Dating theory for SAF to pick apart:


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Women are pickier than men about the looks of whom they want sex with, but less picky about the looks of whom they want a relationship with.

Look at evolution: males can impregnate 3 women per day. Women can have only one kid every 9 months. Men want to impregnate attractive women so their genes are more likely to survive, but any that is at least average is good enough for an extra chance. Women can only carry one kid per 9 months, with a huge investment, so they want the very best. This is hardwired into males and females since before we were human. But as far as taking care of the young goes, the guy need not be that attractive. He only needs to think the kid is his.

Humans are not thinking so much about passing their genes on. But their brain does at an unconscious level, and rewards or punishes your actions with sexual excitement or revulsion.

Anyway, the most attractive guys get to have sex with many many hot women, while the majority of guys can at best an ugly woman or a lame relationship. And almost all women can get sex with guys who are at least average looking, and average looking women can get above average guys for one nighters, and above average looking women can get the very best looking men for one nighters. They fight each other to keep the man for relationships, and complain that he cheats, while they ignore or cheat on guys at their own level. I'm guessing a lot of guys on here are in the above average category. If you look good enough to keep her faithful, you can probably get women who look better than her, and unless you and she are both far above average.

Yes, men and women both want sex and hate being cheated on. The difference is men are less picky than women for one nighters, and more picky than women for relationships. Since women can always get one nighters with hot guys, they have no reason to give guys even slightly below them a chance, unless they want his money or something.

And most the hot guys say the love the woman. That is because the possibily of getting a relationship with one of these elusive alpha males is just music to their ears that they can't resist, so they let him have sex sooner. Sometimes the guy is telling the truth, but he loves all women and can't say no to any of them.

A "bad boy" gets lots of sex by his looks alone.
A "player" gets lots of sex by making the woman think she will get some other perks out of it, and then he leaves her for the next woman.
A "nice guy" is a guy who does not look good enough to get exactly what he wants, and is naiive so the woman does not want to break the bad news to him. A nice guy is always optimistic though.
And I forgot the term for a guy who hates women because he can't get any.

If you want fun with women, instead of bottom feeding and frustration or luck, make sure you are in the top 1/3 of guys. Then get hit on by lots of women and decide for yourself if you want to cheat or just let one of them have you when you know she broke a lot of worthy hearts in her day in persuit of the elusive alpha male.

Evolutionarily, it is in a woman's best interest to be impregnated by the guy with the best genetics (often determined by looks), and then have the kid raised by the guy with the most resources. But they really want to get both from the same guy so they don't risk having to let the ugly guy impregnate her in exchange for the resources. They don't want that, since it is too much of an investment for her and for bad genes. They try to look good enough to make him fall so far in love that he will be intimidated to try getting sex from her.

Men, on the other hand, pass their genes on best by having sex with many women, and then helping raise the kids of their favorite woman, since those kids are the most viable and best chance.

Your body and your brain don't know you have a condom on, evolutionarily. So you react the same. Women will sleep around with many hot guys because her body keeps saying it is not pregnant yet and that is a hot guy over there with good genes. Or she is trying to find out if he is endowed and can't know until she finds out.

So that is why women always trick average looking guys into believing that they want to wait till marriage or need time to get to know them, and they sleep instantly with the hot guys. Culture will not change this. It is hardwired. The only way to beat it is to make yourself attractive enough to do the picking.

People will always like common interests too though. So don't give up on getting more than just sex.


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My brain hurts after reading that.

CCS there is no formula for love or attraction, I dont think that any human on earth has anilised it as much as you obviously have, but all I know is that there are a million guys out there who are proving you wrong.
If you're trying to tell me that goodlooking people find it easier to hook up then I'll agree with you on that but your theories about how women are eyeing up every man as a possible mate and judging them on every aspect, scheming on using guys on some sort of clinical and primevil level are sheer nonsense. These ideas are no doubt founded from the paranoia you have created from trying to find excuses for your lack of success with the opposite sex.

Bald Dave

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s.a.f said:
My brain hurts after reading that.

CCS there is no formula for love or attraction, I dont think that any human on earth has anilised it as much as you obviously have, but all I know is that there are a million guys out there who are proving you wrong.
If you're trying to tell me that goodlooking people find it easier to hook up then I'll agree with you on that but your theories about how women are eyeing up every man as a possible mate and judging them on every aspect, scheming on using guys on some sort of clinical and primevil level are sheer nonsense. These ideas are no doubt founded from the paranoia you have created from trying to find excuses for your lack of success with the opposite sex.

I have to agree with saf on this one. Yes it is true that looks do play a part but it doesn't mean everything. By analysing every aspect of yourself your not doing yourself any favours and it will make you very insecure. Look nobody is perfect even attractive people have their faults. I know a girl who is attractive and when she was young she use to only date "attractive guys" i.e. tall, dark, handsome etc. She is 31 now and about to get married to a guy shorter than myself (im 5"6 by the way) with ginger hair and acne scares but he is such a nice bloke and fun to be with. In the end she found the "attractive guys" boring and thus eventually was more attracted to the personality of the guy rather than his looks.

Look CCS you seem like a nice guy and you should do yourself a favour and stop analysing yourself - YOU ARE WHO YOU ARE! Also you are 28 now and my advice would be to go for girls more your own age as 18 year olds generally go for the bad cool guys but then like my female friend they eventually grow up and go for normal nice guys :)


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Dude, get a prostitute or something and get your first out of the way.... I don't agree with paying for sex, but sex is all around us these days and paying for it doesn't have the same stigma attached to it as it used to have in the past.

You have serious issues, and I feel pain when I read your posts. You come across as someone who is very uncomfortable and insecure around ladies, and I bet that reflects in your body language and the ladies stay away from you. It doesn't matter if you are good looking or not, if you are relaxed you'll have a chance.


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The rationale is insane, but i think the final conclusion holds a bit of water. Esp

So that is why women always trick average looking guys into believing that they want to wait till marriage or need time to get to know them, and they sleep instantly with the hot guys

It's like you came up with the right answer, but did it in a totally convoluted and wrong way.


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I know I wrote a lot, so you guys probably missed where I wrote that women and men do not think about genetics and such when they pick a mate. All they think about is how excited they feel around different people. It is the non-conscious brain wiring and reward mechanisms that do all the genetics and reproduction calculations. It is that wiring that determines whom you get excited around. Women don't scheme that much, except around cheating in relationships.

And as for SAF, your example only backs up what I just said. She went for hot guys, but when she got older and ready for kids, she MARRIED the not so hot guy. That does not mean she prefers sex from him over sex from other guys, or that the kids will be his.

As for being relaxed, you guys are right there too, as am I. If a woman can tell a guy like me knows what is up and really wants sex, she will avoid him. They go for below average looking guys who seem very happy with their life as it is so they will be happy with the not so sexual marriage. If you seem engaged in your football game, she can relax knowing you are not bitter about not having sex with her. If you look good, she is upset you are watching it instead of her. If you look below average, she is happy it is keeping you off her. But if you look at it too long, she then has her doubts about whether she still has power over you to get you to do stuff she wants, so she flirts with you a bit, but hopes it does not completely take you away from the football game and onto her later. And they always have very nice ways of putting it. They say the hot guys are boring so you don't feel jelous of them.

You got a choice: act relaxed and happy so the women don't think you are dying to have sex with them... or make yourself look like a model if that is possible. But if you are below average and clearly want sex, the women will run the other way, as you guys already agree. Women don't mind having sex with a guy once in a while to keep him on the hook, but when they do, their fear is that he will start wanting it all the time (multiple times a week). If you want it at all, she needs to be confident that she will get to pick the frequency. But you can't tell her that or she will not believe you are happy with her choice. You got to pick her frequency and timing but make it look like it was your idea so she feels like you are happy with it. Fail to do this, and she will come up with some very unrelated excuse to dump you which makes no sense, and she and you will both say that women are just emotional and irrational at times.


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CCS said:
I know I wrote a lot, so you guys probably missed where I wrote that women and men do not think about genetics and such when they pick a mate. All they think about is how excited they feel around different people. It is the non-conscious brain wiring and reward mechanisms that do all the genetics and reproduction calculations. It is that wiring that determines whom you get excited around. Women don't scheme that much, except around cheating in relationships.

And scientists will also tell you that there are things such as pheromones that are responsible for sexual attraction so how are you going to enhance those?

CCS said:
And as for SAF, your example only backs up what I just said. She went for hot guys, but when she got older and ready for kids, she MARRIED the not so hot guy. That does not mean she prefers sex from him over sex from other guys, or that the kids will be his.

That was bald daves example, but you seem to think that like 80% of women are cheating and 50+% of guys out there are raising kids that are'nt theirs. I dont know what its like in Texas but I can assure you this is'nt the case where I live.

You fail to comprehend that no one else is thinking the way you do. There is something called love you seem to believe that every woman married or in a commited relationship woman instantly drop her knickers if she was approached by a complete stranger who happened to look like a GQ model.

CCS said:
As for being relaxed, you guys are right there too, as am I. If a woman can tell a guy like me knows what is up and really wants sex, she will avoid him. They go for below average looking guys who seem very happy with their life as it is so they will be happy with the not so sexual marriage. If you seem engaged in your football game, she can relax knowing you are not bitter about not having sex with her. If you look good, she is upset you are watching it instead of her. If you look below average, she is happy it is keeping you off her. But if you look at it too long, she then has her doubts about whether she still has power over you to get you to do stuff she wants, so she flirts with you a bit, but hopes it does not completely take you away from the football game and onto her later. And they always have very nice ways of putting it. They say the hot guys are boring so you don't feel jelous of them.

You got a choice: act relaxed and happy so the women don't think you are dying to have sex with them... or make yourself look like a model if that is possible. But if you are below average and clearly want sex, the women will run the other way, as you guys already agree. Women don't mind having sex with a guy once in a while to keep him on the hook, but when they do, their fear is that he will start wanting it all the time (multiple times a week). If you want it at all, she needs to be confident that she will get to pick the frequency. But you can't tell her that or she will not believe you are happy with her choice. You got to pick her frequency and timing but make it look like it was your idea so she feels like you are happy with it. Fail to do this, and she will come up with some very unrelated excuse to dump you which makes no sense, and she and you will both say that women are just emotional and irrational at times.

You have no hope with this attitude you seem to think that the average woman is going to be repulsed by you because you dont look like this:

and the only interaction they will give you is to somehow use their sexuality in order to lead you on and rip you off for some financial gain.
Newsflash its 2009 women can buy their own dinners.


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With men there's a lot of ways to make up for less than perfect looks. Being a ripped supremely confident badass is one way. Being a supremely confident RICH dude is another. Being a supremely confident funnyman with a great personality is yet another. There's a lot of ways, but all of them involve being confident. Even a good looking dude won't get much play if he's not confident.

With women though the only thing that really matters is looks. Guys will put up with annoying b****s if they are hot enough. But women don't usually stick with annoying douchebags for long, even if they are good looking, because annoying douchebags have no social status. A woman's social status is based on many factors, but primarily on her appearance. You take a rich girl and a poor girl with similar looks, put them in the same outfit and despite obvious differences in demeanor they will be viewed in roughly the same way by most men. In fact the poor girl might be viewed as superior because she has less of a sense of entitlement. But if you do the same experiment with men, the poor dude will always come off as being lesser because he'll be less confident and assertive. Thus, a man's social status is dependent on many factors. Wealth, what group he belongs to, his standing within said group, what talents he might possess, his relative dominance over others, physical strength and physique, facial structure, etc.

I think what it boils down to is that ugly women have no choice in who they date while ugly men certainly do (if they possess other qualities). Good looking men have a pretty decent amount of choices, good looking women have a great amount, and good looking men possessing extra positive traits have probably the best amount of choices of all. Except for the ultra attractive people out there, but even then the rules still apply. The exceptionally good looking man will still play second fiddle to an exceptionally good looking woman unless he has wealth, confidence, and talent.


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Too mechanical.

Don't over think things. Just go with the flow.

You're not a kid. You see an attractive girl - You get a natural instinct if she's interested - Simple as that.

Studies show people usually go for someone of equal attraction to 'get the best mate', but also minimise the risk of rejection by not aiming too high. - That's the truth of it, forget all the 'Type xxx of women go for alpha males' etc. For every example of one, there's an example of the opposite.


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Also to add, you seem oblivious to this CCS, but women love sex, in my opinion much more than men, their bodies are designed for sex, they can have orgasm after orgasm. If you're sh*t in bed, they will then make their excuses and pretend they are not that bothered, as it will become a chore. Women are very sexual creatures and if you can't please them in the bedroom, then there is a very good chance they will cheat on you, or possibly leave you. Fact!

You seem to think, based on reading your mad posts, that women only use sex to snare men and gain no pleasure from it at all. Insane.


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Petchsky said:
Also to add, you seem oblivious to this CCS, but women love sex, in my opinion much more than men, their bodies are designed for sex, they can have orgasm after orgasm. If you're sh*t in bed, they will then make their excuses and pretend they are not that bothered, as it will become a chore. Women are very sexual creatures and if you can't please them in the bedroom, then there is a very good chance they will cheat on you, or possibly leave you. Fact!

You seem to think, based on reading your mad posts, that women only use sex to snare men and gain no pleasure from it at all. Insane.

True.... but I still don't understand women :whistle: , CCS isn't the only one...

I completely agree that women are sexual creatures and that they need sex as much as we do, especially when they are ovulating. However, they use sex as an excuse to get things done as well. It would be foolish to deny that.

CCS and some other members of this forum are wrong in their approach to women, they see women as "the other side" or " the enemy". It's not like that at all, they are nice, little, loveable creatures that go nuts once a month.

Trust is a very big issue, if you don't trust her, she'll never trust you. For women trust is more important than looks when it comes to choosing a sexual partner.


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ali777 said:
Petchsky said:
Also to add, you seem oblivious to this CCS, but women love sex, in my opinion much more than men, their bodies are designed for sex, they can have orgasm after orgasm. If you're sh*t in bed, they will then make their excuses and pretend they are not that bothered, as it will become a chore. Women are very sexual creatures and if you can't please them in the bedroom, then there is a very good chance they will cheat on you, or possibly leave you. Fact!

You seem to think, based on reading your mad posts, that women only use sex to snare men and gain no pleasure from it at all. Insane.

True.... but I still don't understand women :whistle: , CCS isn't the only one...

I completely agree that women are sexual creatures and that they need sex as much as we do, especially when they are ovulating. However, they use sex as an excuse to get things done as well. It would be foolish to deny that.

CCS and some other members of this forum are wrong in their approach to women, they see women as "the other side" or " the enemy". It's not like that at all, they are nice, little, loveable creatures that go nuts once a month.

Trust is a very big issue, if you don't trust her, she'll never trust you. For women trust is more important than looks when it comes to choosing a sexual partner.

If you are good in bed, yes, I agree. Being good in bed depends on some stuff though, like looks and penis size perhaps. I never said women don't love sex. I said they love sex with the attractive guys, and use the unattractive guys.

As for trust, this is true too. They can't use an attractive guy if he is watching and questioning and not trusting her. She will dump that guy fast and take another who trusts her. But when she goes for the hot ones, she never complains about trust. Instead, her only frustration is "why doesn't he call me?" (ans: he is seeing someone else and will call you when she is not available.)

I agree with everything you guys said. There is love. They love attractive guys, or at least the best guy they can get. And they can be very loveable. Just mean to the guys they are not attracted to.


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s.a.f said:
You have no hope with this attitude you seem to think that the average woman is going to be repulsed by you because you dont look like this:

and the only interaction they will give you is to somehow use their sexuality in order to lead you on and rip you off for some financial gain.

SAF, that guy is ugly. Well, not ugly, but he is a kid with a round face. I could get more tail than him. Or at least I would not trade my face for his either way. If you want to rebut my point, show a picture of a good looking man, not some teeny bopper.


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CCS said:
If you are good in bed, yes, I agree. Being good in bed depends on some stuff though, like looks and penis size perhaps. I never said women don't love sex. I said they love sex with the attractive guys, and use the unattractive guys.

How do you know what being in bed feels like? Sex is in a way like riding a bike, you just do it. You get together with someone and start exploring each others' sexuality, no two women are the same. You try a few different things until you find out what she likes... Knowing what to try helps, but you learn as you go along.

Being good in bed has absolutely nothing to do with looks. How is looks related to the way you thrust your hips?

Penis size? This is an old one.... It's not about the size of the boat, it's about the motion of the ocean... If you have the slightest insecurity in this department, your insecurity will eat you up and you'll be useless in bed. Penis size is an issue if YOU let it become an issue.

Dude, you seriously need to get in the game and get some experience.


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CCS said:
s.a.f said:
You have no hope with this attitude you seem to think that the average woman is going to be repulsed by you because you dont look like this:

and the only interaction they will give you is to somehow use their sexuality in order to lead you on and rip you off for some financial gain.

SAF, that guy is ugly. Well, not ugly, but he is a kid with a round face. I could get more tail than him. Or at least I would not trade my face for his either way. If you want to rebut my point, show a picture of a good looking man, not some teeny bopper.

There you go then.... if you think you are better than the kid in the picture, then why are you so insecure?

I actually think the kid in the picture is very cute :gay:... When I say kid, I sound like a pedo, but you get the point...


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ali777 said:
Petchsky said:
Also to add, you seem oblivious to this CCS, but women love sex, in my opinion much more than men, their bodies are designed for sex, they can have orgasm after orgasm. If you're sh*t in bed, they will then make their excuses and pretend they are not that bothered, as it will become a chore. Women are very sexual creatures and if you can't please them in the bedroom, then there is a very good chance they will cheat on you, or possibly leave you. Fact!

You seem to think, based on reading your mad posts, that women only use sex to snare men and gain no pleasure from it at all. Insane.

True.... but I still don't understand women :whistle: , CCS isn't the only one...

I completely agree that women are sexual creatures and that they need sex as much as we do, especially when they are ovulating. However, they use sex as an excuse to get things done as well. It would be foolish to deny that.

CCS and some other members of this forum are wrong in their approach to women, they see women as "the other side" or " the enemy". It's not like that at all, they are nice, little, loveable creatures that go nuts once a month.

Trust is a very big issue, if you don't trust her, she'll never trust you. For women trust is more important than looks when it comes to choosing a sexual partner.
All these theories and yet no prospects for CCS. I got a theory for you CCS, I guarantee if you ask to go to coffee with the next 10 single women you rate as an 8 or more, at least one will say yes. Then its up to you to try an maintain the relationship and put your own theories to the test. You will realize that if you don't show confidence, high self esteem, good sense of humor, and some intelligence, you will not be able to maintain that relationship no matter what new theories you come up with or new excuses of why it failed. And ali, you say you don't understand women, well I have never understood CCS.


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DoctorHouse said:
All these theories and yet no prospects for CCS. I got a theory for you CCS, I guarantee if you ask to go to coffee with the next 10 single women you rate as an 8 or more, at least one will say yes. Then its up to you to try an maintain the relationship and put your own theories to the test. You will realize that if you don't show confidence, high self esteem, good sense of humor, and some intelligence, you will not be able to maintain that relationship no matter what new theories you come up with or new excuses of why it failed. And ali, you say you don't understand women, well I have never understood CCS.

I have to say I understand women much better than CCS... I'm not gonna claim to have dated 100s of women, but I've been around the block once or twice. However, understanding women much better than CCS, doesn't really say much :innocent:. It's like multiplying zero with X, it doesn't matter what the value of X is, the result is still zero :whistle:

I also agree with the theory of asking 10 women out and at least one of them agreeing for a date. For me 1/10 ratio is rather poor. I'll go with selective asking and getting a 1/2 ratio. On the other hand, someone who is useless with the selection process can still achieve 1/10 ratio, which is not exactly a disaster.


Established Member
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.. Why do we think we need to understand women? Human beings are not equations.

Maybe more women are cheating today, If so it's partly because women are now allowed out of the house. There have been statistics out, which show more and more women are cheating today whereas before many more men were doing it then women. This had to at least somewhat be because of the male dominated work force. The world is still male dominated, but in North America and other developed nations especially, the female work force continues to grow. As we get further away from physical labor. And since many adult couples meet through work, more women are meeting members of the opposite/same sex in which they are attracted to. Although I'm unconvinced it's very different then it was 50 or 150 years ago. It's just more accepted today, we are all communicating, so we all know everyone else does it. This justifies things which before would have been something hidden away, something to be ashamed of. There have always been statistics to prove something.

Mark Twain said There are three types of lies. Lies, Damned lies, and statistics.

Women don't see a hot guy and suddenly want to jump his bones. It's the constant interaction, and most women and men are often neglected in a relationship after they are together for a significant amount of time.

CCS mentioned penis size. Which is irrelevant in terms of pleasure. It's all aesthetic, some women, yes will like the look of a giant penis. However for function, it does nothing. Almost all women, and we are talking something like 70-90 percent, cannot reach orgasm from vaginal penetration alone. Some dudes think madly humping away for 4 minutes does the trick.. but those noises she's making are ones of pain and discomfort...not pleasure. Unfortunately for women, and fortunately for men in the short term considering our feelings, and our easily bruised egos, most women don't even bring it up. In the long run this is obviously detrimental to the relationship.


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CCS said:
ali777 said:
Petchsky said:
Also to add, you seem oblivious to this CCS, but women love sex, in my opinion much more than men, their bodies are designed for sex, they can have orgasm after orgasm. If you're sh*t in bed, they will then make their excuses and pretend they are not that bothered, as it will become a chore. Women are very sexual creatures and if you can't please them in the bedroom, then there is a very good chance they will cheat on you, or possibly leave you. Fact!

You seem to think, based on reading your mad posts, that women only use sex to snare men and gain no pleasure from it at all. Insane.

I completely agree that women are sexual creatures and that they need sex as much as we do, especially when they are ovulating. However, they use sex as an excuse to get things done as well. It would be foolish to deny that.

CCS and some other members of this forum are wrong in their approach to women, they see women as "the other side" or " the enemy". It's not like that at all, they are nice, little, loveable creatures that go nuts once a month.

Trust is a very big issue, if you don't trust her, she'll never trust you. For women trust is more important than looks when it comes to choosing a sexual partner.

If you are good in bed, yes, I agree. Being good in bed depends on some stuff though, like looks and penis size perhaps. I never said women don't love sex. I said they love sex with the attractive guys, and use the unattractive guys.

As for trust, this is true too. They can't use an attractive guy if he is watching and questioning and not trusting her. She will dump that guy fast and take another who trusts her. But when she goes for the hot ones, she never complains about trust. Instead, her only frustration is "why doesn't he call me?" (ans: he is seeing someone else and will call you when she is not available.)

I agree with everything you guys said. There is love. They love attractive guys, or at least the best guy they can get. And they can be very loveable. Just mean to the guys they are not attracted to.

Just when you think CCS could'nt be any further off the mark. :shakehead:

CCS you could be a Brad Pitt lookalike with a 10" c*** and still be useless in bed. Or you could be a puny bald guy with 4 inches and give a woman multiple orgasms.
Its not like stoking a fire man.
And your view that a woman can only love a man if he's better looking than her? :roll: You seem to view the whole relationship process as some kind of competition where the aim is to secure the most attractive partner at all costs and everything else is irrelavant.

I think we're seeing the real CCS here, a shallow and insecure creature, who's own misguided philosophies damn himself.


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CCS said:
SAF, that guy is ugly. Well, not ugly, but he is a kid with a round face. I could get more tail than him. Or at least I would not trade my face for his either way.

Thats Zac Efron America's no1 teen idol. (still think you could get more tail?) And the 18yr old hotties you want to pull probably find him attractive. I posted him because I thought (with your theories) you'd find his perfect coiffure'd NW1 as the ultimate in female attraction.

CCS said:
If you want to rebut my point, show a picture of a good looking man, not some teeny bopper.

Here is UK z-list celebrity Calum Best, he's a NW3 with a puny body and a beer gut, he also has a hairy body.


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