Bayer Prolactin Receptor Antibody For Male And Female Pattern Hair Loss


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lmao what has this thread turned into?
there are plenty of cope subforums so keep your mental illness out of the new research section


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Dude please f*** off because everyone is annoyed you don't prevent anyone from being scammed here.


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One thing i don't fully understand is how can the hair follicle grow from a fibrosed balding scalp, like i thought that according to the common theory to revive a follicle in balding area one treatment would need to 1. reverse fibrosis 2. induce aniogenesis 3. reconnect the hair shaft with the aerector pili, seeing that guys stopped taking their wnt agonist does prolactin influence all that on its own?

Also is the fact that PRLR activate JAK ( Enzymes known and loved by our cousins with alopecia areata ) anecdotal? Or does it have any influence in Androgenetic Alopecia, contrary to what was previously thought?

This one is interesting to me, because if we go by the unpatterned nature of alopecia areata, can we conclude that there is no difference in the level of prolactin receptor between scalp regions as opposed to higher level of androgen receptor in norwood area?
If so it may provide an explanation for DUPA whole existence and resistance to antiandrogens.


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I think some users posted just theories about how it works. But nobody knows exactly.
This one is interesting to me, because if we go by the unpatterned nature of alopecia areata, can we conclude that there is no difference in the level of prolactin receptor between scalp regions as opposed to higher level of androgen receptor in norwood area?
If you want more information, maybe this post helps (again, it seems just a theory as the red word suggest. No one knows exactly how it might works, otherwise I think media shall publish it in some papers):
The HM sits on top of the DP and contains the cells that produce the hair shaft. Androgenetic Alopecia pathogenesis might involve aberrant PRLR signaling in the matrix reducing proliferation during anagen. Silencing the PRLR for long enough might return the hair follicle to its normal state where PRLR is only expressed in the matrix during catagen, and that could explain why the macaque regrowth lasted for years after discontinuing treatment. When DP cell numbers drop below a minimum threshold cell proliferation stops.
I agree with you that autocrine/paracrine PRL has much more effect on the hair follicle than endocrine prolactin, but I don't think endocrine prolactin is closed off from HF cells. Look at hyperprolactinemia where scalp hair gets decimated. Either pituitary PRL is having a direct effect on the cells, or intrafollicular PRL is upregulated by serum PRL through the immune system, or upregulated by the same promoter as pituitary PRL. PRL research is still in its infancy, but it appears to me that all three of these are true. This is the first study confirming an autocrine PRL loop in breast tissue; in it they suggest targeting "both endocrine and autocrine/paracrine levels" to fight breast cancer. I would think the same strategy would be necessary for alopecia. BAY and SMI both do this, dopamine agonists obviously do not. (dopamine receptors have been found in adipocytes now, but they are not a promoter of PRL in the HF).

A key question is, how low does PRLR signaling have to be to reverse hair loss? Dopamine agonists don't tell us anything except that reducing endocrine PRL is insufficient. PRLR expression in the HF is different in mice, but this study shows that PRLR null mice grow significantly longer and thicker hair, whereas PRLR impaired mice do not. Unfortunately I don't know the level of PRLR signaling impairment in the heterozygote mice, but this tells us that, in mice, there is no benefit to partial PRLR antagonism. In order to improve hair growth it has to be complete inhibition or at least below a threshold that is lower than what is present in the PRLR +/- mice. Another factor is that the PRLR is also bound by growth hormone. Does GH have the same biological action on the receptor as PRL does in the HF? Pure speculation here, but I wonder if GH reverses hair loss through binding to the PRLR and preventing PRL from binding to it.

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This is a table from the mouse study linked above showing that only full inactivation of the PRLR enlarged hair shafts. Also from this you can see that silencing the PRLR enlarges male follicles more than female. This aligns with the hair counts from the macaque study that found males responded better than females to the PRLR antibody, and studies showing that catagen genes are downregulated by prolactin in human female frontotemporal hair, and blocking prolactin causes apoptosis in those hairs while adding prolactin elongates them. This is the opposite of what has been observed in human male scalp follicles. This might partially explain the different patterns in female and male pattern hair loss. PRLR antagonism will likely only work on the vertex in women while working everywhere in men.

Prolactin: an emerging force along the cutaneous–endocrine axis

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In mice the PRLR is not expressed in the HM, while in humans it's expressed in the HM only during catagen. The HM sits on top of the DP and contains the cells that produce the hair shaft. Androgenetic Alopecia pathogenesis might involve aberrant PRLR signaling in the matrix reducing proliferation during anagen. Silencing the PRLR for long enough might return the hair follicle to its normal state where PRLR is only expressed in the matrix during catagen, and that could explain why the macaque regrowth lasted for years after discontinuing treatment. When DP cell numbers drop below a minimum threshold cell proliferation stops. So my question, does the DP cell number dropping below this threshold cause the matrix to express PRLR and enter catagen

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This is a handy but not up-to-date chart showing known regulators of prolactin. There was a Japanese twin study which found there might be a link between smoking and severity of hair loss, but it was a weak link. The only known significant promoters here of ePRL are estrogen and TRH, but neither appears to be the major promoter of prolactin in the HF, and TRH downregulated PRLR immunoreactivity in the outer root sheath.

When looking at prolactin's biological effects it's important to remember that they are both site- and sex-specific. There are multiple PRL and PRLR variants with differing biological actions. For instance, PRL induces cell proliferation in breast cancer, but stops it in the HF.

I believe 3 more have been found since this review was published.

This study found a role for PRLR in the pathogenesis of alopecia areata, independent of serum prolactin. Two additional studies found similar results, but two others found significantly increased serum prolactin levels in patients with AA. They all found a role for prolactin signaling in AA. From this study, "a significant positive correlation was found between the prolactin receptor and the SALT[severity of alopecia] score".
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There's good reason to believe that prolactin plays an important role in the pathogenesis of Androgenetic Alopecia as well. The gene for PRL is next to an Androgenetic Alopecia risk locus, indicating a potential causal relationship. The remarkable regrowth of hair in bald stump-tailed macaques confirms that this is an area requiring further attention. I believe that PRLR antagonists will become part of the big 3. To fight Androgenetic Alopecia in the future people will antagonize the androgen receptor, upregulate the canonical Wnt pathway, and antagonize the prolactin receptor.
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I think some users posted just theories about how it works. But nobody knows exactly.

If you want more information, I suggest to check this post:
For some reason i missed this post, and he even quoted the same study, thanks!
Also to get everyone's hope down ; Can PRLR antagonists stand on their own in the long run? A big reason why a lot of people ( including me ) look forward to these new treatment is because they hope to ditch the anti androgens and attack the problem from a more sexually safe angle.


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Jeez this Augustus guy is off the deepend, no one is scamming anyone. Don't speak about things you don't understand


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Brother i support your opnions but your need to chill with your comments. You pushing this thread to feel like spam rather then being a place to get updates.
Exactly, please report his posts so we can get him banned before he makes the forum useless and chases valuable members away.


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You dont understand sh*t about hairloss/you are a scammer if you say this is legit.
I understand where you are coming from, but the claims that you make are just conjecture. We simply don't want to flood the server, there is nothing more to it. Btw, what is it exactly that you think isn't legit? SMI itself? Or that someone makes profit?

@LouisSarkozy why the f*** would you like his post? You are in the discord yourself....


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I understand where you are coming from, but the claims that you make are just conjecture. We simply don't want to flood the server, there is nothing more to it. Btw, what is it exactly that you think isn't legit? SMI itself? Or that someone makes profit?

@LouisSarkozy why the f*** would you like his post? You are in the discord yourself....
i just like the guy persistance at trying to prove you're selling anything


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I really dont know if smi is legit (it might be). What I do know is that these guys are:
1-trying to earn some bucks from forum users.
2- lying about results being on par with hrt (mtf) therapies like estrogen or similar compounds.
3-trying to sell a custom vehicle which is probably not necessary just like swisstemples did 5 years ago.
Have fun getting scammed.
If you don't know if SMI is legit, how do you know they are lying about the results? Seriously, just f*** off, please. You are setting the forum back. You will learn more if you just lurk and read, instead of posting with no knowledge; your wrong opinions are literally not needed. I'm putting you on ignore now. Everyone else, please ignore this dude otherwise he will shoo away all the legit posters.


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I really dont know if smi is legit (it might be). What I do know is that these guys are:
1-trying to earn some bucks from forum users.
2- lying about results being on par with hrt (mtf) therapies like estrogen or similar compounds.
3-trying to sell a custom vehicle which is probably not necessary just like swisstemples did 5 years ago.
Have fun getting scammed.
No one is selling a custom vehicle lol, we only said certain vehicles work better than others that's all. It's all basic stuff you can buy anywhere


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If you don't know if SMI is legit, how do you know they are lying about the results? Seriously, just f*** off, please. You are setting the forum back. You will learn more if you just lurk and read, instead of posting with no knowledge; your wrong opinions are literally not needed. I'm putting you on ignore now. Everyone else, please ignore this dude otherwise he will shoo away all the legit posters.
Seriously, man, he is a troll. He is saying things he knows are stupid to piss you off and get you to respond to him and he gets his kicks that way. You're being had. Do we seriously need to explain what trolling is?

Maybe I'll make a fake account and come here claiming to believe the Earth is flat just to see how many f*****g idiots I can get to give me arguments for why it's round.

You see that a lot of valuable members have shuttled off to Discord and others are threatening to, do you really think spamming this thread with 10 pages of arguing with an obvious troll that so many people still somehow can't understand is a troll is gonna make intelligent contributors want to come here?

JUST STOP f*****g RESPONDING TO HIM ALREADY, Jesus Christ. This is not so much directed at you, @5minutesbeforemiracle, since you say you've done the right thing (put him on ignore), but others who keep doing it.

I suspect talking sh*t to him might be entertaining for some of you, but you're making the forum unusable and chasing valuable members away, because every time you click on a thread you gotta wade through 2 pages of bullshit.

And, seriously, @Admin, just ban the guy already!
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