Brotzu Lotion (trinov) Progress Pictures And Diary


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hello guys

I ask myself a question

Should we use trinov for 6 months or is it a treatment for life ? o_O

I've read that you can lower the amount you use per week after so long but yeah it's a long term thing


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A female friend does it but to test for side effects etc.
I only use it for the front. Thus I probably manage with one bottle a month..perhaps.
Costs are only a minor concern. I am also using Avodart and microneedling. I hence speculate on synergies.

Regarding microneedling, one can also be your own test person. One scalp area at eg 1mm one a fortnight. The other area 1.5mm once a week. After a few months you know what works best for you.
I don't think it works like that. I did several sessions of needling on my hairline only before I started needling my entire scalp. There was definately a difference. Scalp feels noticeably healthier and the effects last longer, even on hairline which I already started needling previously. Even my forehead and facial skin felt better, which is not in my head since I have some minor seborrheic dermatitis around my nose and the inflammation went down there as well. I think the growth and healing factors do circulate with your bloodstream a bit to give a 1+1>2 result and there is a threshold of needling area that has to be reached to see marked effects.


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I definitely think trinov, without a doubt works. Just by my pic alone you can see regrowth and it's barely been 4 wks.


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Jist a bit of advice for anyone starting. I'd reccomend a good picture before you start by using the flash from your camera for the light!

I took a before picture under normal lamp light 3 weeks ago. I've just done one now in the bath while my hair is wet using the flash from my phone camera and the image is so much clearer and detailed for me to see any growth. Obviously I can see my hair loss in the picture under the lamp but I think this is much clearer to see with the flash on.

In the wet picture with the flash I can see tiny dark hairs along my hairline that I'm 90% sure weren't there before and also a few random dark hairs in areas of my receded hairline where there definitely weren't any before trinov!

Best of luck to you all.


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I'm around the 2 months mark and I see a good improvement. I see a lot of "fuzzy" hair on my temples where before it was slick bald and it seems they are getting darker. So far I'm happy with the result. Can't wait to arrive at the 6 months mark


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Due to shitty weather my trinov that was suppose to arrive 10 hours ago is now arrive on Monday but could very well be pushed till Thursday next week. Does trinov go bad sitting in a cool warehouse?


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Guys 12 hours till my trinov bottle gets here. Took only 2-3 days straight from Italy! My goal is to grow back my temples. I am on finasteride and I am also using synthetic calcitriol topical. Will also be taking gla and Ala supplements daily. I’ve seen many reports especially by women regrowing their thin hair with gla and ala supplements.

I outlined what I am trying to fill in. Hoping at 26 it isn’t to late to refill that gap in my hairline. Excited.
I think you'll be pleased with the results. I'm into week 8 and I'm seeing good new growth on my temples. I'm thinning on top and am hoping for better results there...time will tell. Hang in there, be patient. I'm 66, so far so good, minoxidil 5% and Trinov


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Can I order trinov in Asian countries like South Korea?

I finally purchased with delivery to Australia from Hair Shop Europe yesterday via free UPS, and estimated delivery is Tuesday. Can't see South Korea in their list of countries, but maybe if you send them an email they will let you know.


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Can i have an opinion please..
I've been on a combo of Finasteride+Minoxidil for over 3 years, microneedling with Derninator for over a year now and continuing with all those . I just had a transplant of frontal 1/3 and midscalp 2 months ago and things seem on track
My issue is the diffusely thinned crown just behind the transplanted section. I'm not keen on another procedure on it, as the risk of transection could lead to a substandard result.
I wonder if it's worth considering using Brotzu lotion on the crown in addition to my regime.. I see some of you are using Brotzu lotion instead of Finasteride; I'm not keen on ditching it, as it gave me some minor gains in the first 12 months and probably the reason i stabilised the hair loss. Is it too much to be adding Brotzu in addition to my regime in my situation?
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