Brotzu Lotion (trinov) Progress Pictures And Diary


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Our situations are very similar. I'm a pattern diffuse thinner as well and I've been on trinov about 11 weeks. I've also noticed an uptick in shedding lately. Not nearly as bad as when I was shedding from stopping minoxidil or when I first started trinov but I'm back to a few too many hairs on my pillow and in the comb. I'm still committed to seeing through trinov for at least 6 months but, today at least, I'm not feeling terribly encouraged.

Even the crapola study sponsored by Fidia points to a cessation of hair loss, increased percentage of hair in anagen phase and, yes, even an increase of nearly 10% in hair diameter by the 6th month. At this point, even that would feel alright.
How long were you using minoxidil and how long ago have you stopped using it? For me it was almost exactly the same time as starting Trinov (couple of days overlap).
Also I don't think I experienced a shed from Trinov itself. Unless it's the one I'm having now. It's more likely to be caused by stopping minoxidil though.

Let's both hang in there!


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How long were you using minoxidil and how long ago have you stopped using it? For me it was almost exactly the same time as starting Trinov (couple of days overlap).
Also I don't think I experienced a shed from Trinov itself. Unless it's the one I'm having now. It's more likely to be caused by stopping minoxidil though.

Let's both hang in there!

I used kirkland foam for about 2 years -- I tapered off of it about 2-3 months before trinov. I wasn't ever sure what minoxidil did for me until I had a massive shed when I stopped using it. I'm still glad I stopped it though. I look visibly slimmer and healthier in my face especially my eyes -- again I hadn't realized how bad those sides were until I stopped.

Ya, I have enough tinov for another 3-4 months. I'm still thankful for the chance to give it a try -- fair and square down the line. Let's see what you got Brotzu!

Ng Mobile

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Guys, let me summarize it again: 4 bottles, zero effects claimed, zero cosmetic effect and around 360 Euros spend (shipping costs included).
Minoxidil still does the job and it cost less. Brotzu study is clear, search and have a look.
Don´t really know what else are we all waiting for. on 3 months and a few days now and my hair is sh!tier then it was before i started it. Front end is so visible now that i have to grow the middle of my hair to add density to it. its like a frontal comb over which sucks especially if its windy outside!

i have 6 month supply so 3 more months to go and im 99% certain nothing is gonna change. I was really hopeful about trinov and i wish fidia sold these directly because i would 100% do a charge back on my CC just to teach them a lesson.

I have never done micro-needling but i think im going to start it on the weekend and apply trinov 36 hours later and see if anything will regrow back. Maybe it will work better this way; just like the minoxidil & micro-needling studies.
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74 on 3 months and a few days now and my hair is sh!tier then it was before i started it. Front end is so visible now that i have to grow the middle of my hair to add density to it. its like a frontal comb over which sucks especially if its windy outside!

i have 6 month supply so 3 more months to go and im 99% certain nothing is gonna change. I was really hopeful about trinov and i wish fidia sold these directly because i would 100% do a charge back on my CC just to teach them a lesson.
I hate to be the one to say this but you may want to look into including one of the other treatments. Your hair loss just seems too aggressive to rely on this alone to stop it.


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Nooo. Wait until 6 month, maybe 1 year.. Maybe you will get awesome results.. Fidia said lotion does not do sh*t, but maaaaaybee it will work for you!!!
Lol. Band of retards
Dude youre just hating cause you chemicaly castrated yourself with finasteride but still went bald and it too late for you to use Trinov


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1,403 on 3 months and a few days now and my hair is sh!tier then it was before i started it. Front end is so visible now that i have to grow the middle of my hair to add density to it. its like a frontal comb over which sucks especially if its windy outside!

i have 6 month supply so 3 more months to go and im 99% certain nothing is gonna change. I was really hopeful about trinov and i wish fidia sold these directly because i would 100% do a charge back on my CC just to teach them a lesson.

I have never done micro-needling but i think im going to start it on the weekend and apply trinov 36 hours later and see if anything will regrow back. Maybe it will work better this way; just like the minoxidil & micro-needling studies.

Be careful what you say. You may offend some pro brotzu members here and they may suggest you no longer post here, because it doesnt please them.
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Minoxidil doesn't do the job for me anymore. I was looking for something to add to the regiment.

Month 2 update:
I was enjoying little to no hairloss until a couple of days ago. I'm afraid the reckoning for stopping minoxidil is coming and Trinov can't stop it. The amount of hair in the shower went from 0-3 to around 12. And I'm getting an itch which wasn't there before. I'm contemplating resuming minoxidil maybe once a day. The problem is that I think I was getting heart palpitations when using both at the same time. I'm gonna give it a couple more days and see if I get struck by the hammer of minoxidil gods.

Apart from that I'm observing no changes in density. Though the overall quality of the hair feels better. Just fyi I'm a pattern diffuse thinner. Meaning that I have mostly diffuse thinning but not everywhere. Plus I also have temples.

Try zix. I used to want to stab my scalp with a fork and rake it across my head because the itch was so bad. I was losing 150-200 hairs easy. With zix I lose maybe 20-25 in the shower and my itch is completely gone. You're losing much less than me though. Ive maintained for the most part with some recession, but that's over 14 years using it.


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I used kirkland foam for about 2 years -- I tapered off of it about 2-3 months before trinov. I wasn't ever sure what minoxidil did for me until I had a massive shed when I stopped using it. I'm still glad I stopped it though. I look visibly slimmer and healthier in my face especially my eyes -- again I hadn't realized how bad those sides were until I stopped.

Ya, I have enough tinov for another 3-4 months. I'm still thankful for the chance to give it a try -- fair and square down the line. Let's see what you got Brotzu!
Hey Mate, I have been having the same sides from Monoxidil. Really messes with your face. It worked great for me though, really sad it has such side effects. Been using it on and off.
I gave up Minoxidil just before starting Trinov, so my shedding was under control to begin with but I feel I lose even less with Trinov now. Only thing that scares me is, minoxidil effects stays on for few months after you stop it so not sure what will happen when I pass that mark. Hope Trinov will be able to keep things together.

Lets hang in and try this for at least 6 months. I really dont want to get back on Minoxidil as it really makes you look bad :(

Cheers to the wait


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Disappointing to hear people aren't getting results. Shaving my head kind of distorted the reliability of mine. But I'll stay optimistic

Going to use the dropper now since spray is sh*t if you still have a lot of hair, though 2 droppers seems more than 1ML to me

If this is a bust we've got nothing for years. Why couldn't I be one of those balding people who don't give a sh*t (aka not vain). Oh well


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Disappointing to hear people aren't getting results. Shaving my head kind of distorted the reliability of mine. But I'll stay optimistic

Going to use the dropper now since spray is sh*t if you still have a lot of hair, though 2 droppers seems more than 1ML to me

If this is a bust we've got nothing for years. Why couldn't I be one of those balding people who don't give a sh*t (aka not vain). Oh well

You may want to keep an eye on CM-3 from Medipost Fingers crossed it is as effective for men as it is for woman.


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Stopped 6-month minoxidil 2% treatment right before week 1

(Result from Trinov, nothing else)

To be continued
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View attachment 115386

Stopped 6-month minoxidil 2% treatment right before week 1

(Result from Trinov, nothing else)

To be continued

There's something going on there for sure...keep up the good work. How old are you? I'm assuming you're male?

That small mole gives a good reference to see that there are a few new sprouts here and there. Maybe it would give a clearer view if you comb the hair away from the freckle each time you took a picture as some of the new coverage is also your hair growing over 8 weeks as well, I assume.
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Test subject X

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the second look way better, but don't know if it's the light that cause that. and i'm not sure if there is a difference in light between the two pictures

Lighting + hair lenght does have some play. However, I took other pictures + look in the mirror alot and I see improvement. It could be seasonal also. Im cautiously optimistic. I also noticed that the itch went away by about 80- 90%. I would feel it in the crown and hairline before trinov.

James Peachy

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No finasteride/min.

I needle the hairline about every 10 days. However I don't see any drastic changes in the hairline besides itch going away. Overall my hair feels more dense.
Fingers crossed.

My overall hair is definitely denser on Trinov however I’m holding full judgement to 6 months and 12 months. I want to see how my 3 and 4 week shed grows back in. Trinov only here. Week 10 long ways to go.