Cool Smoke's jokes

Captain Hook

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lol hook are u a sluthater?

Nah haha not at all I just thought Elliot Rodger's videos were funny (I don't condone his barbaric behaviour though). I can see why the guys on bodybuilding forum just thought he was a troll and wasn't being serious, he certainly comes across as someone who's just trying to imitate Patrick Bateman or something to that effect.


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Dude. Being repulsed by 13-14 year olds with 45 year olds is not a "feminist shaming tactic". Its ****ing disgusting. Whether it's young girls with older men or young boys with older women.

Yes, thank you. Anyone who thinks it's OK to f-ck a 13 year old is messed up, I don't care if it's a cultural thing: that is called a pedophile. 13 is just A KID!


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13 is just A KID!

I remember when I was 13. I certainly had lots of immoral thoughts towards older ladies in magazine catalogues. And being a boy, I gather the girls were ahead of me in sexual development.

Paulina Porizkova, the supermodel, mentioned in one of her interviews that she was modeling wedding dresses when she was 15. Think about that. Think about who these adverts were targeted to.


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LOL looks like it's troll month.


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There's a reason age of consent laws in the US are 16-18 in most states. A girl (or a boy for that matter) who is 11-15 is not mature regardless of whether or not their body is. It's not about whether or not they've started puberty. Frankly, that's a pretty disgustingly objectifying way to look at it. At that age they are not emotionally mature enough to make the decision to sleep with someone at all, much less someone a decade their senior! The power dynamic between a 13 year old girl and a 25 year old guy is weighted pretty much entirely towards the guy and because of that most of those sorts of relationships end up being abusive, even if the girl is too young/naive to realize it.

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You hear a lot of people saying it's disgusting, yet when the opposite happens (a 30 year old woman with a 15 year old boy), just look at the comments:

People are cheering for this. If it was the reverse situation, they would have had the same reaction as EvilLocks: "Eeew, disgusting, put him in jail!"

The only reason there is that sort of reaction to a woman abusing a boy is because of a deep rooted issue with society taking men's issues, especially rape/abuse, less seriously to the point of mockery. There's also the fact that no sane/rational human beings actually use the comment sections on these sorts of websites - which is not meant to downplay the seriousness of my aforementioned point, but it is also a factor here.



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[FONT=tahoma, sans-serif]Agree with the points recedingyt makes.

[FONT=tahoma, sans-serif]

[FONT=tahoma, sans-serif]The lawmakers are not some prude conservatives. The idea to protect children is the main idea here. The reasons why sex between adults and underage teenagers is not allowed is the similar to the reason why children are not allowed to work full time or special laws on advertising for children. If you are just 13 you lack judgement. Imagine yourself 15 years back... you are much smarter now and would have done things differently. So when you are 13 and do not understand as much of the world as a 33 old person does you are more likely to believe lies, more likely to be loyal out of not much of reason and so forth. In addition, as a child you are financially dependent on someone and ususally more emotionally dependent on people. This all makes children weaker. They are not as strong and as smart as adults.


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Then why is the age of consent 14 in Italy for example? Why do you have to protect someone from consensual sex?

Girls don't rely on judgement to have sex with a man anyway. The urge to have sex with a man is 100% biological.

What does understanding the world have to do with having sex? Why do you have to be strong and smart to have sex?

To me, these laws can still exist because of the assumption that you can trick someone into having sex, with power for example.

Please, we all know how girls decide to sleep with someone. You cannot convince a girl to have sex with you, whether she's 13 or 33.

You've clearly never been pressured by a man to do something sexually. They don't back down or take a "no" easily a lot of the time.

You really think a 25 year old man pressuring a 13 year old girl has zero effect on her decision?


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Men always pressure girls to have sex with them, that's their job. Most girls don't give in so easily.

And if every time a girl resists, the guy says "OK, I respect your decision, I'm going to go home", he's in for being a life-long virgin.

You sound like a pretty awful human being if that's how you truly feel. No wonder you're so anti-feminism; anything that gives women the ability to say "no" to a man must sound like heresy to you given this line of thinking.



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Men always pressure girls to have sex with them, that's their job. Most girls don't give in so easily.

And if every time a girl resists, the guy says "OK, I respect your decision, I'm going to go home", he's in for being a life-long virgin.

Are you implying rape or pressuring girls into sex is acceptable? I'm honestly dissapointed in you Fred, thought more highly of you than to sink to that level. You need help.

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You sound like a pretty awful human being if that's how you truly feel. No wonder you're so anti-feminism; anything that gives women the ability to say "no" to a man must sound like heresy to you given this line of thinking.


Agreed, receding. Some of the Fred's post seem completely out of touch with reality. It is really sad if he feels that way, and I'm starting to wonder if he has deeper issues.


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Yes, I have issues. I should have said:

"OK, not tonight, I understand" every time a girl gave me some resistance, which was almost every time it was my first time with her.

I would still be a virgin, but at least, I would be admired by my peers for being such a great guy who respects women so much.

Excuse me for being such an awful human being.

So you not being a virgin is more important to you than having a girl actually want to have sex with you?

You're not excused, sorry.


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It seems they wanted it, and of course they did, since you cannot convince a woman to have sex with you.

You shouldn't have to convince someone to have sex with you. That goes against the very definition of consensual sex.

Come on, you've been a guy before, you must know most girls will put up a little resistance in the bedroom.

No, not with me they don't. The only exception (and the line that I think you are blurring) is that some of them were into being dominated and would put up a faux resistance as a part of the roleplay, but that was always discussed prior and everyone was safe. I have never needed to coerce someone to have sex with me.

Are you saying that every time a girl does that, the guy should just give up?

Yes, no means no. Take a hint.


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This thread scares the hell out of me.


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Maybe pressure isn't the right word here, I meant "try again".

Again refusing to take a hint. If she doesn't want to have sex with you, leave it alone.

Damn, you actually discuss the rules of your sex sessions beforehand, that's something I've never done.

And I've never heard of anyone doing that.

You sound like a horrible partner hahaha. Discussing kinks, limits, etc. is standard practice in any healthy relationship.

If someone is unwilling to do so or they think the idea is somehow strange, it's likely they're very sexually immature and not a worthwhile sexual partner.

Well, there you go, another feminist slogan copy-pasted: "No means no."

It's like you can't think for yourselves and have to parrot some words you've heard elsewhere.

You're operating under the delusion that feminism = wrong/bad, which is nonsensical and in no way discredits the idea that consent should be your top concern. No still means no.

I can't believe you're this out of touch with reality. I bet your mom would be really fond of the idea of her son coercing women (or should I say 13 year old girls?) to have sex with him.


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But I had sex with these girls afterwards anyway. So they didn't really "mean no", did they? So it seems that in my experience, no doesn't always mean no.

No still means no. When she said no she meant no, not in that moment. Just because you have sex with a girl at some point does not afford you any special rights to her body at any time prior or after the act. Example: Even a girlfriend/wife is allowed to say no to her boyfriend/husband.

I discuss what I like with my girlfriend, always when we are in a sexual mood. I think it's a mistake to discuss it in "serious" moments.

A mistake? No, a mistake is taking the word of a horny (and possibly inebriated) woman who is very much "in the moment" who says something like "dominate me", "hit me", etc. Better believe I'm not doing anything like that unless it's been discussed at length prior... anyone who's been in a healthy BDSM relationship will agree with me on that one. That's how you end up with a rape charge.

But discussing kinks before a first time with a girl? Nope, I never did that, or anyone I know.

Context. If I'm meeting up with a girl I met off of Tinder for a simple hook up, no I will not discuss kinks etc. with her because it's not likely to go past relatively vanilla sex. With a FWB or partner, it should be mandatory.

Me, coercing women? Come on receding! You're the first person here to body shame me.

Most girls would easily kick my *** if I tried to force them.

I never body shamed you lol. You're tall and presumably average weight, so you have a larger physical presence then most women. You don't have to be musclebound to coerce someone into doing something they don't want to do. Emotional/mental manipulation is real too you know.