Did You Acknowledge Hairloss Right Away Or Did You Live In Denial/delusion For A While?


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If I may jump in here to contribute some of my past experiences (after all i believe i am a bit older than most young guys here). As a previously regarded "good looking guy" I can safely say women do very routinely ask men out or hit on them, however, three points:

1 - Girls who ask a guy out outright (or give them their number without him asking), are usually punching above their weight. This is standard since women are hit on more often than men and so have an inflated sense of worth.
2 - Girls most often will hit on a guy when the girl is surrounded by a group of friends; it is pretty astounding how a girl's behavior changes when they are surrounded by friends. This is probably because their friends will know that she has a crush/likes one guy and they will peer pressure them to the point where they then have to act.
3 - A girl will attempt, very clearly, to let a guy know they are interested through eye contact. 95% of the times that is the way they will indicate they like you - it is by lingering eye contact. If you are not looking at them in the eyes, you will miss it.

Girls/women who give out their number unprompted are usually seen as being desperate - this is because they are usually reaching for a higher tier guy.

Do you consider yourself to no longer be good looking?


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Id say i denied it for about 2 years, although this wasn't hard to do considering my dad at age 60 is nw1 and any uncles/grandads in my family all had full heads of hair really. I inherited my mothers 'widows peak' along with my 3 sisters so my hairline was never naturally straight, it has just got deeper over time.


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Well why not? You didn't finish what this point actually implies. I was simply saying how I've had experience here, so my anecdotes aren't coming from nowhere, and you have to be wary. It doesn't mean every woman who takes an interest in a guy has to be nuts but, the possibility is there. You think this is normal but here's an assumption for you: I bet you don't have the faintest clue. I bet you haven't had this experience or have had friends who had, and you're just blindly calling it not desperate. This assumption is based on the fact it's so far off from reality.

Like I said it does appear desperate, in the same way if I or any other guy was to ask a girl's grandmother for a number, people's reactions would be, "really dude?". But I guess because this is a cute girl it's just sweet or something?

Please don't go down this road of "ALL assumptions are valid!" because everyone makes assumptions, just because we all make assumptions doesn't mean they can be completely random and unfounded.

Instead you backing it up is this crap like "You reassure us of your own confidence- why?" as if that actually proves anything!

Here's another example of basing an assumption, but at least based on something; you want guys to be ugly.

Based on jumping at the chance to "correct" every post that said bucky's hair is normal, and I mean several, repetitive times, and now a few times (and counting) that you need to "correct" us on how bad BH's hair line is and his future is ominous, as well as hating stories of guys who pull women, I also get the impression you don't like when I write that I myself am good looking or do well with women (which is when you decided I'm unbalanced) and now you're implying I'm "reassuring" others or trying to prove myself, maybe this envy you think I feel is projecting?

It may be an assumption of mine right here, but at least it's backed up by more than just rhetoric meaningless allusions.

And also, it's just theorising for kicks, to show you an example, I wouldn't be arrogant enough to say it's "transparent" as if your actions are blindingly obvious, this is just the impression I get that could be wrong. You simply wrote that my intentions are obvious to give your baseless "assumptions" some merit.
You are taking a lot of swings here but you are totally missing the mark.
You're all over the park.

Now back to your attitude towards Baldhurts..
To me you came across as very bitter, envious of Baldhurts success with attracting females, and very petty with the way you signed off.
A wall of text and some fanciful theories can't save you in my eyes.

Admit your faux pass and move on.
We will respect you more in the morning.
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To me you came across as very bitter, envious of Baldhurts success with attracting females, and very petty with the way you signed off.
Lets all cry to pay our respects to baldhurts who's getting model women without even trying.. so tragic..


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I get what everyone is saying, I didn't mean for it to come across as trolling. Since someone will most likely ask, no I did not f*** her. We shared a nice make out at the end of the night and that's it. I turned 28 on Friday and hanging out with a 20 year old I could see she is very immature and it was a bit of a turn off. Not to mention, she also travels a lot, meets a lot of people and it wouldn't be long before a legit chad comes into her life and I would be history. I'll stand by what I said a long time ago and I just prefer women who are 25+ and around my age. She's a nice girl, just not for me.


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I get what everyone is saying, I didn't mean for it to come across as trolling. Since someone will most likely ask, no I did not f*** her. We shared a nice make out at the end of the night and that's it. I turned 28 on Friday and hanging out with a 20 year old I could see she is very immature and it was a bit of a turn off. Not to mention, she also travels a lot, meets a lot of people and it wouldn't be long before a legit chad comes into her life and I would be history. I'll stand by what I said a long time ago and I just prefer women who are 25+ and around my age. She's a nice girl, just not for me.
Thanks Baldhurts. This post may calm them down somewhat.


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I get what everyone is saying, I didn't mean for it to come across as trolling. Since someone will most likely ask, no I did not f*** her. We shared a nice make out at the end of the night and that's it. I turned 28 on Friday and hanging out with a 20 year old I could see she is very immature and it was a bit of a turn off. Not to mention, she also travels a lot, meets a lot of people and it wouldn't be long before a legit chad comes into her life and I would be history. I'll stand by what I said a long time ago and I just prefer women who are 25+ and around my age. She's a nice girl, just not for me.
LUL f** ALERT. Did you at least punch her in the face for me?


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I get what everyone is saying, I didn't mean for it to come across as trolling. Since someone will most likely ask, no I did not f*** her. We shared a nice make out at the end of the night and that's it. I turned 28 on Friday and hanging out with a 20 year old I could see she is very immature and it was a bit of a turn off. Not to mention, she also travels a lot, meets a lot of people and it wouldn't be long before a legit chad comes into her life and I would be history. I'll stand by what I said a long time ago and I just prefer women who are 25+ and around my age. She's a nice girl, just not for me.
Good man, and please don't apologise to your critics - a lot of us value your input and honesty.

I totally get not sleeping with younger women - I've decided no younger than 25 from now on as well.


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I get what everyone is saying, I didn't mean for it to come across as trolling. Since someone will most likely ask, no I did not f*** her. We shared a nice make out at the end of the night and that's it. I turned 28 on Friday and hanging out with a 20 year old I could see she is very immature and it was a bit of a turn off. Not to mention, she also travels a lot, meets a lot of people and it wouldn't be long before a legit chad comes into her life and I would be history. I'll stand by what I said a long time ago and I just prefer women who are 25+ and around my age. She's a nice girl, just not for me.

It's funny how we are all sort of locked into girls who are looksmatched-ish. Like even though I'd "love" an 8/10, I'd never actually start relationship with one. Just knowing she was shooting down and could get a better guy would be enough for me to reject her (for a relationship, not sex obviously).

I want a girl who is as into me as I am into her. This is made harder by all the guys willing to f*** down though. Most 6's I meet will have fucked 7's and 8's and will have no problem viewing me as a "stable option". Someone who should be delighted to be with her. It's why my only strict rule is that I won't date a fat girl or a b**ch. A homely looking 5 is good.


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It's funny how we are all sort of locked into girls who are looksmatched-ish. Like even though I'd "love" an 8/10, I'd never actually start relationship with one. Just knowing she was shooting down and could get a better guy would be enough for me to reject her (for a relationship, not sex obviously).

I want a girl who is as into me as I am into her. This is made harder by all the guys willing to f*** down though. Most 6's I meet will have fucked 7's and 8's and will have no problem viewing me as a "stable option". Someone who should be delighted to be with her. It's why my only strict rule is that I won't date a fat girl or a b**ch. A homely looking 5 is good.



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You are taking a lot of swings here but you are totally missing the mark.
You're all over the park.

Now back to your attitude towards Baldhurts..
To me you came across as very bitter, envious of Baldhurts success with attracting females, and very petty with the way you signed off.
A wall of text and some fanciful theories can't save you in my eyes.

Admit your faux pass and move on.
We will respect you more in the morning.

Who's "we"? Are you going for the "imaginary crowd against you" last act of a desperate man?

You write "To me you come across..." as if it's just your opinion, therefore you don't have to back it up, but at the same time you keep writing "Just admit it" I mean f***, get a grip of yourself! Where does this arrogance come from now and then? I have to admit something that you aren't even providing any sort of functional thought towards, but because you believe in it, you are definitely right and I'm just being stubborn not admitting to it?

Judging from what BH has written about his love life on here I'm definitely not trading places with him, so I don't know where you ever got this envious thing from. If I'm critical towards him it's more based on frustration, because I feel he could be doing so much better than what he is and is riddling himself with all sorts of problems that shouldn't exist.

Also judging from how you consider BH's "success with women" as one hot girl going out of her way to get him, I'm going to go back to what I said before, I don't think you have a clue what you're talking about here.

I get what everyone is saying, I didn't mean for it to come across as trolling. Since someone will most likely ask, no I did not f*** her. We shared a nice make out at the end of the night and that's it. I turned 28 on Friday and hanging out with a 20 year old I could see she is very immature and it was a bit of a turn off. Not to mention, she also travels a lot, meets a lot of people and it wouldn't be long before a legit chad comes into her life and I would be history. I'll stand by what I said a long time ago and I just prefer women who are 25+ and around my age. She's a nice girl, just not for me.

I didn't even mean that the parts you wrote about this girl came across as trolling (if that's what you think here), just generally your posts from yesterday seemed totally off from how you normally are.

You've probably done the right thing but also it's good you keep an open mind on things, even girls as young as that. They can still surprise you with their maturity, but generally you are probably correct in standing a better chance of compatibility with a girl mid 20's and up.


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Who's "we"? Are you going for the "imaginary crowd against you" last act of a desperate man?

You write "To me you come across..." as if it's just your opinion, therefore you don't have to back it up, but at the same time you keep writing "Just admit it" I mean f***, get a grip of yourself! Where does this arrogance come from now and then? I have to admit something that you aren't even providing any sort of functional thought towards, but because you believe in it, you are definitely right and I'm just being stubborn not admitting to it?

Judging from what BH has written about his love life on here I'm definitely not trading places with him, so I don't know where you ever got this envious thing from. If I'm critical towards him it's more based on frustration, because I feel he could be doing so much better than what he is and is riddling himself with all sorts of problems that shouldn't exist.

Also judging from how you consider BH's "success with women" as one hot girl going out of her way to get him, I'm going to go back to what I said before, I don't think you have a clue what you're talking about here.

I didn't even mean that the parts you wrote about this girl came across as trolling (if that's what you think here), just generally your posts from yesterday seemed totally off from how you normally are.

You've probably done the right thing but also it's good you keep an open mind on things, even girls as young as that. They can still surprise you with their maturity, but generally you are probably correct in standing a better chance of compatibility with a girl mid 20's and up.

Can you give some examples please? I'm just curious as I thought I was being pretty good yesterday. I think the only thing I discussed was melanotan and that girl.


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Can you give some examples please? I'm just curious as I thought I was being pretty good yesterday. I think the only thing I discussed was melanotan and that girl.
I like your profile picture that's how I will look bald


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Can you give some examples please? I'm just curious as I thought I was being pretty good yesterday. I think the only thing I discussed was melanotan and that girl.

I did briefly try and search when writing my last post, to give some examples but it's harder when just scanning through it. You weren't outrageously awful or anything, I really just wasn't sure if it was actually you.

Eh, don't worry about it too much I suppose.


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I did briefly try and search when writing my last post, to give some examples but it's harder when just scanning through it. You weren't outrageously awful or anything, I really just wasn't sure if it was actually you.

Eh, don't worry about it too much I suppose.

Okay. Well to clarify I haven't become anymore confident in myself or anything like that in my 6 weeks visit to banned camp. I still think very lowly of myself and will always be the first to put myself down. I can only chalk up that experience to be in the right place at right time, I will never ever go out of my way to go after women. I have so much fixing in my life to be done to which I reach a point of being content enough and ready to pursue a relationship/sex.


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It's funny how we are all sort of locked into girls who are looksmatched-ish. Like even though I'd "love" an 8/10, I'd never actually start relationship with one. Just knowing she was shooting down and could get a better guy would be enough for me to reject her (for a relationship, not sex obviously).

I want a girl who is as into me as I am into her. This is made harder by all the guys willing to f*** down though. Most 6's I meet will have fucked 7's and 8's and will have no problem viewing me as a "stable option". Someone who should be delighted to be with her. It's why my only strict rule is that I won't date a fat girl or a b**ch. A homely looking 5 is good.

How homely? Needy women are a problem too. Ideally a butterface that isn't too buttery is the jackpot.