Dr Lee and the Lies....


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Its like a wierd lack of care on rogaine's part. Knowing that there are improvements they can do on the product but they don't care. This attitude is why the ultimate product won't come from a large company but from forums like this. More likely the experimental forum


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tynanW said:
nexus81 said:
I have a simple question. if Dr. Lees formula dries so quickly, why dont Rogaine and other generic brands start manufacturing the same version as Dr. Lees. i am sure many more people will buy it if they knew Rogaine doesnt take 3-4 hrs to dry, rather 10 min. :roll:

Increasing PPG extends shelf life considerably.

Rogaine with it's massive distrubution and retail presence would be adversely effected by a reduced shelf life.

Plus it wouldn't match the FDA trials anymore since the compound has changed.

The bigger question is why don't other companies make a lower PPG version besides Dr Lee? They would make a killing. People simply don't want to hassle with the medical forms and initial $20 charge. He must lose many potential customers every month due to the initial hassle. Plus it's pathetic how complicated and unorganized his website is.

Well worth it for how simple and easy using Minoxidil is now I must admit. You can use that junk and 15 minutes later no one would ever be able to tell.

HairLossTalk.com if you could find a source for lower PPG minoxidil you would rake in the ca$h and help out tons of users at the same time.

EDIT: Been using his stuff for 8 months with good results. I would rather lose all regrown hair via minoxidil than use standard 5% again. If something happened and I couldn't use his 5% anymore, Dr Lee goes out of business,get into another argument with Glen and get banned as a customer :) or whatever, I would use OTC 2% or nothing at all.


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I'm not messing with Dr.Lee's prices. I've just recently produced my own genuine version of Lee's minoxidil product with considerable less cost.What your paying for is the letters "DR" in front of his name and that is all. He really should rethink his greedy position on his prices. I'll be pitching the idea of sales on this website to HairLossTalk.com soon or go through appropriate channels ect.

Red Rose

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There is an in vitro study showing that some PPG was beneficial for the absorption of minoxidil.

The ratio for optimum absorption is 90% alcohol 10% PPG.


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Red Rose said:
There is an in vitro study showing that some PPG was beneficial for the absorption of minoxidil.

The ratio for optimum absorption is 90% alcohol 10% PPG.


Standard is 50% PPG

Lee's is 30% PPG

thin=depressed said:
He really should rethink his greedy position on his prices.

His version is cheaper than Rogaine on some sites, the same on others!

Have a look around at other sites that mess with the minoxidil formula, his prices are cheaper than most. Even his Xandrox is cheaper than some that have minoxidil mixed with dutasteride, finasteride, snail cream (yeah there is one) etc.

After all, he does run a business and has the right to earn a profit. It's not a charity product just because his product soothes an emotional need.

He charges a premium for providing a product that is probably healthier to the scalp, fits some peoples lifestyle better via a drastically faster drying formula and he charges a higher price than the standard generic OTC formula for those willing to pay. His product is only $8 more per 3 months than the standard generic crap you buy from Walgreens, Eckards etc. The average generic is not so much cheaper than Rogaine. I find the price very reasonable considering the added benefits. Yes you can buy Kirkland dirt cheap and a few others but on average the prices I stated seem about right for the average generic.

So far he is the only one who does this commercially, you can go to a pharmacy or custom compound company and your looking at $30 or so a bottle. I have tried about 8 places and that is the average. So with that in consideration, it’s a very fair and honest bargain. Far from greedy.


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tynan u just got the dr.lee's minoxidil and you are alrdy saying how awesome it dries , who really cares about drying ? i would rather have oil on my head and growing and thickening my hair then having water personally . Give it few months and if you see some results then come back here and back up dr'lee's supplies... :roll:


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Well Cassin thats good news for me because I can deliver the same solution for about 20$ according to suppliers of raw materials roughly .Although your arguement does make sense.I see your point.


Wezz said:
tynan u just got the dr.lee's minoxidil and you are alrdy saying how awesome it dries , who really cares about drying ?i would rather have oil on my head and growing and thickening my hair then having water personally .Give it few months and if you see some results then come back here and back up dr'lee's supplies... :roll:

I would rather have a fast drying solution than a slow drying solution.

It is not the 'oil' that grows and thickens your hair, it is the minoxidil and there is more (5.5%) in Dr Lee's formula.


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You need to get that cat on a diet plan or something..im actually afraid for that girls life