Dr Lee and the Lies....



I have heard it many times on this forum that Dr Lee's minoxidil dries in under 30 minutes, some even claim 15 minutes is all it takes.

This was music to the ears of someone who has spent 15 months applying greasy Rogaine to his head morning and night. The three hours or more of drying time (I do not exagerate here) for me was the single biggest negative to minoxidil use.

Well I have today received my order of Dr Lees's minoxidil and can honestly say those who claimed a 30 or even 15 minute drying time where not being entirely honest.

This stuff dries within seconds of applying, infact I found it a little difficult to do my first application as I normally move my head around in the light to see which areas have been hit by the minoxidil. This is not now possible as it doesn't leave a greasy reflection to check which areas are done.

I cannot believe my days of rubbing that stuff on and waiting for it to dry are over!!!!!!


Yes, to all who said I will never go back to normal Rogaine after using Dr Lee's, what can I say!!! there simply is no comparison, it's like suddenly being free from a life sentence.



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dude i coldnt agree more!!!!!!

My minoxidil application takes me 8-10 minutes, i start on the left side and work my way over to my right, by the time i am halfway through, the area i started at is COMPLETELY dry!!!! Its unreal.

I even sent him a email to ask him how soon after i apply his minoxidil can i excersise, his response "Right away" LOL!!

The stuff it truely unreal compared to rogaine. Thanks to his minoxidil my regimen is so much easier to deal with each day


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The grease factor was a huge one for me as well, i have long hair so rogaine was a pain in the ***, DR Lees , there is no grease what to ever


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how much is dr lee's minoxidil compared to how much kirkland minoxidil costs anyway?


Dr Lee's $16.65 a bottle, but that's 65ml not the 60ml you get in Regaine.

And 5.5% minoxidil not the 5% you get in Regaine.


Established Member
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thanks. . but isn't a 4 month supply for only 20 dollars worth waiting for the minoxidil to dry etc.. for some of you people. i don't know.. for something that doesn't really do much, you have to settle for the generics where you'll at least save some money.


ix said:
thanks. . but isn't a 4 month supply for only 20 dollars worth waiting for the minoxidil to dry etc.. for some of you people.

Let's not go for the full three or four hours drying time, let's be conservative and say it takes just two hours to completely dry.

That's two hours twice a day, which is four hours a day

Four hours multiplied by 30 days gives you 120 hours a month.

So a four month supply will include 480 hours with greasy minoxidil drying on your head.

For me gaining 480 hours a month of drying time is well worth it for an extra $46.56 or 9.7 cents a day.

ix said:
i don't know..for something that doesn't really do much, you have to settle for the generics where you'll at least save some money.

for something that doesn't really do much??

minoxidil is the most effective growth stimulator we have?

Graph is around 600k, folk on dial up will have to wait 1-2 minutes for it to start aninimating.

This graph is plotted from actual trial data.


Hair weight increases are represented by an increase in plot line thickness, these percentage changes have been doubled throughout this graph as a change from 100% to 124% (in the case of 2% minoxidil at 96 weeks) was just too subtle as to carry any meaning, so the 24% increased hair weight for 2% minoxidil @ week 96 is represented by a 48% thicker plot line.

The shape given to the evolving plot lines is pure conjecture, I have just smoothed out (using weighted splines) the linear plots generated by the known data points (the small circles), also the start point is ramped in by an arbitrary amount.


Experienced Member
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i thought that propecia eventually "caught up" to minoxidil in hair weight counts in about 2 years.


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i apply my minoxidil at night before i go to bed..and again around 3 in the morning ..when i wake up i shower. it makes it more conveniant for me as i give it at least 4 hours to dry. i've gotten used to waking up to apply it in the middle of the night so i can enjoy my day without that in my hair. i honestly think i'll go back to applying it once a day again for a while. about it doing much. ask anyone here if they think it really helped them..and they'll tell you not really if at all. regardless of your charts. all it's done is make me lose my hair slower.. and for the price i'd rather stick with a cheaper minoxidil brand like the generic one i use. why use rogaine when you can use generic for less than half the price.. ..but i guess that's just me..oh well


ix said:
ask anyone here if they think it really helped them..and they'll tell you not really if at all.

this is not true.

ix said:
regardless of your charts.

the charts are a representaion of clinical trial data

ix said:
all it's done is make me lose my hair slower..

This is what it has done for you! would you prefare to lose it faster?

ix said:
why use rogaine when you can use generic for less than half the price.. ..but i guess that's just me..oh well

I would not recommend Rogaine, this thread is not about the advantages of Rogaine?


Trent said:
i thought that propecia eventually "caught up" to minoxidil in hair weight counts in about 2 years.

yes, this is what the graph shows.


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This is what it has done for you! would you prefare to lose it faster?

uh.. this was my reason to rather buy a cheaper version of minoxidil instead of the expensive kind. it does the same thing. please quit breaking down everything i say. it gets annoying.. and in turn.. you fail to understand what i mean sometimes


ix said:
please quit breaking down everything i say. it gets annoying.. and in turn.. you fail to understand what i mean sometimes

ix I will if I choose answer your questions how I like!

I feel if you describe minoxidil as "something that doesn't really do much you are giving wrong information to newbies.


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tynanW said:
ix said:
please quit breaking down everything i say. it gets annoying.. and in turn.. you fail to understand what i mean sometimes

ix I will if I choose answer your questions how I like!

I feel if you describe minoxidil as "something that doesn't really do much you are giving wrong information to newbies.

i said something that doesn't do much for the price of the brand name.. i think it's worth it for the generic price though..read again


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i am using a normal minoxidil soultion...normally i wouldn't wait for 3 hrs, i would wait for 30 mins, and i'll start to brush my hair with my hand till the hair soaked minoxidil dries and then i start styling my hair. Will this in anway cause minoxidil to be less effective >?>??????


ix said:
thanks. . but isn't a 4 month supply for only 20 dollars worth waiting for the minoxidil to dry etc.. for some of you people. i don't know.. for something that doesn't really do much, you have to settle for the generics where you'll at least save some money.

your post was not clear, I understand now.


former said:
i am using a normal minoxidil soultion...normally i wouldn't wait for 3 hrs, i would wait for 30 mins, and i'll start to brush my hair with my hand till the hair soaked minoxidil dries and then i start styling my hair. Will this in anway cause minoxidil to be less effective >?>??????

Yes, the minoxidil needs to sit on your scalp, not in your hair.


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Is it effective?

Well it seems to dry a hell of a lot quicker than Rogaine, but is it as effective? Maybe the quick-drying will keep it from working as well as Rogaine since Rogaine stays on your head longer?