Bryan87's Story - (23 /need help)


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My name is Bryan I'm 23 and I'm new to this forum. I'm found this forum online some months back and since than I started reading it and now I decided to try it.

Well here is my story. As I said I'm a 23 years old male from the USA. Last year around the month of July-August I started experiencing some hair lost. I didn't put to much attention to it, since I had this problem when I was around 17-18 years old and it stop. By the month Sep-Oct I noticed that it was too much and I decided to go to my doctor to find and answer and all he told me was that I just had too much stress and that it was normal to loose 100-150 hairs per day. He was right, because during that time I was going through a very hard time and wasn't eating and sleeping right. To me it was a little a weird, because I never had this problem before and never had any hair falling. By the month of December I didn't noticed any improvements, so I decided to go to the doctor again and kind of explain my situation to him again and this time he gave me something to try. This is the name of what he gave me "Fougera Fluocinolone Aceitone Topical Solution USP 0.01%" I did some re-search on it and couldn't find to much information on it. I try it for a little while and notice that hair was falling even faster and decided to quit using it on it. While reading I found that a lot people where using "Nizoral" and decided to buy it. So far it has help, but I still feel that I need something more to help me. I was thinking about buying Rogaine Foam, but I was reading that it makes your hair fall out even faster and that new hair will grow back, but it's not guarantee and if it does it won't grow more than 2". At this point I'm not sure what to do. My Dad is bald, so I used to think that I was going to loose my hair at some point, but not at this age. My hair falls a lot from the top, close to the crown. I have temples (if that's what they are called) Well actually I had them since I was a kind, except that they have gotten a little bigger now. I when I touch my hair it feels soft and kind of thin and recently now I feel that I'm loosing the same amount of hair that I was loosing back Sep-Oct. At this point I don't know what to do? I want to go and see my doctor, but I'm scare to go and get the same answer. I want to post some pictures, but I'm not sure how to do it. Can someone tell me?

Thank you


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Re: New to forum and need help (23)

Before you use any hair loss treatments you must be sure what your condition is. I suggest you post pictures or visit a dermatologist.

IF its male pattern baldness you can hop on the Big 3 (Finasteride, Nizoral, Minoxidil). Whereas finasteride tackles the root cause, and minoxidil is a growth agent. I always advise to start 1 treatment and wait a year for the results before adding other things. Maybe you'll be fine on minoxidil/finasteride alone. Remember that Finasteride en Minoxidil are a serious medicines though.


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Re: New to forum and need help (23)

Sebastien said:
Before you use any hair loss treatments you must be sure what your condition is. I suggest you post pictures or visit a dermatologist.

IF its male pattern baldness you can hop on the Big 3 (Finasteride, Nizoral, Minoxidil). Whereas finasteride tackles the root cause, and minoxidil is a growth agent. I always advise to start 1 treatment and wait a year for the results before adding other things. Maybe you'll be fine on minoxidil/finasteride alone. Remember that Finasteride en Minoxidil are a serious medicines though.

I'm trying to post some pictures, but for some reason I can't. Can someone tell me how to do it?

I called my insurance yesterday to see if they cover a dermatologist and they do. I just need to get a referral from my doctor in order for me to see one. Honestly I don't trust my doctor any more. Every time I used to tell him about my hair he would just tell me something completely different and he never even checked it. To me is a little weird, because it falls but it grows fast. I'm going to try again to post pictures.

Thank you


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Re: New to forum and need help (23)







I will try to get better pictures, but for now this is the best I can do. I hope it helps.

Thanks in advance


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Re: New to forum and need help (23)

Ok. I just took some pictures right now. Please be the judge. I'm getting a little scare right now, I'm not sure if I'm the one who is over reacting or what it is. Someone please tell me where I stand right now? Please take a look at my temples and my crown and tell me how it looks? As I said before I have been using Nizoral for around two months and it has help a lot. I probably loose some where between 40-60 hairs per day maybe less sometimes I can even tell. My doctor says that it is normal to loose between 100-150 per day. I'm getting a little freak out about all this. Please I need an advice.

Thank you

Here are the pictures. This were take today 04/08/2011











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Re: New to forum and need help (23)

bryan87 said:
King_without_a_crown said:
I think your crown looks fine.

Thank you.

I'm just a little paranoid about this.

Try to look at your self sideways with two mirrors if you don't see any scalp you shouldn't be worried.

But according to me, what you have in the back looks like a cowlick.

Maybe take some pictures in a few months to see if there is some change.


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Re: New to forum and need help (23)

King_without_a_crown said:
bryan87 said:
[quote="King_without_a_crown":257u9jy2]I think your crown looks fine.

Thank you.

I'm just a little paranoid about this.

Try to look at your self sideways with two mirrors if you don't see any scalp you shouldn't be worried.

But according to me, what you have in the back looks like a cowlick.

Maybe take some pictures in a few months to see if there is some change.[/quote:257u9jy2]

I will try to that. Like I said I'm new to all this and that's why I'm a little paranoid. If you look on the first pictures that I took it doesn't look like that.
Today in the morning I put one some cream, I guess that's why it looks like that, but knows. I just want to know where I stand right now?

Thank you


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Re: New to forum and need help (23)

I'm not sure about rogaine foam but I used rogaine liquid and it works quite well for me. Fortunately, the only real recession I notice is in your temples. The top of your head does not show a visible scalp and you have a natural cowlick. I'd apply the solution to all areas for good measure but your focus area should be your temples. I was able to regrow some temple hairs without specifically applying the solution to that area so I imagine specifically


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Re: New to forum and need help (23)

Well, reading your story and seeing you claim you've been losing hair slowly since 17/18 years old I think you would be fine with Finasteride alone. My hairloss started around the same age but when I was 19, I was already pretty noticably receding.

I think Sebastien gave pretty good advice on the first page. First try one medication (I would use finasteride if I where you) for a year, then if you don't see improvement / stabilisation add Rogaine. And if you're really concerned, wash your hair with Ketaconazol shampoo (Nizoral in USA I believe).

I personally think finasteride alone is easier and more effective than Minoxidil alone, cause you have to apply minoxidil twice a day- while finasteride is just a pill you take once a day. Also, finasteride takes the hairloss problem to the root to elliminate DHT greatly, while minoxidil is just a growth stimulant which won't do anything to hairloss itself (won't reverse balding progress, so you might regrow- then lose again). Still, both are good medications, and I believe you'll be fine with the Big 3.

Best of luck to you.


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Re: New to forum and need help (23)

masontrc said:
I'm not sure about rogaine foam but I used rogaine liquid and it works quite well for me. Fortunately, the only real recession I notice is in your temples. The top of your head does not show a visible scalp and you have a natural cowlick. I'd apply the solution to all areas for good measure but your focus area should be your temples. I was able to regrow some temple hairs without specifically applying the solution to that area so I imagine specifically

Thank you for your answer. I feel a little more comfortable now. Well from what I understand and also according to my Mother my temples were already like that since I was born. I was looking at some baby pictures and I didn't have any recession on my temples. I want to go and see a dermatologist to see what he recommends. I feel that a lot hair falls from the top of my head and I look at my self on the mirror and everything looks normal. I want to grow some hair on my temples, but I'm not sure what to apply on it.

Thank you,


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Re: New to forum and need help (23)

deadlocks said:
Well, reading your story and seeing you claim you've been losing hair slowly since 17/18 years old I think you would be fine with Finasteride alone. My hairloss started around the same age but when I was 19, I was already pretty noticably receding.

I think Sebastien gave pretty good advice on the first page. First try one medication (I would use finasteride if I where you) for a year, then if you don't see improvement / stabilisation add Rogaine. And if you're really concerned, wash your hair with Ketaconazol shampoo (Nizoral in USA I believe).

I personally think finasteride alone is easier and more effective than Minoxidil alone, cause you have to apply minoxidil twice a day- while finasteride is just a pill you take once a day. Also, finasteride takes the hairloss problem to the root to elliminate DHT greatly, while minoxidil is just a growth stimulant which won't do anything to hairloss itself (won't reverse balding progress, so you might regrow- then lose again). Still, both are good medications, and I believe you'll be fine with the Big 3.

Best of luck to you.

It actually only happened once from what I remember, when I was 17/18 years old that I lost hair for the first time and it stopped. I started noticing that I was loosing a lot of hair last year and that's when I got concerned about it and decided to do something about it. The only thing that has really help is Nizoral. From what I read here I wasn't using Nizoral properly. I see that most people that use Nizoral they only use it 2/3 times a week and I was using it everyday. It was a couple of weeks ago that started using 2/3 times week. I will take pictures every week to keep track of everything. Nizoral has diffidently (not sure is that's right) help. I was loosing much more before using it. I want to see a dermatologist before using anything else. I want to do a little more research on Finasteride. I want to know what the side effects are? What I really want is to grow some hair on my temples. I don't know if Finasteride will help on that. Like I said I'm new to all this. I will be getting a haircut this week and I will post some pictures as soonest I do. I want you guys to tell me were I stand.

Thank you


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Your condition is similar to mine, my crown hair started thinning when I was got worse in mid-twenties but after 4 years of continuous use of propecia and Rogaine foam I retained mine hairline intact. Just stick to routine and you will get favorable results but don’t expect it too early.


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Your condition is similar to mine, my crown hair started thinning when I was got worse in mid-twenties but after 4 years of continuous use of propecia and Rogaine foam I retained mine hairline intact. Just stick to routine and you will get favorable results but don’t expect it too early.


Actually according to some people here I have what they called " A natural cowlick crown." Is also kind of weird because I don't loose hair from my crown. I do loose some hair from the top of my head, but is less now than before. I want to start using Rogaine, but I want to see my doctor before doing it. I want to be able to grow some hair on my temples and I want to ask my doctor, if there is something that I can use for that. Last time I saw him I ask him about my crown and according to him is normal. He also recommended B complex vitamins. Can someone tell me something about that? According to him it helps a lot.

Thank you


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Ok guys I will take some more pictures when I get home. I already spoke to my doctor and I will see him on the 25th of this month to get referral to go and see a dermatologist. Any more suggestions on my case?


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Ok guys I'm writing from my phone right now. I dont know if you guys can tell me what it is, but. I was looking at of my hairs right now and I noticed that it was very thin from, but the rest of it thick. I'm not sure what is, but I'm getting very paranoid about this. Nizoral helps, but I want something to make my hair thicker and stronger. As I said before I'm going to see my doctor on the 25th. Can someone please tell me why is my hair like that?


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finfighter said:
bryan87 said:
Ok guys I'm writing from my phone right now. I dont know if you guys can tell me what it is, but. I was looking at of my hairs right now and I noticed that it was very thin from, but the rest of it thick. I'm not sure what is, but I'm getting very paranoid about this. Nizoral helps, but I want something to make my hair thicker and stronger. As I said before I'm going to see my doctor on the 25th. Can someone please tell me why is my hair like that?

It may be from minaturization, but there's no way to be certain, just don't obsess over it, you're doing everything you can by going to the dermatologist.

Ok, since I was writing from phone I was reading back on my post and I noticed that left somethings out. What I meant is that I was looking at one my hair and I noticed that it was thin from the root and the rest of it was think. I'm not sure what it is? My hair is a little long right now and I will be getting a hair cut this week. The last time I saw my doctor he told me that I could take some B complex vitamins. According to him they help your hair to grow thicker and stronger. I'm not sure if that's true? Does anyone know? I will get some pictures up today.

Here is my other question. Does any one know anything about this product? It's call "Fougera Fluocinolone Acetonide Topical solution USP, 0.01% 60mL" I did some research, but wasn't able to find any info. Does any one know?
