Fred reminds me of one of my good friends/ex guitarist. When we met him (my group of musician buddies at the time) we listened to his stories and talks and were like "yea this guy gets around, cool"
Then they stopped adding up and making sense. One contradicted the other, some made zero probable sense, others people just denied they even knew him. We realized the kid was a pathological liar. We didnt hate him for it, in fact we just turned it into a positive. We made it a game of who could catch him out first, we took pots on whether "this" story was real or not. We would become ADDICTED to delving into the mystery of his being lol.
This is honestly how I view Fred. There are a lot of contradictions in his statements. Many can be attributed to growing and maturing but he never states that. He has the view my GF does where its simply "I NEVER SAID THAT", but if you dig enough youll find it for proof. Just none of us are interested. We all say contradictory things depending on our moods or a current conversation, because we all have this ingrained attitude to win our debate we built in our heads. There is no winning, just remember that. Have a decent debate, angry sounding things might be typed but with no tone in a voice just roll it off your back. As stated Ive said very nasty depressing stuff, very defeatist stuff. I usually follow it up with "im in a mood" or "im off my meds" which is a legitimate statement since getting on and off your meds seriously can F with your logical thinking.
Either way, just take what Fred says with a grain of salt (like anyone online, me included), draw what you need from it to better yourself, and if you can catch the mother fuqer out (not fred but anyone) do it because its just FUN AS HELL!
Either way if you get buggered by someone online then there is NO WAY you can handle the real world.
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dont even worry, just go do it without mentioning it and then when she asks what happened, tell her.
No reason to hide it. EVERY time Im at my follow up (3mo, 6mo, etc) there are guys there with their girlfriends. On my way out of the last I "bro" commended a guy with a thumbs up because he looked so down and embarrassed. We need to STOP being embarrassed and trying to hide it. You know how many people Ive told I had one, theres no shame in my game!