DHT function(s) in the body.


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I think that D.H.T. is created to balance the effects of increasing estrogen, and decreasing testosterone, which occurs as you age.


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misterE said:
I think that D.H.T. is created to balance the effects of increasing estrogen, and decreasing testosterone, which occurs as you age.

You're just making sh*t up now. Answer this question: why is it that your DHT goes UP when you lower your estrogen by taking an aromatase inhibitor? I'm going to keep asking you this question until you respond, so you might as well stop evading it.


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Bryan said:
misterE said:
I think that D.H.T. is created to balance the effects of increasing estrogen, and decreasing testosterone, which occurs as you age.

You're just making sh*t up now. Answer this question: why is it that your DHT goes UP when you lower your estrogen by taking an aromatase inhibitor? I'm going to keep asking you this question until you respond, so you might as well stop evading it.

OK... Mr. Know It All... I usually don't respond to people of your type whether it be here in cyber-space or in the real world...But since I honestly want to help these poor people that have come to this web-site for advice and help, I will answer the question, even thou you probably know the answer. Balding men have low S.H.B.G. (possibly due to high insulin levels) which means they have a lot of "free testosterone" If you inhibit just D.H.T. the "free testosterone" will convert to estrogen causing higher estrogen levels, which can cause gyno or sexual problems like watery semen or E.D. If you inhibit just aromatase, then the "free testosterone" will convert to D.H.T. which will cause higher D.H.T. levels If you have enough S.H.B.G. then you would not need to inhibit either aromatase or alpha-5-reductase because the testosterone is bound up to S.H.B.G. and unable to convert to either estrogen or D.H.T. which is ideal.

I hope I didn't make a typo somewhere in this post otherwise Brain...I mean Brian will try and belittle me like he has others...anyway, you must increase testosterone in harmony with S.H.B.G. and inhibit aromatase and alpha-5-reductase that is the key! Some ways to increase S.H.B.G. are: lay off the sugar!!!!! Increase fiber and drink green tea:
http://www.hairloss-research.org/GreenT ... sSHBG.html


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misterE said:
If you inhibit just aromatase, then the "free testosterone" will convert to D.H.T. which will cause higher D.H.T. levels

Try to pick one story and stick with it. First you said that more estrogen causes more DHT, but now you're saying that LESS estrogen causes more DHT! :shock: Which one is it? :smack:


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Your right Brian...I give up! You are completely right...The only way to beat M.P.B. is to submit to propecia or rogain...Which one of those corporations do you work for, so that I can know which product to buy, because it seems like you don't ever try and find natural remedies or hypotheses like I do, nor try and help people who do not want to take synthetics or can't afford the synthetics. And only someone like you would spend so much time and effort on numerous forums slashing other peoples theories and hypotheses and not offer any other advice other than to take drugs...Hell, you don't even mention your regimen...Are you even balding? Why else would you spend all this time and effort on numerous forums yet not give advice or help? I may be wrong (I don't think so...but hey, what can I do that I haven’t already), but at least I'm throwing around ideas and posting my theories, it seems to me that you wait around for theories and slash at them without providing any advice or help...Why? Which company are you working for? Are you trying to help people with hair loss or are you slashing at anyone who comes close "the truth" regarding M.P.B.? You said that drinking milk will help fight against balding, yet the evidence show that milk can cause not only thinning hair but also prostate cancer...We all know that anything bad for the prostate is bad for hair. Chances are you will not answer any of my questions, even thou I answered yours the best I could...So why don't you bite the bullet and give us your idea on how M.P.B. works or tells us which company you work for? If you don't give us your hypothesis, chances are you are working for Merck or Upjohn. If you claim you don't work for either Merck or Upjohn then let's hear your hypothesis...


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I've answered most of those questions on the other thread.


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For me, it's hard to believe that DHT doesn't have some function in the body besides strangling our poor follicles to death. It's not surprising, then, that taking it away causes brain fog and libido issues for some people. On the other hand, other people have no problem whatsoever. I expect the reason is that there is a range of functionality with DHT that varies from person to person: some can work fine with a reduction, others need it at the levels it's at. It all depends on the individual.

Incidentally, I'd also very much like to see Bryan's regimen.


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Hey Bryan.

A bit offtopic, I know. You once said that you didn't reply to a "Question for bryan" topic because you simply didn't know the answer.

You know that there are some "Question for Bryan" topics out there. Could you please say that you can't help out in the case, then people don't have to bump them over and over again. :)


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amsch said:
Hey Bryan.

You know that there are some "Question for Bryan" topics out there. Could you please say that you can't help out in the case, then people don't have to bump them over and over again. :)

Good idea. I will do that.


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Boondock said:
Incidentally, I'd also very much like to see Bryan's regimen.

I use things only very irregularly nowadays, but I'm a fan of Dr. Proctor's products like Prox-N, Proxiphen, and NANO shampoo. When I was really into this stuff in the past, I also experimented with my own topical concoctions of spironolactone, green tea extract, 11a-hydroxyprogesterone, phenytoin, Retin-A, and probably other things that I'm forgetting at the moment.


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Bryan said:
misterE said:
I think that D.H.T. is created to balance the effects of increasing estrogen, and decreasing testosterone, which occurs as you age.

You're just making sh*t up now. Answer this question: why is it that your DHT goes UP when you lower your estrogen by taking an aromatase inhibitor? I'm going to keep asking you this question until you respond, so you might as well stop evading it.

Can you or someone tell me why, I am trying to learn but still don't know the short answer, I read misterE take on it what is yours Bryan?


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hairrific said:
Can you or someone tell me why, I am trying to learn but still don't know the short answer, I read misterE take on it what is yours Bryan?

The natural production of androgens is closely regulated in the human male body. For example, when the circulating level of testosterone goes down for whatever reason, the brain senses that very quickly and releases more of the chemical signals (mainly luteinizing hormone, or LH for short) which travel to the testes and tell them to start making more testosterone. If the circulating level of testosterone goes up for some reason, the brain would send less of the LH hormone, telling the testes not to make so much testosterone.

Now oddly enough, it turns out that the level of ESTROGEN is actually one of the important ways that the brain knows if there's not enough (or too much) testosterone floating around! :shock: The brain "knows" that estrogen is naturally formed from testosterone, so if you reduce your estrogen by taking an aromatase inhibitor, the brain "thinks" that your testosterone must also be too low, and (you got it!) sends more LH to the testes, to make more testosterone. And since testosterone goes up, so does DHT. It's just the way the natural regulatory feedback system in the male body works.


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Could it be that when estrogen is high, it sends negative feedback, saying too much testosterone, therefore instead of increasing testosterone it creates D.H.T.? From what I have read from the web site mentioned below, D.H.T. is the main androgen in every tissue except the muscle, in which testosterone in the main androgen...pretty interesting!


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Functions of DHT: http://www.mesomorphosis.com/articles/arnold/dht.htm

"One important function of DHT in the body that does not get much discussion is its antagonism of estrogen. Some men that take Proscar learn this the hard way – by developing a case of gynecomastia. By reducing DHT’s protection against estrogen in the body, these men have fallen victim to its most dreaded ramification – b**ch tits!

How does DHT protect against estrogen? There are at least three ways that this likely occurs. First of all, DHT directly inhibits estrogens activity on tissues. It either does this by acting as a competitive antagonist to the estrogen receptor or by decreasing estrogen-induced RNA transcription at a point subsequent to estrogen receptor binding.

Second of all, DHT and its metabolites have been shown to directly block the production of estrogens from androgens by inhibiting the activity of the aromatase enzyme. The studies done in breast tissue showed that DHT, androsterone, and 5alpha-androstandione are potent inhibitors of the formation of estrone from androstenedione. 5alpha-androstandione was shown to be the most potent, while androsterone was the least.

Lastly, DHT acts on the hypothalamus / pituitary to decrease the secretion of gonadotropins. By decreasing the secretion of gonadotropins you decrease the production of the raw materials for estrogen production – testosterone and androstenedione (DHT itself cannot aromatize into estrogens). This property of DHT comes into particular utility when it is administered exogenously, and this is to be discussed in further detail in the next section."


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misterE said:
Could it be that when estrogen is high, it sends negative feedback, saying too much testosterone, therefore instead of increasing testosterone it creates D.H.T.?

Nope. It most CERTAINLY wouldn't try to counteract the effects of too much testosterone by making more DHT! :shakehead: :)

It has been firmly established that reducing estrogen with an aromatase inhibitor increases both testosterone and DHT.


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Bryan said:
misterE said:
Could it be that when estrogen is high, it sends negative feedback, saying too much testosterone, therefore instead of increasing testosterone it creates D.H.T.?

Nope. It most CERTAINLY wouldn't try to counteract the effects of too much testosterone by making more DHT! :shakehead: :)

It has been firmly established that reducing estrogen with an aromatase inhibitor increases both testosterone and DHT.
Bryan, I'm gonna use this topic to ask you something:
Do you have the RU studies? Where can I find them?
How much finasteride would someone have to take to reduce DHT for only 20% or so, instead of 60-70%? What could someone do to reduce excess estrogene? :)


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Bryan said:
misterE said:
Could it be that when estrogen is high, it sends negative feedback, saying too much testosterone, therefore instead of increasing testosterone it creates D.H.T.?

Nope. It most CERTAINLY wouldn't try to counteract the effects of too much testosterone by making more DHT! :shakehead: :)

It has been firmly established that reducing estrogen with an aromatase inhibitor increases both testosterone and DHT.

From what I have read from the web site mentioned above, D.H.T. is the main androgen in every tissue except the muscle, in which testosterone in the main androgen...pretty interesting!


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amsch said:
Bryan, I'm gonna use this topic to ask you something:
Do you have the RU studies?

Most of them.

amsch said:
Where can I find them?

At a medical library. Even then, you're unlikely to find ALL of them in one single library...you'd have to order the rest using the library's search facilities. That can get rather expensive, though.

amsch said:
How much finasteride would someone have to take to reduce DHT for only 20% or so, instead of 60-70%?

A daily "micro-dose" of something like around 0.03 mg or so ought to do the trick. The only problem with doing that, of course, is that there'd be a lot of uncertaintly about the exact effect it was having on you. You'd want to get blood tests to see if such a tiny dose was too little or too much for yor desired effect. Even then, though, there'd still be a lot of uncertainty.

amsch said:
What could someone do to reduce excess estrogene? :)

Take an aromatse inhibitor like Arimidex.