Hey, Bryan. Yes, you and I seem to be going through the same problem. I had no complaints with my hair until the moment I moved from LA to Boston. I came here to start grad-school. School made me stressed, I missed lots of sleep, and ate differently. Almost instantly I started seeing hairs falling on my desk. I can't even run my hand through my hair without ending up with 3-5 hairs on my hand each time. I'm sure you know how scary it can be.
I've been systematically trying to return things to the way they used to be when I lived back home to hopefully stop the hair loss:
1. I've been sleeping well since January.
2. I've returned to my normal diet, plus a protein shake every night.
3. I started taking a multi-vitamin and vitamin D supplements.
So far the hair is still falling. I have a crazy theory that it might be due to moving to a region with practically no sunlight. I used to live in Los Angeles, which is very sunny, and Boston is very cloudy, plus I spend every waking moment indoors studying. I'm normally tan, but this is the palest I've ever been. My reasons for this theory are as follows:
1. Laser Comb claims to work by promoting hair growth through light stimulation.
2. Online accounts that people shed most hair during winter months.
3. Forum posts
such as these that has accounts of people losing hair when moving away from sunny climates.
4. Facebook comparison of LA friends with Boston friends, I think I notice a noticeably higher incidence of hairline recession in Boston.
5. My personal experience was that the hair loss started after I stopped receiving sunlight.
I admit that this theory might sound a bit far-fetched, but I want to test it over the summer. I'm planning on receiving copious amounts of sunlight, and see what results I get. I'll keep you posted. If that doesn't work, I might have to start Rogaine or Propecia, but I don't want to use them until I exhaust all other possibilities.
Wish me luck.