Craniofacial development - The thing that make us lose hair(A hair loss theory)

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@Ritchie Whoever thinks looks don't matter is a dumbass. If you look for pictures of men who are over 25 and have never had a girlfriend you will see that most them are below 5 on my scale. There are excetpions but they hit barely the 5 range and they will eventually find someone. There is not anyone within them who is handsome or good looking. All are average at the best.
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I can guarantee you've never had a girlfriend. I can also pretty much guarantee that you collect jars of your own ejaculate and probably have a pee drawer, too.


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@Ritchie When I was 17 I thought that I was ugly. I had issues with acne and my facial structure was undevelopped. This is a poor quality photo but on good quality photos I didn't look much better.

From age 18 to 21 I thought that I am not ugly. Just average. Here are some photos from this period.


20210119_134145 (1).jpg

At age 22 I realised that I have very good facial development, that I will never be bald and have potential to be above average.

And at 24 I decided to glow up

I realized that I am neither ugly nor average. I just don't take good photos of myself and not try my best to look good.


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@Ritchie Your bone structure is everything. I installed a russian dating app called Myata. I don't live with Russia and I installed it to chat with girls and get more comfortable around them. Using this photo as my main make me doing poorly. On it my bone structure doesn't look very decent.

I had to text 12 girl to get one reply. I started texiting with a girl and she always left my messages on seen and gave me vague responses. After she left a message on seen that was a question I got bored.
Using this photo made me doing much better.

I texted three girls to get a reply. Not just a reply this time. We had a nice conversation. She never left my messages on seen and gave me detailed responses. She deleted the app and is not on it anymore. But I have new inspiration. My next experiment will be on "Does your hairstyle have an impact. I will make one of my new photos with the other hairstyle to see how much matches I will get. There two options on this app:text and evaluate on sympathy. I will evaluate girls on sympathy and see if they will evaluate me back. I will see which one will get me more mutual sympathies.


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This is at best a result of too much androgen in a man’s system which has some physical repercussions. It has nothing to do with what causes male pattern baldness


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@Ritchie I am a virgin and I have never had a girlfriend. It's a combination of bad luck, social anxiety and not trying to be attractive. Over the years I made several attempts to get a girlfriend which failed miserably. One of things I did is texting random girls on facebook. When I did it I had this photo on my profile. On it my jaw looks fine but my cheekbones look flattish and my eye area assymetrical. It's not a coincidence that they didn't reply. Only one replied and she gave me vague responses and left my messages on seen.


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@Ritchie I am a virgin and I have never had a girlfriend. It's a combination of bad luck, social anxiety and not trying to be attractive. Over the years I made several attempts to get a girlfriend which failed miserably. One of things I did is texting random girls on facebook. When I did it I had this photo on my profile. On it my jaw looks fine but my cheekbones look flattish and my eye area assymetrical. It's not a coincidence that they didn't reply. Only one replied and she gave me vague responses and left my messages on seen.
Messaging random women on Facebook is very autistic and creepy, but I'm not surprised that that's something you partake in.

Also, "not trying to be attractive" is a great way of saying unattractive lmao

Do you come from a broken home? Have you ever been formally diagnosed with anything?


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Messaging random women on Facebook is very autistic and creepy, but I'm not surprised that that's something you partake in.

Also, "not trying to be attractive" is a great way of saying unattractive lmao

Do you come from a broken home? Have you ever been formally diagnosed with anything?
Well he cant beat my score. 36 virgin here and better looking than him. I do have autism.


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@Ritchie When I was about to turn 18 I decided that I want love in my life. I was still in high shcool and I said to myself that I will very soon graduate and will go to university where I will meet new people. But unfortunately the university I went was a weird university in which students don't attend their lectures. There were times when I attended them alone. At least things were like that in my group. I couldn't talk to girls from other groups because I was too shy. I wasted 5 years of my life in there. I started living completely introverted life and I started doing everything on my own. I knew I was too shy and the probability of finding a date is small but I countinued to dream and believe that I will find the right girl. I was seeing how most people around me no matter how they look all get into relationships and I used to believe that there is there is someone for everyone and there is some mysterious magical power in the universe that is uniting people. I didn't even know that different people have different level of attractiveness and value. I didn't pay attention to traits like cheekbones, jawline, eye area. People to me looked like just people.

I used to reassure myself with the bluepill that one day I will find someone. Then opportunities came and I failed every time. Everytime fail made sad, depressed, miserable and I some failed attempts even made me cry. I realized how wrong I have been about dating. I realized that there is not guarantee that you will find someone. You may meet a girl and think that she feels right for you and think that the universe is bringing her specially to you but in reality she can reject you or ghost you. I realized how much important looks are and the more attractive you are the higher your succes will be and the higher the probability of getting a date is. I realized that you shouldn't wait. You should practice self improvement and work on your looks and your personality. You should talk to women and try hard. I have given up but soon I will be back into the game.


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@Ritchie The reason why my facial structure looks so good on my prom photos is because they were taken with a professional camera and not with a poor quality selfie camera. I was unaware of these photos and downloaded them from the archives after 5 years.


My facial structure looked solid even back then especially my jaw. If I knew this I would have much higher confidence and I would be less socially anxious.


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@Ritchie The reason why my facial structure looks so good on my prom photos is because they were taken with a professional camera and not with a poor quality selfie camera. I was unaware of these photos and downloaded them from the archives after 5 years.

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My facial structure looked solid even back then especially my jaw. If I knew this I would have much higher confidence and I would be less socially anxious.
I don't know how to describe it apart from you have a police E-FIT face. Souless, blank, flat and without any distinguishable features. Even the most talented caricature artistic would struggle drawing you. You're a grey man. Mr Middle-of-the-Road.


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Mitko I agree with a lot of the conclusions you have come up with, to do with craniofacial development, galea shape, scalp tension etc. However, when it comes to strictly speaking about the attractiveness scale from 1-10, your system is incredibly flawed. To begin, the way you see craniofacial development is very different to the average person. The average person sees good bone structure as striking, well developed bones, typically found in models anyway. Henry cavill for example is known for having incredible bone structure, even stated by Mike Mew himself. This is because he has a very dense, thick jawline, with a squarish nature. Another example is Taylor Hill. You rated her as a 5 or something, yet to the vast majority of people, she has an incredible facial structure, there's a reason she's a model.

But besides that, Mitko take no offence in this, but to the average person, you look completely average looking or 5/10. Even though you believe your craniofacial structure is 8/10, to the average person it would be a 5/10. Now in terms of mechanical tension and hair loss, your craniofacial development may well be 8/10, however in the realm of aesthetics, it is no more than a 5/10 (again I'm speaking about how the vast majority of people would view your facial structure). An example of a 10 in terms of aesthetics for craniofacial development would be somebody like Henry Cavill. But there is far more to attractiveness than solely craniofacial development anyway. If you really want to get into he field of facial aesthetics, there is so much more you have to account for, such as soft features (eyes, hair, eyebrows, lips, skin, colouring,) and harmony (overall ratios of the face).