Consolation From A Girl On Quora (lol)


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The truth is generally speaking the men who are sexually active seem to be rating women with less severity on the board--so that to me is telling. The need to mate over rides female imperfections in my opinion.

I agree. We have many incels on here that aren't doing themselves any favors by keeping their standards so high.


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I have been on this forum for a while and yes some men don't want someone who looks matches them or is less attractive then them and that is just a hard reality..some cant get looks matched and some have erectile dysfunction, some impotent from drugs and or psychological problems.
So you are going to get a variety of opinions on women and their attraction to women based on their own experiences and based also where they live. A few of the darker men seem more into the idea of a blonde goddess this seems to be mostly in European guys vs American guys.
The truth is generally speaking the men who are sexually active seem to be rating women with less severity on the board--so that to me is telling. The need to mate over rides female imperfections in my opinion.

This idea of peter pan--like once they get into 40s and hair loss will be cured and they can recapture their youth--to be honest I am not seeing that on here...There is only one middle aged man that I know of who has fantasies about recaputing his youth with hair growth--but he has admitted to me many times this is just a 'fantasy' and in reality he is looking to just be more attractive to 50 something year old women.

Not everyone wants kids--its not 'narcism' but it is selfish--but more selfish? is having kids when you DONT want them because of fear of mortality or fear of being alone or fear of lack of you are throwing narcissism around way too easily...have you ever met someone who is diagnosed with a narcissistic personality disorder? i mean we are talking Trump persona...hyper focus on self to a degree of i don't blame @Exodus2011 to be defensive at the word...I know narcasims is different than a personality disorder---but narcism is not equal with serving self interest or putting your desires over a being who is not even in existence. The child is not even a child its an 'idea' a hypotthis..."Do i want kids?" No--You are a narsacist...Uhm no.

definitions from dictionary.

excessive or erotic interest in oneself and one's physical appearance.•
Psychology extreme selfishness, with a grandiose view of one's own talents and a craving for admiration, as characterizing a personality type.•
Psychoanalysis self-centeredness arising from failure to distinguish the self from external objects, either in very young babies or as a feature of mental disorder.
Yep. Dismissal of our suffering is really annoying. Not to mention its based on a huge misunderstanding of it


My Regimen
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I agree. We have many incels on here that aren't doing themselves any favors by keeping their standards so high.
Tbh i don't have much respect for men with low standards

Its undignified and frankly pathetic at a certain point

Its not just about hurr durr caveman me f*** b**ch stupid primitive sh*t , its about someone who brings value to your life.

Just lol i talked to 2 fat girls back in high school. I was f*****g desperate and it felt like f*****g sh*t. I stopped talking to both for a reason. They made me nauseous
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Goddamn it now i remember how one of them messaged me a lot on facebook and wanted badly to talk to me. ew. Flattering tho, i wont be a feminist and not appreciate it

But it was a nightmare hiding it from my friends and even thinking about it. Goddamn she was fat. When my friends found out they laughed their asses off lol


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Tbh i don't have much respect for men with low standards

Its undignified and frankly pathetic at a certain point

Its not just about hurr durr caveman me f*** b**ch stupid primitive sh*t , its about someone who brings value to your life.

Just lol i talked to 2 girls back in high school. I was f*****g desperate and it felt like f*****g sh*t. I stopped talking to both for a reason. They made me nauseous

Yup the "just date garbage" advice is annoying, sadistic, and a cope.


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Its worse than being alone

I had more shame just talking to fat girls than being incel

My opinion and take it for what it is or disregard.

You should not have talked to her so much but just gone and fucked her or gotten a blow job eyes closed, to experience getting laid. Practice on her.
Don't tell friends.

You are missing a human experience that I think you don't realize when you are in moment instincts will take over if you have a healthy normal sex drive.
Guys with ED or are impotent I have no idea what happens. But i think even with a hot woman they would have problems.

I had sex this weekend and he was not blowing me away in pics but he is interesting and the sex was unbelievable...i feel bad you guys are not experiencing that because you do get lost in moments...he got up to walk across room and he had this hairy ***--lol and i was like yuk hairy *** but was still hot for him because he was 'hot' in sex. So i did not mind the hair on his ***. And I just posted recently I don't like body hair on men..its like 'meh' who cares in moment.


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Goddamn it now i remember how one of them messaged me a lot on facebook and wanted badly to talk to me. ew. Flattering tho, i wont be a feminist and not appreciate it

But it was a nightmare hiding it from my friends and even thinking about it. Goddamn she was fat. When my friends found out they laughed their asses off lol
You sound like you haven't left junior high, exo.


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My opinion and take it for what it is or disregard.

You should not have talked to her so much but just gone and fucked her or gotten a blow job eyes closed, to experience getting laid. Practice on her.
Don't tell friends.

You are missing a human experience that I think you don't realize when you are in moment instincts will take over if you have a healthy normal sex drive.
Guys with ED or are impotent I have no idea what happens. But i think even with a hot woman they would have problems.

I had sex this weekend and he was not blowing me away in pics but he is interesting and the sex was unbelievable...i feel bad you guys are not experiencing that because you do get lost in moments...he got up to walk across room and he had this hairy ***--lol and i was like yuk hairy *** but was still hot for him because he was 'hot' in sex. So i did not mind the hair on his ***. And I just posted recently I don't like body hair on men..its like 'meh' who cares in moment.
You dont understand this girl was at least 300 pounds lol

Anyways thats mean to treat someone as a f*** toy. If its consensual ok but it shouldnt be assumed (no white knight lol)


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He is an electricians helper

He is 5'9-5'10

How is he more fucked than you?

He got with the recent fine ladies through tinder?

These trade occupations are another option -- you could wear a cap.


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I think I also have unusually high standards...I am balding, I do not take care of my body, I have bad teeth...and here is my expectation of what my husband should look like


Captain Rex

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i was just thinking about how ethical it would be for male pattern baldness-guys to have children in this society. to bring a life into this world when you know there is a high probability that it will turn miserable. i googled it to see what people think and came across this wonderful discussion on quora, one of my favorite web sites.

i think the guy was thinking less about ethics and more about "is it impossible to meet women and start a family now that i'm a balding monster".

the top answer is from Anjali, a female who has long, dense hair (which totally doesn't matter). i'm sure she is a wonderful soul, hair loss ignorance aside.

"Bald men can roll out of bed and look sexy in whatever they put on, since they don’t have to worry about their hair sticking up at random angles all over their head. This tidiness carries on throughout the day as well. There’s no sweaty hair plastered to a bald man’s head when he finishes running a mile or after working outside on the hottest day of the year."

yeah bro. i remember when i used to play tennis with a full head. the hair used to get sweaty and stick to my face, it was so unattractive and i would think "man, i wish i could be bald, i would look so much better working out." so glad i got my wish!

i think Anjali should shave her head so she will look tidy, since she seems to think it's such an attractive look!
Just read this.

Basement dweller - all familiar to us.
same country, same gender but different reactions all due to hairloss.
Somebody please cure this sh*t right now.