Baldness vs Fat Shaming


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Ayy lmao.

First of all to everyone who believes in things like some people can't lose weight others can't gain weight bla bla... I am done discussing things with you. Scientists should study these specimens and build a car prototype based on some overweight people, that car would run forever. No need to add fuel. Hypothyroid car engines. You got it. I've heard every excuse in the book. Seen all the fat people coming out of Auschwitz? Didn't think so.

But yeah I talk with David here he seems to have his head on straight.
But I don't practice particular diets you know. I eat a little bit of everything. Like 5 eggs for breakfast, chicken breast for lunch, some potatoes fish vegetables and of course fruit and all that. I don't avoid milk products or sugar, they're just not the mainstay of my diet.
Don't eat fast food or crap like that for the most part though. And I can lose weight pretty much eating anything as long as calories are in check. But when you are in a calorie deficit it's particularly important to have a nutrient-dense diet cause food is scarce so you have to make every bit count. It's really simple. Problem with overweight people (I know because I was one) is too much reward circuits from food, they crave that dopamine high from eating tasty and sugary and salty things. Otherwise calorie requirements are pretty similar but the neurochemistry is off in those people creating an addiction for them. I am not saying it's easy for them to lose weight practically and psychologically, just physically.

While much of this is true, you're oversimplifying it. Some people are genetically more predispositioned to gain fat easily, others to be skinny and have a hard time gaining weight. That is without question (I hope).

Then there are genuine conditions which can make weight loss more difficult. Whether they be hormonal/internal issues or issues like injuries and chronic conditions making exercise more difficult. In people who are predispositioned to have a higher bodyfat % anyway these things can really cause problems. Then there are mental health issues..again, real conditions which can just make it hard for some people to even get out of bed or leave the house. It is not always black snd weight. And I say this as a guy who to the average person would be considered as very athletic looking. I have personal trained a few people in the past and I know from experience that some have it much easier than others. Hell I have it easier than most people.

Diet and exercise for the majority of people can help a lot but everybody has their own body type and set of circumstances. And back to the original point, what I have written above adds to why body shaming someone is never ok.


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Like someone else said, your definition of "fat shaming" is probably very broad. If you care about someone who has a weight problem, you tell them they should lose weight. If your friend has lettuce in his teeth, are you hygiene shaming him if you let him know?

I don't go around calling people fat, and I don't know anyone who does. If I see a 200 pound girl in a backless dress, four sizes too small, with three big fat rolls hanging out, you bet your *** me and my friends are gonna laugh about it. We won't go and try to hurt her feelings, but we will laugh amongst ourselves. There's a difference between laughing at someone who was just born ugly and can't help it versus people who do it to themselves. If they dress well and they're doing the best they can with what they've been given, I wouldn't make fun, but fools like trigglypuff are just comical.

Regarding telling someone to lose weight to help them... It depends how close you are to them and whether you know what their lifestyle/health issues are. Family members or best friends maybe, ok.. even then there is a way to do it.

Laughing at someone behind their back based on their appearance is just weak. It is basically a momentary high gained by the thought that you're better than that person. But hey, if needs must and it helps you feel better then fine. But if that person knows you're doing it then that immediately moves to a**h**/bullying territory. And you keep referring to 'people who do it to themselves'; as I've pointed out, there is no way to tell that without knowing the person.


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Regarding telling someone to lose weight to help them... It depends how close you are to them and whether you know what their lifestyle/health issues are. Family members or best friends maybe, ok.. even then there is a way to do it.

Laughing at someone behind their back based on their appearance is just weak. It is basically a momentary high gained by the thought that you're better than that person. But hey, if needs must and it helps you feel better then fine. But if that person knows you're doing it then that immediately moves to a**h**/bullying territory. And you keep referring to 'people who do it to themselves'; as I've pointed out, there is no way to tell that without knowing the person.

Someone wearing clothes four sizes too small is doing it to themselves. Being born looking ridiculous gets my sympathy, but when you intentionally make yourself look ridiculous, I don't feel sorry for you. It's the same thing for guys who wear pants that don't fit, and have to hold them up.


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Someone wearing clothes four sizes too small is doing it to themselves. Being born looking ridiculous gets my sympathy, but when you intentionally make yourself look ridiculous, I don't feel sorry for you.

Well you came up with that example not me. I would suggest that is your issue and not theirs. I.e. if you don't like it then don't look. But I reiterate what I said before about what you become if they are aware of your laughing/mocking.


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It's not my issue, I get a good laugh out of it. You SJWs take everything too seriously. That's why you're losing the battle of ideas.

Literally no idea what you're on about but again, if it makes you feel better..

Edit: and yes this is a subject that I do feel very strongly about/take seriously.


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I'm not reading all of your posts, but in general I agree with what I think @jd_uk is saying, with the caveat that I have not read all the posts. It is better to not body shame at all. Positive encouragement works better than no commentary, and no commentary probably works better than negative encouragement. Positive encouragement definitely works better than negative encouragement.

We should never body shame, it doesn't help.

Though it is true that obesity is a consequence of lifestyle. We don't have all the facts. There's a risk for example that these obese people you know when to an incompetent doctor and asked him for advice, and the doctor told them that obesity is 100% genetics. Most people are taught to listen to their doctor. The media in general gives a lot of false advice on obesity.

Finally it is also not necessarily your business. Other people may be fat and not care.


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Ramp girls? Skate ramp?
tony hawk fukin it



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It's nice to be nice. That's human nature, thankfully. I just have an aversion to the mindless movement towards acceptance and tolerance of anything and everything. When society accepts people for what they are, it prevents them from becoming what they could be. We are creating a generation of people with no ambition. Not everyone is a special snowflake. What separates us from the animals is our drive to be more than what we are. I'm sorry, but some fat slob who sits around watching reality tv all day is not as worthy as Beethoven. Most people are never going to rise to that level, but I'd rather live in a society that pushes people to rise to their peak than one that tells them they deserve a gold medal just for existing. I'm not saying to be mean. I just think it's better to encourage excellence than acceptance.

When girls see anorexic models it signals to them that they shouldn't eat. Feminists admit this, and have tried to put a stop to it. That's all well and good. However, on the other side of the coin they are trying to put overweight models everywhere. This is hypocritical, and just as dangerous. It signals to girls that they don't need to eat healthy and exercise, that they can let their bodies go and be just as beautiful and healthy.

Back to my original point, in our day to day interactions it's nice to be nice. As a society at large though we need standards to keep people striving for excellence. The anti-fat-shaming movement is really just fat acceptance, which will only damage lives.


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It's nice to be nice. That's human nature, thankfully. I just have an aversion to the mindless movement towards acceptance and tolerance of anything and everything. When society accepts people for what they are, it prevents them from becoming what they could be.
But what? What could they be?? That's the question.
We can't all excel.
It would upset the power balance.


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i so agree pegasus, great post. big part of the "red pill" movement. i hate excess PC too. jeez especially when it supersedes freedom of speech

at that point its insane


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having no teeth is worse than having no hair as far as how socially acceptable it is

i dont think thats comparable to baldness


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What are said clips of her having no teeth previously? I believe she got fake teeth because she wasn't happy with the colour of her bio teeth. Did I miss something?