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Just updating some things. It'll be back up within 24 hours max.


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I couldn't access for 3-4 days either :cry: Thought the site had closed...

Fight these pricks your site is too valuable for to many people.. Please keep up the fantastic work you do.. Thankyou


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Mr. Wilson is now harassing us at our new hosting provider, trying to get them to take our site down. He has stooped to lying as well.

To Whom it May Concern:

One of your users recently spammed me with an advertisement for when it was hosted on Interland. Interland
cancelled the account and the spammer moved the site to your
system. In retaliation for my complaint, your user has posted private
e-mail from me, my personal information, and images of me on See, for example, the discussion thread beginning
here: ... =10026&sta

I consider your user's actions an invasion of my privacy and a
violation of the following provision of your AUP. I also consider the
statements posted there to be libelous.

"Any conduct that constitutes harassment, fraud, stalking, abuse, or
a violation of federal export restriction in connection with use of
Rackspace services or products is prohibited."

Please tell you user to remove the offending material immediately
from your servers. If he refuses to do so, please cancel the account
and remove the web site.

Kevin S. Wilson


It's unfortunate that Mr. Wilson has had to stoop to lying (Mr. Wilson, isn't that the definition of Libel?). Here are the facts:

1. We did not spam anyone. We've provided written proof to Mr. Wilson of that and he still opted to lie to our current host.

2. Interland did not cancel our account. We still have a fully operable account with Interland right now. In fact, I haven't even put in the request to cancel yet, as we are still performing the migration. Another lie.

3. "In retaliation for my complaint". Your complaint? Are you referring to the multiple vulgar harassing emails containing comments about "death" to me and bringing down my site? I believe those qualify as harassment, stalking, and now you've added libel to your list of faults.

4. We did NOT post any private information about you on our site. We posted your comments and actually *deliberately* blanked out your email address.

5. We did not "Post Photos" of you on our site. One photo of you was found on another site and was referenced with a URL. You cannot upload photos to these discussion forums. It is physically impossible. You can simply reference the file sitting on another server and it appears here. That picture is on another web site. If you want the photo removed, contact the website you gave it to.

6. Our users did a little research and found that you post publicly on several other sites with your email address in plain view of everyone who reads it, so your complaint that your privacy has been violated is nothing more than theatrical drama in an attempt to make Rackspace afraid of us as a customer.

Fortunately, we've already fully discussed this matter with our current provider and they're already fully aware of the true story. They're also fully aware of the spam attack we underwent last month. They welcomed us with open arms because they saw the same proof you did that we did not do the spamming.

Mr. Wilson, stop wasting your time. There are hundreds of thousands of people who rely on this site for help, and you are performing a very unethical service to try and shut it down.

If you want people to be nice to you, then stop sending death threats and vulgar harassing stalking emails to the owner of a site they love. We support freedom of speech here, and will let our users post whatever they like if the information is public. And it is. You put it there yourself.


Experienced Member
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Yeah, Kevin, let it go! People say stupid sh*t here all the time. It's forgotten within a week.


Jeez! LOL this guy is a real dick!!!

message to Mr. Wilson:

Go sort yourself out you fat looser



Experienced Member
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Id be mad too if i couldnt see my own dick when i pissed.


elguapo said:
Yeah, Kevin, let it go! People say stupid sh*t here all the time. It's forgotten within a week.

elguapo I think you are missing the point here, this guy is trying to shut this site down, a lot of people could not access it for a few days last week, by ignoring this guy will not solve the problem.


Senior Member
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To respond more directly to Mr. Wilson's most recent form of harassment: Contacting our Hosting provider to try to get us shut down, and the new introduction of Libelous comments:

"One of your users recently spammed me"

1. Wrong. This is libel. We did not spam anyone. We've provided written proof to Mr. Wilson of that and he still opted to lie to our current host.

"Interland cancelled the account"

2. Wrong. Libel again. Interland did not cancel our account. We still have a fully operable account with Interland right now. In fact, I haven't even put in the request to cancel yet, as we are still performing the migration. Another lie.

"In retaliation for my complaint"

3. Are you referring to the multiple vulgar harassing emails containing comments wishing "death" to me, and bringing down my site? I believe those qualify as harassment, stalking, and now you've added libel to your list of faults.

"your user has posted my ... personal information"

4. Libel again. We did NOT post any private information about you on our site. We posted your harassing comments and actually *deliberately* blanked out your email address for your privacy.

"and images of me"

5. And libel a 5th time. We did not post "images" of you on our site. *One* photo was displayed of you by another user. That image exists on a DIFFERENT website where you had it placed. It is physically impossible to post photos here. You can only reference the file sitting on another server. That picture is on another web site. If you want the photo removed, contact the website you gave it to. All you have to do is type your name into Google Images and it shows up right at the top. Are they violating your privacy too? Maybe you can bring down next.

"I consider your user's actions an invasion of my privacy and a violation of the following provision of your AUP. I also consider the statements posted there to be libelous. "Any conduct that constitutes harassment, fraud, stalking, abuse, or a violation of federal export restriction in connection with use of Rackspace services or products is prohibited."

The only person who has harassed is you. The only person who has committed libel is you, today. I haven't lied about *anything* regarding you. Period. I've had to ask you to stop harassing me several times by email. Abuse: The only person who has abused here is you. Death threats wont make you look good to Rackspace, Interland, or anyone. Stalking? Think a little bit about that one. My point? We haven't violated anything.

Our users did a little research and found that you post publicly on several other sites with your email address in plain view of everyone who reads it, so your complaint that your privacy has been violated is nothing more than theatrical drama in an attempt to make Rackspace afraid of us as a customer.

Go away and leave us all alone.


Established Member
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This is funny! This guy wanted us to be shaking in our boots and instead gets a bunch of guys laughing at him. This guy knows just enough "law" to get him in trouble. :lol: You would think judges would start cracking down on people who abuse the legal system to make a buck. Sad, sad world.

The Gardener

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25, this Kevin S Wilson fellow is one of these self-proclaimed internet vigilantes. As for his beef with dot com, he is fighting a mosquito with a fire hose. We ALL get spam every day. The address was hijacked (perhaps intentionally?) and used as a "From" address in spam messages with the hopes of drawing negative attention to your website. This is unfortunate, but it truly has become a very common reality in today's cyberspace. The important thing is that you, yourself personally, has not been the originator of spam and your website continues to be an excellent resource bar none for folks like us., please don't let such annoyances discourage you. In American law, the burden of proof is his to show that you are a spammer, and it is much easier for you to show otherwise than it would be for him to prove it true. He is blowing smoke. If he truly had to construct a link between you and the spam, then he would prove his own hypothesis incorrect but he does not have the patience to do so. He is out for a quick cyberspace buck, and you should not bow to him. Most, if not ALL serverspace providers understand what has happened to you w.r.t. your email address hijacking and would not hold this against you.

Keep up the great work, and website!



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This Mr. Wilson sounds like he'd try to shut down the Red Cross if he got hijacked spam mail from them. Wake up you moron...why in the hell would this site try to spam? The site is based on the fact that the hair loss world is full of sh*t and hard to find real answers. This site has rescued so many peoples hair and well-being. The only reason we come here is because its free of bullshit, which he seems to be full of. Stop adding insult to injury.

What has this world come to... :x


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Kevin S. Wilson:

If you'd say your sorry and acknowledge that you made a mistake, I'll edit my post and delete the link to your photo. As it stands now, you have made numerous false accusations, insulted the owner of this site and attempted to stop all of us who use this site from going about our own business. It appears that you just can't face the fact that you are wrong. Instead, you continue to behave abusively rather than admit that you made an *** of yourself.

Obviously, you've been reading this thread. You've got to be the world's biggest moron to think we'd all jump on you like this to defend a spammer. You need to slap yourself in the face, real hard, several times, if you still don't get it. You made a mistake. You are wrong. Grow up.

The Gardener

Senior Member
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Kevin S. Wilson,

You, sir, are wasting your life. Is your life so meaningless that you have to resort to such misdirected and malicious frivolities just to add some misguided sense of purpose? Are you that much of a loser?

What effects are your antics having on your sense of personal integrity? If I were you, I would have difficulty sleeping at night knowing that the best I can do with my hard earned knowledge, my education, my life's experience, and my parents' hard work in raising me is culminating in efforts such as what you are attempting with dot com. You are a smart man, and you know that is not responsible for spamming you. Yet, you continue to harass and harangue, regardless of the truth, just to entertain your internal sense of need that is obviously unfulfilled from more productive activities. You're a loser in life. Greedy, spiteful, petty, and a liar. And here you are, harassing a perfectly harmless and very useful website that provides important information and, most importantly, mutual support for men who are dealing with hairloss.

At your funeral, is this going to be one of your proudest achievements? If I hear of your passing, I would love to be there to tell everyone how great you were at being a loser.

You need to rethink your life, Kevin S. Wilson, or you will take your pain and hopelessness with you to the grave. Do you have kids? Probably not, knowing you. But, if you do, God forbid, I can assure you that they would not be proud to have a shallow man like you as a father. Then again, if you do have kids you probably wouldn't tell them about stuff like this and you would just lie to them. Or, at most, you probably tell them a hyped-up version conveniently omitting the fact that you are a liar. What a man you are. Nice role model. Loser.


Established Member
My Regimen
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ouch.. gardener. Any more intense rebuke like that and you'll be inspiring a suicide. :freaked2: Obviously the guy doesn't think much of himself as it is.