Beauty does run skin deep


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Agreed, multiculturalism doesn't work. Assimilation is simply more effective given human nature. There is no case in human history of two separate population groups peacefully co-existing within a single geographic entity for an extended period of time. There is always conflict and the struggle for power.

No one really assimilate with free will. No one should be forced to assimilate.

Assimilation is a rarity and mostly happens when a group is a small minority or by violence.

Assimilation would be the death of my own ethnic group, considering we've been driven out of the Middle East thanks to islamists and horrible American/Israeli-foreign policies and lived for half a decade in Europe, with many not speaking their language anymore or got a sense of national pride because of Baathist-policies.

- - - Updated - - -

And yes, there really is no such thing as moderate muslims. In the end they will all side with each other.

Just look at the Middle East right now, we got the Kurds trying to assimilate the Yezidis as Kurds and putting on a show for the West that they're "liberal" and "democratic". In reality there's a deep resentment within kurdish society against Yezidis as devilworshippers or kafirs. I'm not just talking about when Peshmerga took their weapons and abandoned them in Sinjar. I'm talking actual protest against Yezidis as a people (not joking) very recently in KRG. I'm talking Peshmerga fighters protecting ISIS-Kurds from yezidis after Sinjar was liberated from ISIS.

In the end if you're not muslim, then you're nothing.


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Terrorists : *bombing a country with a large Muslim community *

Population : Oh my God, so scary


Population : *starts with hate speech and aggressions towards the Muslim community *


Newly radicalised Muslims : ok

Terrorists : *bombing a country with a large Muslim community *


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Please have you ever been to Paris ?!
The 9th and 10th districts are known for their multiculturalism. It's full of students and youngsters who usually massively go out in the weekends and that make them an easy target. One of my best friends lives here and guess what ? He's Muslim ha ha. If really they wanted to target ONLY non Muslim people they would have targeted the south of the 16th district.


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Following this logic do you know in which other place where " they would be spotted miles away" ?

European institutions district.

We have evidence that they literally can attack wherever the **** they feel like. By choosing 9th and 10th districts they wanted to target population as a whole, especially young open minded people that don't give a single **** about where their neighbours are coming from.


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These savages need to be exterminated.

China, and Russia have the right idea.

What happens when a Muslim man tries to grope a women in Russia



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I hope you and your loved ones are OK Fred, in the light of what has just happened in Brussels. It's terrible to watch Europe (and the world) being destroyed by these terrorists. What has the world come to?


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Muslims are also the target? Please!

And they wouldn't have bombed the Turkish neighborhood.

They don't attack their own.

Never been to Brussels wouldn't know about the restaurants etc.

2015 Beirut attack, same for Turkey, Pakistan (already mentioned in the previous post about the elementary school) etc. They DO, in fact, attack their own. That cannot be denied. If you're saying they don't (deliberately) attack their own in Europe, that may be true (wouldn't know, don't know what ethnic groups were attacked the most in Belgium, recent thing, not a lot of info yet).


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Anders Breivik in Norway, or the weekly school shootings in the USA, give a lot of examples going back to Timothy McVeigh and further.

Anders Behring Breivik is from my country and he's scum of the earth. I actually hate that guy with all of my being.


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Sweden, another place that's completely gone, and will never recover.

Very sad. Praise the higher ups for being pathetic submissive people in charge.

Putin >

They rele need to shoot these people on sight, and keep them at bay. World is over populated, and war is the only way to decrease numbers. in a way death tolls from war.... can be seen as a positive, and neutral way to control numbers.

AIDS in Africa = Population control.


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In Europe, they don't attack their own, they will always stick to their own people if they have to make a choice.

They will never associate with us, stupid white people who don't even believe in Allah and discriminate them by just breathing.

This statement in bold may be true. In general, of course as I said, it isn't. Pakistan for example has 70K (if not more) victims caused by Islamic extremists. That country has a vast majority of muslims (90-95% I think, that is a lot).


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Oh not in the metro, outside yes, it would be kind of weird of seeing Arab men hanging out in that neighborhood.

They were in the metro coming from Molenbeek, usually they step out before this station.

Not this time. They didn't even get out of the wagon, they blew up themselves inside.

I'm sorry if I sound a little harsh or emotional, but I was supposed to go to the street where the bombing happened tomorrow morning for a job interview.

Of course it's already cancelled.

I wonder if your gf will atleast turn your calls now.


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Here's a quote from a writer in Swedens biggest newspaper:

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif]"Men enligt regeringens samordnare mot våldsbejakande extremism, Mona Sahlin, ska man komma håg att de mord som utförts av extremister under de senaste tjugo åren har utförts av högerextremister, inte av jihadister. En gnutta hopp denna tunga dag."
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif]
She wrote a review and her toughts about what happend and she ends it with basically "According to the governments coordinator against violent extremism, Mona Sahlin (outright evil person btw), you should remember that the killings that have been performed by extremists the last twenty years have been done by rightwing-extremists, not jihadist. A hint of hope this hard day".

Sweden is incredibly leftist. Anyone expressing any kind of conservative view is severely demonized by the media, especially by this newspaper.

I'm not joking that in every article that is about islamic terrorism they just absolutely MUST mention rightwing-extremism or such, as if rightwing-extremists were a movement actually capable of overthrowing the governement and doing jack **** in Sweden except for a random killing.


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The liberal elitists that have ruled the west for the last 60 years must be stopped if the west is to overcome its greatest challenge... and it isn't climate change. If we don't grow a pair of testicles then you can kiss goodbye to freedom. Countries like Belgium and Sweden already look far too gone and resemble third world cesspits not the grand proud countries they once were.


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In Europe, they don't attack their own, they will always stick to their own people if they have to make a choice.

They will never associate with us, stupid white people who don't even believe in Allah and discriminate them by just breathing.

Damn Fred, when I wrote that first post, I had no idea this would happen. stands with Belgium today.

Onto the leftist stranglehold discussion. It is not true that almost all muslims are one against the rest. In Europe, fundamentalist muslims tend to not attack other muslims because 1. non-muslims are plentiful, and 2. fundamentalists want to collect more power. In muslim majority countries, it is a different situation.

The liberals believe the muslim violent sect is small, and moreover that Islamic violence is primarily (and justifiably) targeted towards the white evil man who is responsible for the mess in the middle east. Both these facts are wrong, and as a result, the censorship is actually harming the muslims.
Video by a muslim, non-white woman:


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Further evaluation is needed when you say ISIS attacks their own people. Remember, ISIS is a Sunni jihadist group. Currently, there is a religious divide, one being Sunnis and the other being Shiites. ISIS is mainly attacking the Shiite Muslims in the Middle East.

Nonetheless, these animals are destroying Europe. The downfall of Europe began when Europe liberals opened their borders to 'refugees.' These refugees happen to be mostly men coming from Middle Eastern countries and North Africa. As a result, crimes have shot up rapidly. Women are getting raped. And terrorist attacks are happening. The saddest part is these governments wont do anything to help their own people. They will probably increase their migrant count, and spew out liberal BS lines like "In tough times like these, we must come as one," instead of coming up with solutions. Its upto white Europeans to stop this madness. This is a war against white Christians.


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Truth be told I don't know why Europe takes in migrants.

Immigration is only positive when your country has a capacity for assimilation, or maybe for cheap labour.

Europe can't assimilate worth a damn, prior to the Muslims the Jews faced a thousand years of pogroms leading up to the holocaust, and then they assimilated in the United States within a single generation.

Muslim migrants also don't provide cheap labour to Europe, I believe a lot of them are on welfare, so that actually raises the cost of labour.


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Further evaluation is needed when you say ISIS attacks their own people. Remember, ISIS is a Sunni jihadist group. Currently, there is a religious divide, one being Sunnis and the other being Shiites. ISIS is mainly attacking the Shiite Muslims in the Middle East.

I said Islamic extremists. There are more, like the Taliban. They don't necessarily discriminate between those two religious deviations. The mourning parents of those dead and burried children can testify to that. But, yeah there are those who mainly attack one of the two groups.


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Truth be told I don't know why Europe takes in migrants.

Immigration is only positive when your country has a capacity for assimilation, or maybe for cheap labour.

Europe can't assimilate worth a damn, prior to the Muslims the Jews faced a thousand years of pogroms leading up to the holocaust, and then they assimilated in the United States within a single generation.

Muslim migrants also don't provide cheap labour to Europe, I believe a lot of them are on welfare, so that actually raises the cost of labour.
Its not Europeans fault. Its the migrants fault. Reading your posts in this thread, you sound like a fool.


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Its not Europeans fault. Its the migrants fault. Reading your posts in this thread, you sound like a fool.

Europe creates these migrants, agrees to take them in, and then fails to assimilate them.

The door to Europe is wide open. Of course it's a policy failure.

Do you not understand the purpose of a ****ing government?