to make fun of bald people.
This is what feminism is about:
Men and women are equal now. They are given the same chances. And I'm happy about that.
Feminists don't need to fight for anything anymore. But it wasn't enough.
They want more, so much that they want to change reality and biological roles.
So feminists put themselves in ridiculous situations like these:
Of course feminists want to find problems where there are none, because if they wouldn't, what would they be paid for? How would they attract attention?
People are waking up. Most women I talk to don't want to hear about feminism or being associated with it.
True feminism was about giving the same rights and status to men and women. It's done.
By the way, that guy has some insane hair going on.
hollyyyyy fuzzzz without playing the video I thought that white haired person was a girl . . . like a manly lesbian (since the vid was about sexism) :sulkoff:You can rely on our Belgian friend to bring out the best hair videos. There's an over 100 year old man he once posted who looks like he fell out the coffin, yet he was Norwood 2. :laugh:
That's the dream right there, flowing white locks or salt/pepper look.
True feminism is not even close to relatable to fat acceptance, so the fact you seem to disagree means you clearly have no concept of what feminism actually is about. You're doing the logical equivalent of condemning all Muslims/Islam as a whole because of the actions of a radical few. Do you not see that or how wrong that is?
since when you fast your body uses all that stored energy.
Would you feel better if they told you your life was over and adviced you to go kill yourself?
No but if people accepted that baldness was a problem, one that cannot really be easily fixed with what we have available then I think hair pieces for men would be far more socially acceptable and most men would have a working(if not ideal) solution. Wigs/hair systems are acceptable for women with severe hair loss. Imagine if it was the same for men, this forum would be much less popular.
I realize that it has been a while since this discussion took place, but since this thread has already been bumped, I will take this opportunity to respond to the above statement. Actions of many "radical" Muslims can indeed be blamed on Islam. Many "radical" Muslims are directly influenced by their religion and they do what they believe their religion demands them to do. Also, the number of radicals in Muslim population is not just "few" like you suggested. Polls have shown that a significant percentage of Muslim population in various countries holds radical views such as apostasy should be punishable by death. It's more than 50% in some Muslim countries. You suggested that Fred should research feminism. I suggest you follow your own advice and research Islam and Muslims. I don't say that to insult you. It's a very sensitive topic and if you are expressing your opinion on a public forum about it, make sure you have done proper research as your opinion can influence others. Erroneous opinions like yours are the reason this issue of Islamic "radicalism" is getting worse with time. The world need to question the dangerous beliefs promulgated by Islam.