But your hatred for those who mock you is completely unreasonable.
Perhaps. But it gives me motivation.
But your hatred for those who mock you is completely unreasonable.
Perhaps. But it gives me motivation.
I think it should motivate you to re-evaluate whether any of this is actually correct. I think you've decided to squeeze anything unique out of life and boil us all down to animals with inherent instincts that are uncontrollable. And this is coming from a guy who thinks 90% or even more of people are for the most part exactly what I just described, but that makes it all the sweeter when coming across someone who isn't that, never mind giving yourself that possibility that some day you can lay rest all your flaws and be someone like that.
I have regularly scorned friends and people generally for putting down those who are ugly or sometimes even fat (for which I have less sympathy towards) as a recent example, a 3/10 guy who started dating a legit 7+ girl, and they were laughing about what the f*** she's thinking and how he's a "toad". This did not sit well with me, mainly because f***, shouldn't we be amazed at an ugly guy who, whether it lasts or not, has managed to get screwing a girl who is so far above his weight aesthetically? This is what I was writing about the other day, it doesn't matter what happens, ugly guys never win, even if they do find love with a beautiful normal girl, they'll get sh*t for being so ugly they don't belong with her.
So you can tell me I don't give a sh*t about you (and at this point you're definitely correct) but don't sit there and tell me I am incapable of empathising with people because you've had a shitty existence.
There's no "perhaps" here, if you can state with certainty that average/attractive people will ALWAYS hate ugliness to infinite, then feel free apply your own self to these fucked up rules if you were one of them (and own up to it without this "perhaps" bullshit) but don't apply me or the rest of the world to it.
I don't care if you feel you've never been proven wrong on this (lol confirmation bias) you are totally presumptuous and pompous, sure I may be incredibly judgemental, and I don't see anything wrong with that, but I'm judgemental on people's actions, not the actions I've decided they would make because I want to be mad at them but have no ammunition.
Fucked up.
Completely unrelated: I got a rejection email today from one of the two places I had interviewed at. Damn, that hurts . Overall I applied to like 40 places, and got interviews at two.
I just ate half a liter of chocolate ice cream.
Yeah, it's all fucked-up, but true, nonetheless. People are fucked-up by the way, as is life. I merely form my opinions based on what I see and experience, therefore on facts. That's why I'm sure to be right. And several users here even confirmed much of what I write here as well. Guess we're both too judgmental and stubborn to admit to be wrong (even if you're much more than me, considering the tantrums you throw at users over stupid things).
If you're hating yourself for going bald how do you expect a girl to love you in that process, when we're putting this much emphasis on our own male pattern baldness it's pretty hard for a girl to not notice this insecurity which in turn kind of turns her off to you. Not to say that the most confident balding man wouldn't lose his girl over his hairline, but there are def situations where the men dig their own grave in relationships with their own personal insecurities.
Let me put it this way. As a straight male, when I look at a bald guy I feel physically repulsed, I think they look creepy and genetically inferior.They are incredibly ugly too me. So if I as a straight male feel this way about bald guys, how do you think women feel about them? Women are the ones with choice to give or withhold sex, why would they give it to a genetically inferior and ghoul like bald freak when even an ugly chick can f*** most guys if she just outright asks them.
It's easy to say to love yourself and it will all be okay, but look at the average looking bald guy and ask yourself; if you were a woman would you have anything to do with them? Fuk no. If anything, a woman will just laugh at a bald guy for being confident and find it pathetic. Balding is more than just an insecurity, it is a physical deformity that women have evolved to find repulsive.
Oh no doubt about it man. Women will drop you for anything, I had an ex who I didn't know was a size queen until one day she left because my penis wasn't big enough, she was chasing that feeling after having experienced a 10 incher from what she told me.
Competition is tough out there.
why would they give it to a genetically inferior and ghoul like bald freak when even an ugly chick can f*** most guys if she just outright asks them.
Saw a genuinely happy non looksmatched couple today, the girl was a solid 8, the guy was a 5 sporting an nw3.5. It actually felt weird seeing them kiss and that. It's a rare sight for sure.
Not all bald guys are genetically inferior, ghoul like freaks. I'd like to see you say that to my 6'4 nw6 cousin who's married to an 8 (he's probably an 8 himself, was bald since 20 but I saw a pic of him younger probably would have been a 9/10 with hair)
Not all girls just want to f*** the hottest guy they can, many want a relationship and will thus usually aim for more looks matched guys. It's why you see ugly girls with ugly guys. Of course some of those girls could f*** hotter guys, but that's not what they want.
WowWe'll still f*****g be using Finasteride in 2022.
Literally the reason why I haven't asked a girl out in 2 years.
Motherfucking rollercoaster ride with losing hair on Finasteride then regaining it on Minoxidil then losing it again then regaining it with estrogen then having to quit due to sides then starting RU and not knowing what in the f*** is going to happen next and what I am going to look like in 3-4 months?
Yeah f*** that. Nothing would break my heart more than to start dating someone I really like and then have this f*****g sh*t tear me apart and have her leave me due to me looking like a ghoul.
That missed opportunity cost is real. I'm never going to know what it means to be a normal NW1 male in his prime with normal hormones full of DHT and strength and vitality who can have an attractive girlfriend and a relationship he is happy in with a girl he loves.
But hey, fingers crossed for that full head of hair at 30 years old right? Maybe THAT sh*t pans out. HAHAHAHA. No. We'll still f*****g be using Finasteride in 2022.
It's getting worse though. I know 5 people who lost their hair in their 20s. 3/5 got dumped and 2/5 lost hair even earlier and never had a gf to begin with.you know right that lots of people still stay together after the guy loses his hair
otherwise every bald man would be single
actually , it’s very common for people to meet their partner when he has hair and after settling he loses it
@KevinEdEddEddy thoughts?It's getting worse though. I know 5 people who lost their hair in their 20s. 3/5 got dumped and 2/5 lost hair even earlier and never had a gf to begin with.
If we include adults, aside from my dad who got married and had kids before balding, I know 4 guys who are bald and shave their head. All of them are single, never married.
It's a death sentence to lose your hair. Society treats hair loss sufferers like sh*t (if you are a man). Just look at the Oscar's. Make a joke about a man's hairline, laughs everywhere. Make a joke about a woman's short hair (she doesn't have alopecia areata, that's bullshit), and that warrants an assault followed by a standing ovation.
It's getting worse though. I know 5 people who lost their hair in their 20s. 3/5 got dumped and 2/5 lost hair even earlier and never had a gf to begin with.
If we include adults, aside from my dad who got married and had kids before balding, I know 4 guys who are bald and shave their head. All of them are single, never married.
It's a death sentence to lose your hair. Society treats hair loss sufferers like sh*t (if you are a man). Just look at the Oscar's. Make a joke about a man's hairline, laughs everywhere. Make a joke about a woman's short hair (she doesn't have alopecia areata, that's bullshit), and that warrants an assault followed by a standing ovation.
I also know women who stayed with their man after he lost his hair. Those couples are married tho.Absolutely no doubt that being bald makes dating harder, ask @doubleindemnity
I personally know lots of guys who are still with their partners following hair loss
I think after a certain age , women don’t care.
the women who’ve dumped their partners are in their 20s in your post, 30+ are more mature