Bayer Prolactin Receptor Antibody For Male And Female Pattern Hair Loss


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There is SMI-1 and SMI-6 that @FollicleGuardian found for a cheap price. It's not the same though. Per the patent, competitive antagonists of the receptor are ineffective in the hair follicle because concentrations of prolactin are too high since it's produced within the hair follicle, and prolactin has a higher binding affinity for the receptor than the antagonists.

This might be why the small molecule antagonists don't include hair loss as a potential indication in the patent.

The antibody is a non-competitive inhibitor, meaning that it doesn't have to outcompete prolactin for receptor binding. It can bind to the receptor along with prolactin and still silence it.

I think the competitive antagonists are likely better than nothing, but they won't give the kind of regrowth the antibody does.
What's the outlook as far as synthesizing/ sourcing this antibody? It seems to have a ton of promise.


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What does a 109% increase in a bald area mean? From the graphs it's show than the bald areas went from approximately 100 hairs to 200 hairs after treatment. Why does that qualify as bald?


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What does a 109% increase in a bald area mean? From the graphs it's show than the bald areas went from approximately 100 hairs to 200 hairs after treatment. Why does that qualify as bald?
I think we should understand "balding", not "bald". Maybe a language error.


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What does a 109% increase in a bald area mean? From the graphs it's show than the bald areas went from approximately 100 hairs to 200 hairs after treatment. Why does that qualify as bald?
From the patent:
"The term "bald area" refers to a predefined region at the central/frontal part of the scalp that was
initially hairy yet affected by complete loss of visible, e.g. terminal hairs. Follicles remain producing
thin (generally vellus-type) hairs."

Zon Ama

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Hope Medicine inc isn't a shady company by any means. They're founded by the director of IMM (International Molecular Medicine) at Peking University.

The reason they sold it to Hope Medicine inc is due to it being an amazing offer. Bayer was partnering with Hope during the development phase and Hope Medicine was so impressed by the results they made an offer Bayer couldn’t decline. Which does not mean that Bayer was not convinced by it, as the offer apparently included a revenue participation for Bayer once Hope brings it to the market.
Well, when I google Hope Medicine inc the only results are that they have an agreement with Bayer about the prolactin receptor antibody.
No website, no real pipeline.

But they will start phase 2 in China, Europe and the USA in 2021


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There's so many extremely promising treatments on the horizon right now. I know 5 years has always been a meme, but we aren't stuck looking forward to con artists like histogen and Cassiopeia any more. 5-6 years from now we're going to have things like this, kintor are inhibitor / maybe their degrader, KX, samumed, etc. Very exciting times. I don't think my youngest 21yo brother will ever stress about losing his hair.


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There's so many extremely promising treatments on the horizon right now. I know 5 years has always been a meme, but we aren't stuck looking forward to con artists like histogen and Cassiopeia any more. 5-6 years from now we're going to have things like this, kintor are inhibitor / maybe their degrader, KX, samumed, etc. Very exciting times. I don't think my youngest 21yo brother will ever stress about losing his hair.
I can confirm, I'm 20 and all these recent news really slowed my stress related to hairloss.


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Sorry that I am (again) spreading negativity, but what could be the possible sides of shutting down the prolactin receptor?


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There's so many extremely promising treatments on the horizon right now. I know 5 years has always been a meme, but we aren't stuck looking forward to con artists like histogen and Cassiopeia any more. 5-6 years from now we're going to have things like this, kintor are inhibitor / maybe their degrader, KX, samumed, etc. Very exciting times. I don't think my youngest 21yo brother will ever stress about losing his hair.
Says we aren't stuck waiting for scams then says we're waiting for Samumed lol

I agree with your point though, things like Bayer, Tsuji, Surrozen, Tissuse, Stemson, Olix, KY, are all more impressive than previous disappointments. Most are more than 5 years away though.


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So another compound with 5ar inhibitor side effects? In the trash it goes.
There's a possibility it could have sexual side effects. There's also a possibility it could improve sexual function in men. Prolactin is tricky like that. We'll need to wait for full human trials to know that, but you only have to take it for 6 months and the results last for years. The patent suggests that it is more potent and more tolerable than finasteride and minoxidil.