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CCS said:
And when I say average, I don't mean the average person in the united states. The US has a ton of obese people. And average person is probably 50 pounds overweight. When I say average, I mean genetically average, but somewhat physically active. I mean people who make a modest effort at fitness, but maybe just don't have it down. That and genetically above average people who don't make any effort and have let their bodies go just a bit.

Wow... that's something new....

Suddenly the definition of "average" has shifted to imply the upper 50%. The average of the top 50% would mean you are talking about the top 25%.

At least you are admiting that you are aiming for something way above the average....


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The following quote is from The Ears thread...

CCS said:
I like my ears. One is 1/4 inch higher than the other, and they stick out a bit, but I don't notice it often. I'd like it if they were a bit better, but I know you can't change them since they are sitting in a bone hole, so I don't worry about it. I doubt women notice.

CCS, do you remember that PM I sent you some time ago? I was telling you how when I hit rock bottom I started paying attention to all the little things in my body? I also said that that sort of mentality is a sign of serious mental instability?

Your message proves my whole point. You checked the symmetry of your ears... Can you not see it for yourself? Who the hell pays such attention to the symmetry to his ears, unless it's very obvious?

You do have some sort of body dysmorphic disorder. You over analyse everything.


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I got one question for you, CCS... I think that you've been asked this many times here but I haven't seen you answer it once:



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I think you are being a bit dishonest about the definition of average. The average 40 year old does not look like the average 20 year old. The average 20 year old is probably in the top 10% compared to 40 year olds. The average 20 year old from 1980 is a lot thinner than the average 20 year old from 2008.

With the definition of "average" changing every year as americans get fatter, and my desire staying exactly the same, I have every right to define what I mean by average. Unless you weight 7 billion people, you could not define average. If you walked into a room full of fat women, I doubt you'd want to date the average one in there.

Quantum Cat

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CCS said:
One thing I did learn about dating, from experience, is you need to date someone who sleeps as much as you do, and at the same time you do. This one girl sleep 4 hours per night and needed my attention the rest of the time. I enjoyed giving her attention, but she wore me out in just 48 hours of me not getting sleep. And when I did sleep, she wanted me to cuddle her the whole time, which cut off circulation in my arm. Cuddling was fun, but I was exhausted the next day and happy to go home and see her later.

why didn't you have sex with her? you could have used the other arm.


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CCS, what do you think is the most effective way to boost your 10 point rating, in terms of cost/benefit.


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CCS said:
I think you are being a bit dishonest about the definition of average. The average 40 year old does not look like the average 20 year old. The average 20 year old is probably in the top 10% compared to 40 year olds. The average 20 year old from 1980 is a lot thinner than the average 20 year old from 2008.

With the definition of "average" changing every year as americans get fatter, and my desire staying exactly the same, I have every right to define what I mean by average. Unless you weight 7 billion people, you could not define average. If you walked into a room full of fat women, I doubt you'd want to date the average one in there.

Average means average,(Dictionary definition = Midway between extremes, not out of the ordinary,common)
the average 30 yr old now in 2009 thats what you should be looking at! Not comparing hot 20 yr olds.
Your own age range. As a 30 yr old the average 20 yr old is not going to be looking at you.
Look at the women around you if 6/10 of them are fat then the average woman is fat and if only 3 of them are fit then that is not the average that is the upper end of the scale. If you omly fancy 2 out of every 10 women you see then you are choosing way above average. But it has to be by age range you cant expect a 45 yr old woman to look as good as most 20 yr olds even if she's the top 10% of 45 yr old women.

CCS said:
That is why it is hard for me to date even average looking women. Most of them blow their money on immediate fun stuff, and don't plan to save for anything.

Thats the way the majority think, live life for today make the most of everyday. Not being afraid to take a chance and trying to preserve themselves against ageing.
You think its going to be attractive to a woman? a paranoid, insecure, miserly guy scrimping his earnings to save for some theoritical future that will never happen.
Your only hope at the moment is to find a woman with the same neurostic disorder as yourself, and you are a rare breed dude!


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CCS said:
ali777 said:
Let's face it, hairloss is tough. It is a constant reminder that we are adults, and that we can never be that playful kid again. Then again, why would we want to be playful kids again? You are 40? Don't you think it's kinda normal for a 40yo to have a degree of balding? Are you really that different from your peers (I don't mean college students, I mean 40yos)?

Hey you said it... Hairloss makes you try harder, and it might mean your next relationship is a long lasting one based on personality and not looks. You should be experienced enough to know that mutual understanding is more important than looks. I don't want to sound like I have very low standards, but I seriously care more about that mutual understanding than looks.

So, we do agree that we aren't Brad Pitts, but that shouldn't stop us from living our lives.

^^This is not helping.

Stop being unrealistic and come back to Earth....

You want me to say that 30yo guys are extremely attractive to the average 20yo? It does happen, there are lots of guys in their 30s that go out with a 20yo. However, finding someone 5-6 years younger is hard, not because we are ugly, but because they wouldn't be interested in an "old" man.

The question should be, why are you interested in the young girls in the first place? You think and act like a grandfather, you have no chance with those girls. Even if do manage to get one, you won't be able to satisfy her. It's more about the mentality than the looks.


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90% of the women my age are married. 90% of the women where I live are 20. Suggestions? I think online dating is fake, though I do plan to try the "manyfishinthesea" or whatever site. I doubt they'd have fake profiles if they are free. Worst case a bot invites me to a pay site and I report that profile.

The last two women I dated were 23. Age was not the issue. Well, my not going to parties was a bit of a problem. Mostly just my not going to restaurants was a bigger issue.

As for thinking like a grand father, well, that is sort of true. I'm obcessed with politics. I hate the statists, and fantasize about overhauling the who government system. Not sure how many of those partiers would be interested in what I have to say. One of them said, "Let the country fall apart, that way we can get to building it back up sooner."


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CCS.. what do you plan to do the day you measure your arms and realise you have reached 15inch biceps?



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CCS said:
90% of the women my age are married. 90% of the women where I live are 20. Suggestions? I think online dating is fake, though I do plan to try the "manyfishinthesea" or whatever site. I doubt they'd have fake profiles if they are free. Worst case a bot invites me to a pay site and I report that profile.

The last two women I dated were 23. Age was not the issue. Well, my not going to parties was a bit of a problem. Mostly just my not going to restaurants was a bigger issue.

As for thinking like a grand father, well, that is sort of true. I'm obcessed with politics. I hate the statists, and fantasize about overhauling the who government system. Not sure how many of those partiers would be interested in what I have to say. One of them said, "Let the country fall apart, that way we can get to building it back up sooner."

I'm gonna show you a bit of sympathy here.... I was talking about relationships, etc with a very close female friend last weekend. She's 30+yo, and she's struggling with finding men around her age. She was saying that all the suitable candidates are married and she can't get anyone decent..... I don't really know what she expects, but I get the impression she is looking for a toyboy type fit guy. I don't really want to give her the bad news, but young and fit guys wouldn't be interested in her.

I have around 200 people in my facebook account, most of them are in the same age group as me and most of them are single. I just presume the statistical distribution of the people in my facebook account reflect most western countries... I find it difficult to understand that it's hard for a 30yo to find a decent date.

Just because you are the second person telling me the same thing, I'm gonna trust you and believe you.....

PS: My brother's gf is 30+, Smooth's gf is 30+... There are plenty of single 30yos out there....


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iwantperfection said:
CCS.. what do you plan to do the day you measure your arms and realise you have reached 15inch biceps?


I thought you were done with this section? :whistle: You're even worse than me... when I announced that I'll leave the forum at least I was out for 2 months or so. You're back in hours.


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CCS said:
90% of the women my age are married. 90% of the women where I live are 20.

Impossible, unless you mean strictly on the campus site you live, but I'm pretty sure that 90% of the women in Nevada are not 20, and 90% of 30yr olds are not married either.
I'd say its more like 60-70% of women are married, and there will always be plenty of single women of any age if you look for them.

In this day and age I know loads of 30 yr old divorcess and loads of single women of that age.
I think you convince yourself of facts like these to give yourself an excuse for failure.
I see women and men aged late 20's to early 30's who end relationships and it only takes them about 1-2 weeks to find someone else so it cant be that difficult.

CCS said:
The last two women I dated were 23. Age was not the issue. Well, my not going to parties was a bit of a problem. Mostly just my not going to restaurants was a bigger issue.

Well what do you expect?
Like I put in a previous post your lifestyle is extremly unappealing for the overwhelming majority of women. You're not going to attract or keep a women if you're not prepared to do the things that most normal people like to do, ie: socialising and spending money on enjoyable pasttimes rather than obbsessing over your looks.


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s.a.f said:
I see women and men aged late 20's to early 30's who end relationships and it only takes them about 1-2 weeks to find someone else so it cant be that difficult.

Those are rebound relationships... I wouldn't date a woman who's just come out of a relationship. Although, she would be good for sex, I wouldn't think of it as a long term relationship. They should spend some time on their own to reflect on their past and figure out what they want from the future.

The problem is that those people are so fragile and desperate that they would go with anyone that shows them a bit of an interest. Once they get on their feet, they might realise they don't actually like the person they are with and the whole break up processes repeats itself....

I've turned down couple such girls. One of them called me at 4am, etc... Long story.. I have enough problems to deal with, I have no intentions of hooking up with an emotionally fragile woman....

Another tip for CCS.... Newly singles are only good for sex. Their main objective is forgetting their ex's, and that means having easy sex...


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CCS, you spend so much effort, time and most importantly money on your looks. you dont want to spend money taking out girls to dinner, you want a young hot (9.5-10? thats hot right?) girl to sleep with you with very less effort from your side (you said it yourself- you want to get ripped+good looking guys dont have to work hard to get hot girls, right?!) , you defently not intrested in long-term realasion (you mentioned you envay that kid who was shy and now takes pics o facebook with hot girls), AND you said you dont want to out clubbing, wheres all the hot girls who fucks rabit-like hangout.. did i forgot something?!.. awe yeah, you afraid to sleep with someone because she might trick you into pregnancy..
I have teH PERFECT solution for you brother; esscort service, i mean high classy ones, with all 10's, the girls are proffasional, young and discreet (no one will know about your penis issues) you dont have to be a good looking, you dont have to take them out, or talk to them, or spend money on dinners, or have 15inch biceps, or whatever, just save the thouseds you spend on laser removal, on moes removal, on hair transplants, the endless hours at the gym and on diet and start f*****g some top quality punannies.

And read the quote on my sig.
ali777 said:
PS: My brother's gf is 30+, Smooth's gf is 30+... There are plenty of single 30yos out there....
I think for a 30yo guy the "window" is much wider, range from 23~ up to 40~, and you can "sell" them all sort of sh*t, more versatile, while when your 25 and going out with a 32 .. well there isnt much to sell as both sides know exactly whats the relasion is about.....
Im dating someone else now, 26, and she is probebly 7.5 at the CCS scale...while im somewhere around the 4! :woot:

Mens Rea

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CCS i didn't know you were 30 mate, i thought u were early 20's and having confidence issues that u aimed to have sorted out by "fixing your body" for your mid twenties (Not that that was even a good plan)

Mate, you need to start living for today. Continue to improve yourself in every way but perhaps put less emphasis on your physical shortfalls. You said you wouldn't even go to resturants with the previous 2 girls you dated, WTF? I think you make relationships impossible with your tendancies and then blame OTHER things such as your looks.

Worse still you keep talking about these high quality woman you want but you also noted the "matchability" of couples you see. Well, consider this - your mindset and outlook is FAR from high quality - you offer NO matchability for any normal semi-outgoing lady. You not realising this is ultimately hypocritical and counter-logical.

Find a girl but dont base your life on it. If you are doing all these things to attract woman then your motivations are all wrong and it becomes really fake and apparent to just about anyone that gets to know you even if you think otherwise.


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iwantperfection said:
i made up with the guy lol.

Its only a forum bro. I dont really give a f*ck how long im on it.

Yeah it's only a forum, that's why it's so strange that you have to announce that you're leaving twice a week.

Quantum Cat

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ghg said:
iwantperfection said:
i made up with the guy lol.

Its only a forum bro. I dont really give a f*ck how long im on it.

Yeah it's only a forum, that's why it's so strange that you have to announce that you're leaving twice a week.

where did he announce that?