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Ok thats one mouth i wouldnt want to see anywere near around my d**k... :shock:
(and you can put that at th wtf thread too..)


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She's saving money for dental work.

When she gets her teeth done, she's gonna get a 7.5 guy who is 20yo, 6'1", 175lb all muscle with 15" biceps, 8" c***, and a fat pocket.

Oh, she's not going to date bald guys :sobbing:

But because she's only 4 right now, she's willing to have one night stands with anyone...


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CCS theres still hope !!! that guy knocked 10 years at least.

Not only hes 44yo.... he also has a slick smooth dome...


how much does he get at the CCS scale i wonder....

(sorry had to throw a borhter a bone :) awe yeah, took me a while to find out but songs name is "waste away" by "Day of fire", in case anyone wonder... :punk: )


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ali777 said:
Eureka said:
Attractive is such a subjective term. One that we have turned into a very narrow minded margin.

Obviously double d's and 6 packs are not the keys to happiness.

Exactly..... We all have different likes and dislikes.

Statistics show couples that get together based on attraction and love are more likely to get divorced. Most of us in this forum keep repeating that being shallow or seeking a girl based on looks only is not good, yet CCS doesn't listen.

I really wonder what CCS' understanding of hot and average is. Someone 29 should have stumbled across at least one average girl... I find that hard to understand.

I think all those saying that looks don't matter are correct to a certain extent, and CCS is correct to a certain extent. Yes, women are interested in things beyond looks. I know a guy girls think is hot, but no women I know would date him because he's kind of a douche, treats women like crap, and brags about his conquests to anyone who will listen. I know a bald guy, and Norwood 4 or so, who has an attractive girlfriend (not hot, but certainly pretty enough), who is also very smart.
I think in the end, you can't get by on looks alone, and you can't get by on personality alone. If you're going to be in a sexual relationship with someone, there has to be a certain amount of physical attraction, or it won't work. At the same time, relationships based solely on physical attraction will not work. There has to be a balance between compatibility and attraction.


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CCS said:
s.a.f said:
CCS said:
And I'm annoyed at SAF for implying I just want to go around banging 20 year olds. He just loves taking stuff to far extremes rather than addressing what I actually say.

You've said it yourself, you dont want an average woman. You want the kind of young girls from your campus.
If I do take examples to extremes its because I'm trying to show you how other people see your views and shock you into normality.

Colin297 said:
WHo the hell wants to be with an insecure pussy who is worried because his nose isnt as straight at the good looking guy over there?

This is completly true, lets say for example CCS does hook up with a hot chick how long is it going to last? Girls want someone who is going to be fun to be around.

A few scenario's:

Hot chick " Its friday night lets meet some freinds for a few drinks"
CCS " No way I cant drink its a waste of money and it ages you, anyway I have to get some rest tonight because I want to workout tommorrow. If you really loved me you would'nt keep asking me to take you out for meals. "

Hot chick " OK we'll just stay in and get a takeaway"
CCS " No way I've got my abs to think about, I'm just going to have some canned Mackeral and beans"

Hot Chick " I was thinking we should go on vacation together this summer, how about somewhere in Europe"

CCS " No way I cant waste money on holidays, I'm saving up for BHT, if you want a vacation you can come with me to India when I go to get it done. Anyway I dont like to get too much sun it ages your face ".

Hot chick : "This apartment is a mess, it needs refurnishing"

CCS "I'm not wasting money on furnishings when I've still got bodyhair that needs lasering" (CCS then goes into the bathroom for 45mins to perform his secret wig maintenaince).

And finally:

Hot Chick "CCS I'm leaving you, we never have any fun and you wont do anything because you're obbsessed about your looks, infact for the past month I've been seeing the guy next door whenever you were at the gym"

CCS "what!?! he's at least 10lbs overweight and he's a NW2.5, he's only a 7.3, I'm a 7.7"!
Hot Chick " Yeah but at least he knows how to treat a woman"

CCS " You gold digging b**ch I brought you 4 meals it cost me $37!"
"I know the real reason its because of my big pores is'nt it?" "Well you just wait until I get my facial skin lotion, and this time next year I'll have 15 inch biceps and you'll be begging me to take you back."

life is so much easier for people who are naturally good looking and don't have to work for it and have years to go before they would start showing signs of aging. That is why it is hard for me to date even average looking women. Most of them blow their money on immediate fun stuff, and don't plan to save for anything.

One thing I did learn about dating, from experience, is you need to date someone who sleeps as much as you do, and at the same time you do. This one girl sleep 4 hours per night and needed my attention the rest of the time. I enjoyed giving her attention, but she wore me out in just 48 hours of me not getting sleep. And when I did sleep, she wanted me to cuddle her the whole time, which cut off circulation in my arm. Cuddling was fun, but I was exhausted the next day and happy to go home and see her later.

Some aspects of it, yes. Some people who are good looking are stupid. Some are very smart. I think that life for someone who is good looking and stupid, or good looking and crazy is not all that easy. They may know they look good, but be terrified of embarassing themselves in conversation (I've known a couple of these people).
If I had to pick between Brad Pitt's looks or Mozart's brain, I'd take the brain everyday.


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ClayShaw said:
I think all those saying that looks don't matter are correct to a certain extent, and CCS is correct to a certain extent. Yes, women are interested in things beyond looks. I know a guy girls think is hot, but no women I know would date him because he's kind of a douche, treats women like crap, and brags about his conquests to anyone who will listen. I know a bald guy, and Norwood 4 or so, who has an attractive girlfriend (not hot, but certainly pretty enough), who is also very smart.
I think in the end, you can't get by on looks alone, and you can't get by on personality alone. If you're going to be in a sexual relationship with someone, there has to be a certain amount of physical attraction, or it won't work. At the same time, relationships based solely on physical attraction will not work. There has to be a balance between compatibility and attraction.

That is what I've been saying all along. If you don't look good enough, she won't go for you. You might get a less good looking woman, but even she might not think you are the best.
As for the guy who was a douche that bragged about his conquests, note how he still had conquests. An ugly guy would not even have those even if he was nice.


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And age does not matter either. Just what you look like. Take a 40 year old who looks like a hot 20 year old, and a 20 year old who looks like a bald 40 year old, and a hot 20 year old will take the first guy hands down. If a woman says she is rejecting you because you are too old, she is just avoiding saying that you are too ugly. Almost no one will ever tell you they are rejecting you because you are ugly. Would you ever tell a woman that? I wouldn't. I would not lie, but I'd dodge the issue because I know telling the truth would only bite me.


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If a woman rejects you "because you are too old", do not argue with her. Just move on. The real reason is you are too wrinkly.
If she gets upset at you for even asking her because of your age, tell her everyone has a right to ask anyone, and then walk away from her before she can start an argument.
Do not try to argue your way into sex, or argue with people who clearly have a motive to disagree with you. That will just get you into fights you don't need.
If you don't like getting rejected, either fix your appearance or change your standards.
Now if you are a jerk, or are going for women who clearly don't have much in common with you, then that is another issue. But you don't need a CCS degree to know you are in that situation.


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CCS said:
And age does not matter either. Just what you look like. Take a 40 year old who looks like a hot 20 year old,
More pearls of wisdom from the worlds least successful 'expert'.

GNUist (formerly FC)

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s.a.f said:
CCS said:
And age does not matter either. Just what you look like. Take a 40 year old who looks like a hot 20 year old,
More pearls of wisdom from the worlds least successful 'expert'.

He is an expert on this type of things. I see many members of the forum who use CCS quotes as their signatures. His theories are very intricate and well developed. I've explained them to some very intelligent friends of mine, who agree. If you disagree with some of CCS's theories, explain which ones, explain why, etc.


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f*** me I have'nt got that much time. :woot:
How about I just point out all the imperfect guys out there who are'nt 30 yr old virgins and get girlfreinds without resorting to every kind of cosmetic beauty treatment.


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Freedom Coder said:
CCS said:
And age does not matter either. Just what you look like. Take a 40 year old who looks like a hot 20 year old,
More pearls of wisdom from the worlds least successful 'expert'.

He is an expert on this type of things. I see many members of the forum who use CCS quotes as their signatures. His theories are very intricate and well developed. I've explained them to some very intelligent friends of mine, who agree. If you disagree with some of CCS's theories, explain which ones, explain why, etc.[/quote:z6f6599l]

The problem is that there millions, maybe billions of girls having exactly the same conversation in their bedrooms. Maybe they are more concerned with men not being emotionally developed, but they are still talking about how they aren't good looking enough, that they have a few extra pounds of fat around the hips, etc....

I'm trying to say that both sexes have insecurities. Instead of theorising about it, go out and meet someone and give her a chance. I'm pretty sure she will give you a chance... All those girls are waiting for someone to pay some attention to them, and that's what you should do. Pay some attention to her, and the rest is easy...........


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s.a.f said:
f*ck me I have'nt got that much time. :woot:
How about I just point out all the imperfect guys out there who are'nt 30 yr old virgins and get girlfreinds without resorting to every kind of cosmetic beauty treatment.

Well then they're getting imperfect 30 year old girls.


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CCS is like a cat that wants to be a tiger, I belive that deep inside hes having this dream that only a few men gets to live, being a babe-magnet, but that wont ever happend, two reasons:
A) CCS (like most normal men) doesnt have a model like looks, and thats ok, but you have to accpet that, you can change into a hot (like that 44yo) but it takes a huge deal of effort, time, money and steroids.
B)Attitdue, you have to be a basterd (im sorry to say, but thats the truth) a "bad boy".. and all that sh*t, and you are not, your a good quality guy and although i know CCS only from posts on this forum, i cant belive he can actually hurt a girl (eg; f*** her and tell her to f*** off!).

For a "regular" guy it is possilble to find an extreamly good looking partner, but not nearly as often and as fast as the need to accept the fact that you might never be like that, and MOVE ON (!) with your life, always say that you pospone socialyzing untill finished hair remova/fixing hair line have muscle and all that sh*t, throwing the best years waiting!! CCS your 30yo stop waiting ! WAKE UP!! your dick will commit suicide if you wont get him some ponnany! and yeah... you HAVE to spend money on dinners even if your extreamly hot! dont expect your date to pay for herself dude, she will think your some sort of cheap basterd and thats probebly the no1 turn-off in womens mind!


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ali777 said:
The problem is that there millions, maybe billions of girls having exactly the same conversation in their bedrooms. Maybe they are more concerned with men not being emotionally developed, but they are still talking about how they aren't good looking enough, that they have a few extra pounds of fat around the hips, etc....

I'm trying to say that both sexes have insecurities. Instead of theorising about it, go out and meet someone and give her a chance. I'm pretty sure she will give you a chance... All those girls are waiting for someone to pay some attention to them, and that's what you should do. Pay some attention to her, and the rest is easy...........

Yes but most people learn this in their teens. CCS is still like that 14yr old girl who thinks her boobs are'nt big enough.

He's so sure that he's got it all figured out but I think its just feeble excuses. CCS is a grown man he's not going to magicly transform himself into some kind of teen hearthrob, and get to f*** the prom queen.

He's fallen from reality into his own fantasy realm and is going to wake up as a middle aged hermit.


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Smooth said:
CCS is like a cat that wants to be a tiger, I belive that deep inside hes having this dream that only a few men gets to live, being a babe-magnet, but that wont ever happend, two reasons:
A) CCS (like most normal men) doesnt have a model like looks, and thats ok, but you have to accpet that, you can change into a hot (like that 44yo) but it takes a huge deal of effort, time, money and steroids.

The cat - Tiger analogy is a good one but as far as the 44yr old muscleman goes:
Even with a body like that you're not garanteed hot chicks. (sorry but its the truth) and here's why:

Imagine if CCS did manage to get into that shape (Unlikely). Its all a glass shell because he'd still be obbsessing over his Hair, skin, pores, dick, teeth ect ect.

.... and lets just imagine for a minute CCS goes out looking like that and gets the attention of a few hotties. - How do you think they'll react when the truth dawns that their hunky adonis is in fact a fully grown virgin, with the self confidence of a schoolgirl and obbsesive neurosis that completly overwhelms his life, and a college drop out delivering pizzas and living in a student apartment complex with a huge student loan to pay off? - Suddenly the image shatters? These are the real imperfections that CCS needs to rectify rather than worrying about flaws in his outwards appearance.

smooth said:
B)Attitdue, you have to be a basterd (im sorry to say, but thats the truth) a "bad boy".. and all that sh*t, and you are not, your a good quality guy and although i know CCS only from posts on this forum, i cant belive he can actually hurt a girl (eg; f*ck her and tell her to f*ck off!).

The badboy act wears off for most girls sometime in their 20's, when they get fed up of being dicked around by this type of guy and realise that they really need a man who's got his sh*t together.

smooth said:
For a "regular" guy it is possilble to find an extreamly good looking partner, but not nearly as often and as fast as the need to accept the fact that you might never be like that, and MOVE ON (!) with your life, always say that you pospone socialyzing untill finished hair remova/fixing hair line have muscle and all that sh*t, throwing the best years waiting!! CCS your 30yo stop waiting ! WAKE UP!! your dick will commit suicide if you wont get him some ponnany! and yeah... you HAVE to spend money on dinners even if your extreamly hot! dont expect your date to pay for herself dude, she will think your some sort of cheap basterd and thats probebly the no1 turn-off in womens mind!
Exactly most women are'nt as gullible as men they wont stand for a less than equal relationship. I think as men we actually have it easier than women when it comes to finding a good partner.

GNUist (formerly FC)

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s.a.f said:
f*ck me I have'nt got that much time. :woot:
How about I just point out all the imperfect guys out there who are'nt 30 yr old virgins and get girlfreinds without resorting to every kind of cosmetic beauty treatment.

Yes, but I'd point out all the guys who want really hot chicks, but eventually learn to accept getting second rate plane Janes. CCS refuses to settle. Good for him. I respect that a hell of a lot more than I do some loser who just takes what they can get. Women also respect this - a guy fighting against the mainstream and refusing to conform to society's norms is attractive to women.

Note the amount of notoriety CCS has gained on this web forum. He is literally famous in the little universe that is this forum. He just needs to learn to project that larger-than-life persona in real life. That is, imo, a far better option than to go against his instincts and pander, like so many people on here suggest he do. That is weak, no one respects that. I'm advising the complete opposite - he needs to keep doing what his instincts are telling him, but just more of it, louder, and more eccentric.

CCS, in real life do you come across as confident and outgoing? Or are you shy and reserved, and let loose on the internet to release your feelings? If it is the latter, then what you need to do is communicate in real life exactly the way you do on here - be brutally honest with women, say the kind of sh*t you say that might offend them, talk about your cynical theories, etc, etc, etc. It is pure gold, and chicks will love it.


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Freedom Coder said:
[quote="s.a.f":37lbr01y]f*ck me I have'nt got that much time. :woot:
How about I just point out all the imperfect guys out there who are'nt 30 yr old virgins and get girlfreinds without resorting to every kind of cosmetic beauty treatment.

Yes, but I'd point out all the guys who want really hot chicks, but eventually learn to accept getting second rate plane Janes. CCS refuses to settle. Good for him. I respect that a hell of a lot more than I do some loser who just takes what they can get. Women also respect this - a guy fighting against the mainstream and refusing to conform to society's norms is attractive to women. [/quote:37lbr01y]

That doesn't make sense at all.... If, not settling for Jane makes him special, then why is he not with Pamela Anderson (or whatever tickles his fancy)?

Choosing a partner is not about conformance. The main point a few guys in this forum completely miss is COMPATIBILITY. They are so focused on the looks that they miss the emotional part completely. When the excitement of banging Pamela Anderson wears off, you've got nothing left.

Not settling for Jane doesn't make him special, it makes him sort of a loser (I'm really sorry for using "loser").

uncomfortable man

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As much as everyone discredits CCS's "rules", I don't think he is getting this stuff out of thin air. Weather we like to admit it or not there is a pecking order out there based on looks, granted it is more of a youth thing as looks become less important with age but if you are single and not getting any younger or prettier, then you are kind of forced to consider the kind of turf CCS treads. CCS does assume the worst, most shallow aspects of human nature as the norm, but if you take a good look around you, you will find that his theories actually hold weight...generally speaking. Fours go out with fours, sevens go out with sevens and so on. I think people saf resist what CCS has to say because they don't want to acknowledge that superficial aspect to society or look like they agree with it, whereas CCS looks at a male model as competition and says, "If I can't beat them, then I'll join them." and so he chases that dragon (like many others do). I mean c'mon, it's common knowledge that for the most part women prefer men with full heads of hair, a muscular physique and little to no body hair. That is what is generally understood as being desireable physically for a man. Now he may take it to an extreme, but he just wants what we all want- love and respect. SAF can tease CCS about his cosmetic aspirations, but remember that even saf went under the knife multiple times in the name of self improvement. I just want to say to CCS that I understand where all this comes from, trust me (I'm an over analyzer as well) but physically there is nothing about you that is keeping you from getting a good woman. You're not Dudemon.


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Freedom Coder said:
Yes, but I'd point out all the guys who want really hot chicks, but eventually learn to accept getting second rate plane Janes. CCS refuses to settle. Good for him. I respect that a hell of a lot more than I do some loser who just takes what they can get. Women also respect this - a guy fighting against the mainstream and refusing to conform to society's norms is attractive to women.

FC just out of interest how old are you?
What exactly makes a girl hot? I think when you grow up you'll find that noone out there is settling for what they can get. A less than hot chick, just because a girl is'nt a baywatch babe does'nt make her second rate.
All I can say is have you seen the movie shallow Hal?


Its funny that guys who are so quick to moan about women not liking them because of their hair are the same guys who are judging women as hot or not?
Reminds me of the guys at work, with their beerguts commenting on the female employees "I'd never do her she's got a fat *** ... ect ect" .... Then when you see their wives and girlfreinds.

Freedomcoder" said:
Note the amount of notoriety CCS has gained on this web forum. He is literally famous in the little universe that is this forum. He just needs to learn to project that larger-than-life persona in real life. That is, imo, a far better option than to go against his instincts and pander, like so many people on here suggest he do. That is weak, no one respects that. I'm advising the complete opposite - he needs to keep doing what his instincts are telling him, but just more of it, louder, and more eccentric.

CCS, in real life do you come across as confident and outgoing? Or are you shy and reserved, and let loose on the internet to release your feelings? If it is the latter, then what you need to do is communicate in real life exactly the way you do on here - be brutally honest with women, say the kind of sh*t you say that might offend them, talk about your cynical theories, etc, etc, etc. It is pure gold, and chicks will love it.

This last bit is pure comedy gold. I'd love to see what women make of his views on them and his theories.