Human Hair Stem Cells Generated Using dNovo’s Proprietary Direct Reprogramming Technology (Patent-Pending)
Our first objective was to generate personalized hair stem cells using our direct reprogramming technology. In 2019, we were successful in putting together our direct reprogramming system to generate human hair stem cells (patent pending). These reprogrammed human cells successfully reactivated the genetic circuitry of native hair stem cells. They also performed biochemically as expected of native hair stem cells. After demonstrating this breakthrough, we sought to validate the functionality of our newly reprogrammed human hair stem cells.
Human Dermal Papilla Cells Generated Using dNovo’s Proprietary Direct Reprogramming Technology (Patent-Pending)
Dermal papilla cells are another important component of the hair follicle. These cells serve as the signaling center for hair stem cells and promote robust hair growth. In certain cases where the entire hair follicle is depleted, dermal papilla cells are also lost, and so we sought to generate these cells with our direct reprogramming technology. We have now successfully developed the reprogramming system to generate these human dermal papilla cells (patent pending). Our reprogrammed dermal papilla cells successfully reactivate the native genetic circuitry and perform biochemically as expected of human dermal papilla cells.
At dNovo, we regenerate hair stem cells.
So, they have 2 patents. How long it will take to approve patents to some biomedical company? Like I see they are waiting to approve their patent from Q3 2019.