michael barry said:
Stephen wrote: "Michael.
You are correct in believing that there is a lot of (in my opinion circumstantial in-vitro evidence), for direct effects of androgens on follicles. But the simple bottom line is clearly drawn by that mouse study, as i have argued before."
Stephen, I will be the first to admit that its unbelievable that the mouse study was not followe up on. They shoudl have castrated a few immuno deficient mice, put human skin on their little immuno-deficient hides and transplanted some vellus hair from male pattern baldness men. Its hard to believe that this hasn't been done, but I know youve searched for it and found nothing or you definitely would be sticking Shelton's nose in it.
Stephen also wrote: ". On top of that there is the latest body hair to scalp transplant data."
This is where we feverently disagree. We DO HAVE lots of data from the Body hair transplants. Ive talked with Heliboy, Scientist, Sofarsogood and a few other guys who have gotten them. All of them will tell you that body hair to the scalp generally does not get as big as scalp hair did. Its finer.
Some men, however, do have very robust chest hair...............and a few of these really have had some luck when they move it to the scalp. My chest hair for example is as large as my head hair (Ive plucked them and compared), but my leg and arm hair is not. The beard follicles are the biggest on the body, and Im told there was excitement a few years back when Dr. Gary Hitzig was claiming he could transect the beard follicles and get donor and recipient regrowth, but it apparently didn't pan out. But beard and chest hair do not grow in follicular units for the most part. Some chest hairs grow in 2's and 3', but usually are ones. Beard hair grows one follicle at a time. There are some 2's and 3's on the arm and leg, but most hairs are 1's on the body. So it takes about two body hair transplants on average to equal one head hair.
You are quite right about the length issue however, the body hair usually legnthens its growth phase to the recipient sites length and gets good and long, just thinnsh.
I have seen one body hair result that looked so good as to be indistinguisable from scalp hair. He is a lucky SOB. Cole did him. He has the appearance of an utterly full hairline. His pics are here
http://www.hairsite4.com/dc/dcboard.php ... 4575&page=
Im open to the possibility that Body hair can be enlarged on the body with stimulants like peptides and caffeine and then placed on the scalp. However, an anti-androgen no stronger than propecia would need to be used in the hereafter on the areas of the scalp with body hair. Certainly no receptor blockers or heavy drinking for that matter.
I think we would all agree there has not been enough novel research into androgen related hair growth/loss. I am sure that mouse study will be followed up, and i think the current HM research is going to help sort the truth out.
The in-vitro studies just cannot be trusted to truly reflect what happens in-vitro, even "whole" follicle cultures throw up inconsistent results.
For example this study of whole follicle cultures, "showed" that estrogen slowed follicle growth by the same degree as testosterone!
Something that is completely contrary to what we see "in-vivo"! Where are all these bald women?
ANY in-vitro study "must" be considered in the light of what we know of the in-vivo reality!
If there was an in-vitro study that showed androgens converted healthy follicles "into" male pattern baldness follicles as the old ideas claim, i would be impressed. But there will never be such a study, only unscientific excuses from those with a vested interest in the old idea's.
Michael said:
Have you seen my post about Stenn and Costarialis working for a company called FOLLICA? They are apparently splitting time between Aderans and FOLLICA now. Aderans has still not entered phase one trials. This is lousy news. ICX is only going to test a one CENTIMETER patch of hair in phase 2 cloning trials with just 20 trialees. This is of course, awful news. They are no where near offering a product for sale. Even if phase two went great and they took the step of testing more men over an entire square inch...................................................I was expecting them to be attempting to fill in whole bald spots this time around. Im dissapointed.
I live less than 20 miles away from ICX Michael! I am just south of Manchester in the UK. My eldest son Matthew has a flat in Manchester about a mile from ICX!
However, Matthew has a full head of hair at 31 so i don't think he would be interested. He is strange in that he has next to no beard growth, and only shaves the odd facial hair he has about once a month! He has no body hair at all above the waist, but the hairiest legs you've ever seen!
I did have a brief email correspondence with ICX a few months ago, when i gave my opinions on the possible problems with HM according to my theory.
They declined to give an opinion.
Just to recap, i think it is going to be necessary to create a fibrose "shell" around HM follicles if they are to survive long term in the male pattern baldness area. I have said before i think this is why normal "small" transplants survive.
Remember that Uno stated the fibrose tissue around male pattern baldness follicles, acts as a barrier to male pattern baldness follicle enlargement?
Well the same kind of fibrose shell around large follicles would prevent the surrounding tissue from stoping follicle re- enlargement upon cycling, it's exactly the same principle.
There is more and more talk in HM research about tissue "scaffolds" being necessary as you know.
Michael said:
By the way Stephen, Follica is going to try some "novel" approach to baldness. The Almighty God of Hairloss, a guy who I really respect, very causitically made mention of this "novel, pre-publication approach to hairloss and other, namely acne, and body odor based on the biology of the hair follicle". I agree with him, what the hell does that mean?
Michael said:
There is also news that a gene that can turn skin cells into hair cells has been found. Ive posted the link elsewhere. It not committed to memory, but in my opinion that would have to be tested on rodents, apes, and finally in very small patches humans to test safety of something as potentially as frankenstinian as really playing with ones DNA and genes while its actually in vivo. Ten years.
I think it is important to make a distinction here.
Such studies concerning the mechanisms of follicle formation are not really relevant to male pattern baldness. We already "have" the follicles, they are just not as large as we want!
Any newly "made" follicles may not necessarily grow as large as we want in the male pattern baldness area either??
Old Baldy has faith in the development of gene therapy in male pattern baldness. With all due respect to OB, i think this is going to be a dangerous dead end in reality?
Consider this, "IF" normal contact inhibition of growth "IS" the over rulling in-vivo control of follicle size, any gene therapy to increase follicle size would have to side step this "normal" growth control.
This normal contact inhibition response exists in all normal cells. Loss of this growth control is a central feature in tumor cells. So according to my theory, any gene manipulation that would prevent normal contact inhibition would increase the risk of the cells becoming tumorous?
The only hard research to date on such follicle gene manipulation was done by Fuch's
The noted increase in follicle tumors supports a role of contact inhibition in in-vivo follicles.
Michael said:
Im not optomistic about anything really earthshattering in baldness coming for a while for someone trying to regrow hair thats been lost man. Hate to say it, but thats what I think. I believe the donor-exchange hair transplant idea of Cole and Poswal and Umar has potential for some guys with alot of body hair though if they have some serious money to spend (they perform a FUE and jam you best body hair back in the FUE-holes they create in the back of your head...............so in effect the add hair to you head).
Nothing new really seems on the horizon. Im testing some caffeine on one wrists and a tad of avocado oil on the back of one hand to see if one stimulates and the other suppresses body hair right now. Wont know $#iT for about 4 months.
I think what will emerge from HM research, is going to change the old assumptions and promote better research. I also think more and more professional scientists are now looking outside of the old assumptions.
The trouble is, people quite naturaly come to these forums looking for answers "now". I do see the beginings of a turn around in professional thinking as Dr Sawaya's response to my theory indicates, quote:
"It is a very complex process, but your thoughts are very organized and on the right path, similar to what others have been proposing,"
Professional scientists also thinking upon similar lines, can only mean they also are not convinced by the traditional idea's.
Progress can only come from this change in thinking in my opinion, but it will not be overnight unfortunately.
S Foote.