Brotzu Lotion (trinov) Progress Pictures And Diary


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About 60 days in.

Wow only 60 days?? I'm assuming you didn't experience a temporary shed period. You got more visible results in 2 months than the infamous subject in the study did after 6 months (the one where you couldn't even distinguish which one was the before or after pic).


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I used Trinov for two weeks and stopped because my penis went numb. Erections and the tissue just feels weird now too. It’s been three weeks and no change and the urologist says there is nothing wrong. Anyone have serious sexual sides. I tried this as a safe alternative and I can’t believe what happened and I’ve had no feeling of any recovery. I feel like I’ve ruined my life. I felt a weird burning in my balls when starting it, but ignored it for a week.


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I used Trinov for two weeks and stopped because my penis went numb. Erections and the tissue just feels weird now too. It’s been three weeks and no change and the urologist says there is nothing wrong. Anyone have serious sexual sides. I tried this as a safe alternative and I can’t believe what happened and I’ve had no feeling of any recovery. I feel like I’ve ruined my life. I felt a weird burning in my balls when starting it, but ignored it for a week.

Surely, Trinov has nothing to do with it. Just coincidence..timewise..
Maybe a new lady will fix it :)
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I used Trinov for two weeks and stopped because my penis went numb. Erections and the tissue just feels weird now too. It’s been three weeks and no change and the urologist says there is nothing wrong. Anyone have serious sexual sides. I tried this as a safe alternative and I can’t believe what happened and I’ve had no feeling of any recovery. I feel like I’ve ruined my life. I felt a weird burning in my balls when starting it, but ignored it for a week.

I would say one week is too short to evoke such severe sides, especially from a lotion. The best remedy is abstinence from p**rn, a lady who doesn't put any pressure on you, a healthy lifestyle and your acceptance that your penis does what he wants anyway.


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The timing just lines up exactly with the lotion use. And using the lotion my nipples in two weeks developed gyno and hurt like f*****g hell. My hair texture drastically changed for the better. I wish it was in my head but if those two large changes ocurred quickly, to me it makes sense the sexual side effects also could have came on quickl as well.


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I've been using Trinov for the past 3 months. Had a shed after 4-5 weeks and haven't recovered from it. Actually my hair looks worse, I'm losing notably more exactly where I apply it, hairline and crown, although I didn't have much loss in the crown area. I'm a female user.


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The timing just lines up exactly with the lotion use. And using the lotion my nipples in two weeks developed gyno and hurt like f*****g hell. My hair texture drastically changed for the better. I wish it was in my head but if those two large changes ocurred quickly, to me it makes sense the sexual side effects also could have came on quickl as well.



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I've been using Trinov for the past 3 months. Had a shed after 4-5 weeks and haven't recovered from it. Actually my hair looks worse, I'm losing notably more exactly where I apply it, hairline and crown, although I didn't have much loss in the crown area. I'm a female user.

Hi Sofia, does that mean that your bad shed stopped? Or is it still a bit elevated? If its back to normal then you just have to wait for regrowth. It just takes forever and that causes panic and headaches.. :(


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I think Trinov is giving me pretty bad ball ache. Ive been using sandalore and Trinov and my hair has gotten thinner but Im also seeig tiny hairs growing in. I stopped sandalore on sunday to see if that is whats causing it and im still getting hardcore ball ache. I will continue Trinov on its own for a bit to decide.

This sucks sandalore on its own basically gets rid of my itch while Trinov on its own only reduces the itch. Im pretty dissapointed in the product so far. Im also using about 2 bottles per month because 1ml simply isnt enough product.


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I think Trinov is giving me pretty bad ball ache. Ive been using sandalore and Trinov and my hair has gotten thinner but Im also seeig tiny hairs growing in. I stopped sandalore on sunday to see if that is whats causing it and im still getting hardcore ball ache. I will continue Trinov on its own for a bit to decide.

This sucks sandalore on its own basically gets rid of my itch while Trinov on its own only reduces the itch. Im pretty dissapointed in the product so far. Im also using about 2 bottles per month because 1ml simply isnt enough product.

How do you apply Trinov?
I shake the bottle hard before use and massage it into my damp scalp ie after a hair wash. I also have been using a 0.25 mm dermaroller since a few days for better absorption.


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I'm just under 3 weeks in. I'm applying the lotion using the spray (6 sprays over the front/temple area rubbed in) and I'm noticing some very soft dark hairs appearing where my temples have thinned, it's fairly minor, but they're there.

For the record, I'm not using anything else but Trinov (and never have used anything else), so any gains can only be attributed to Trinov. I'll keep applying daily as normal and update if/when I see anything further.

Unlike others, I've not experienced a 'shed' from Trinov, I still lose what I would class as a normal amount of hair every day (don't we lose something like 100 hairs a day anyway?) and notice no further thinning where I apply Trinov or elsewhere on my head.
Small update - so I'm now almost 3 months in, the small hairs that were growing in are still there but aren't particularly noticeable. I'm an nw2-2.5 and it seems like my 'widow's peak' has thinned a little (I'm only putting Trinov on my temples and the peak), however, I'm not too concerned as it's easily resolved with a touch of toppik (praying to the hair Gods it doesn't thin further). Fingers crossed the Trinov helps it grow back. I've also started microneedling, I've done this once so far and will do it once a week.

I'll keep this up for another 3/4 months and see what comes of it. I, unlike some others here, have not experienced any significant side effects. Libido is fine, if anything higher than usual recently. The only 'side effect' I've experienced is that I sometimes wake during the night if I put it on before bed. However, I can't say for sure if it's the Trinov or anything else so the jury is out on that one, it's not enough to prevent me from using it anyway.


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Hi Sofia, does that mean that your bad shed stopped? Or is it still a bit elevated? If its back to normal then you just have to wait for regrowth. It just takes forever and that causes panic and headaches.. :(
Hi @Rudi, well in the beginning I was very happy because instead of 200+ on washing days, I was losing 100 sometimes even less. Then came the shed and now I am losing 160-200 again. So I can't tell if the shed is over or my loss just accelerated. But I can tell for sure that it's more visible where I apply and most of the hairs are the finer ones. Do you think that it is like with minoxidil, you lose in the beginning? Thank you for always replying. :)


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The timing just lines up exactly with the lotion use. And using the lotion my nipples in two weeks developed gyno and hurt like f*****g hell. My hair texture drastically changed for the better. I wish it was in my head but if those two large changes ocurred quickly, to me it makes sense the sexual side effects also could have came on quickl as well.


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Hi @Rudi, well in the beginning I was very happy because instead of 200+ on washing days, I was losing 100 sometimes even less. Then came the shed and now I am losing 160-200 again. So I can't tell if the shed is over or my loss just accelerated. But I can tell for sure that it's more visible where I apply and most of the hairs are the finer ones. Do you think that it is like with minoxidil, you lose in the beginning? Thank you for always replying. :)

Hi Sofia, I am not an expert. I just can make educated guesses.
1. Did you consult a dermatologist?
2. Do you dye your hair? I did once using Wella for men. My hair got thinner because of all the chemicals. An ex of mine recommended biological dye colours. Now I am using Logona. They are certified by different organizations in Germany. And indeed, my hair recovered. It also increases thickness due to a layer that forms around the hair. Logona can be a bit of a pain to use though!!
3. Have a look in my regimen. I have detailed there, what I am using. Avodart is my first line of defence. It has been my saviour. I also needle once a fortnight
4. People have doubts about Trinov. I am not sure if its good or not. I am not concerned about the price. I have been wasting money on much more expensive things in my life. Have a look in my post from earlier today. It details how I apply it. On damp hair its much better to use. The hair itself is full of water hence it probably absorbs less Trinov. Therefore I have less greasy hair. A damp scalp improves absorption. BTW, shaking and massaging it into the scalp is written in the instructions section (in Italian).
Time will tell if it is effective or not. I dont like minoxidil due to sides.
5. Shedding: my understanding is that increased shedding is a normal process for perhaps about two weeks. Google minoxidil shedding. There is a lot of info. Because Trinov is supposed to work in a similar way you probably have to expect shedding. However yours is pretty strong. I am having since 10 days increased shedding. Perhaps 40 hairs in the shower..used to be around 20. Bad feeling to be honest but I accept it. For you I guess its best to accept it too. However you have a high shedding rate. Again, make sure you are not using chemical dye and see a dermatologist if you have not done so already. I am using Logona nettle shampoo. Its also certified. I dont use the supermarket stuff!!
6. Keep an eye on Medipost CM-3. In the relevant thread I wrote a post that links to Medipost information. If all legit, no worries anymore. I think I mentioned that a few weeks in a reply to you.



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Hi Sofia, I am not an expert. I just can make educated guesses.
1. Did you consult a dermatologist?
2. Do you dye your hair? I did once using Wella for men. My hair got thinner because of all the chemicals. An ex of mine recommended biological dye colours. Now I am using Logona. They are certified by different organizations in Germany. And indeed, my hair recovered. It also increases thickness due to a layer that forms around the hair. Logona can be a bit of a pain to use though!!
3. Have a look in my regimen. I have detailed there, what I am using. Avodart is my first line of defence. It has been my saviour. I also needle once a fortnight
4. People have doubts about Trinov. I am not sure if its good or not. I am not concerned about the price. I have been wasting money on much more expensive things in my life. Have a look in my post from earlier today. It details how I apply it. On damp hair its much better to use. The hair itself is full of water hence it probably absorbs less Trinov. Therefore I have less greasy hair. A damp scalp improves absorption. BTW, shaking and massaging it into the scalp is written in the instructions section (in Italian).
Time will tell if it is effective or not. I dont like minoxidil due to sides.
5. Shedding: my understanding is that increased shedding is a normal process for perhaps about two weeks. Google minoxidil shedding. There is a lot of info. Because Trinov is supposed to work in a similar way you probably have to expect shedding. However yours is pretty strong. I am having since 10 days increased shedding. Perhaps 40 hairs in the shower..used to be around 20. Bad feeling to be honest but I accept it. For you I guess its best to accept it too. However you have a high shedding rate. Again, make sure you are not using chemical dye and see a dermatologist if you have not done so already. I am using Logona nettle shampoo. Its also certified. I dont use the supermarket stuff!!
6. Keep an eye on Medipost CM-3. In the relevant thread I wrote a post that links to Medipost information. If all legit, no worries anymore. I think I mentioned that a few weeks in a reply to you.

Hi Rudi, thank you for your feedback.
I have been to several dermatologists, they cannot help me, I have always have had this rate of hair loss since the beginning 10 years ago. Actually I'm amazed that I still have hair! I don't use any dye, only natural shampoos. I guess my hair has basically cycled so much that the hair growing now is just miniaturized. Apart from Trinov I take the bc which should help and vitamins, minerals, Avodart is not an option for me.
It is thought as if some users here also say, their hair is thinner on the spots where they apply it.
I guess I just have to accept it but it's hard.
Cheers & thx


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For those who are also microneedling, do you apply trinov 24h (next day) after or 36h to be safe for sure?


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Hi @Rudi, well in the beginning I was very happy because instead of 200+ on washing days, I was losing 100 sometimes even less. Then came the shed and now I am losing 160-200 again. So I can't tell if the shed is over or my loss just accelerated. But I can tell for sure that it's more visible where I apply and most of the hairs are the finer ones. Do you think that it is like with minoxidil, you lose in the beginning? Thank you for always replying. :)

So you experienced an initial reduction of shedding, then an accelerated period where you lost more than your usual amount and now your shedding is back to the way it was before using Trinov?