Dr Lee and the Lies....

The Gardener

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Ty, welcome to your new low-PPG lifestyle!

You are free from the chains! The shackles are off!


Re: Is it effective?

crycryagain said:
Well it seems to dry a hell of a lot quicker than Rogaine, but is it as effective? Maybe the quick-drying will keep it from working as well as Rogaine since Rogaine stays on your head longer?

The higher the ratio of alcohol to PPG the higher the efficacy, I believe Bryan has trial figures for this effect.

Dr Lee's not only has more alcohol (the reason it dries faster) but it has a stronger concentration of minoxidil (5.5%).

Where have you got the information from that leaving minoxidil sitting on the scalp surface in a higher PPG to alcohol ratio vechile improves efficacy?

I would think getting the minoxidil into the scalp would be more desirable.

Rogaine is greasy and takes longer to dry because of the higher ratio of PPG to alcohol. This ratio with it's emphasis on PPG is like this for one reason, to extend shelflife, which to a large wordwide concern like Rogaine is advantageous with it's distribution network and large number of retailers.

Do not take this as a benchmark for efficacy.


The Gardener said:
Ty, welcome to your new low-PPG lifestyle!

You are free from the chains! The shackles are off!

It really does feel like that, no joke!!

It's that much of an improvement!

look at me I am a shrill for Dr Lee!


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Honestly guys...I don't like it that much anymore. I did at first but the high alcohol content took it's toll on my hair and dried it out. I still use it on occasion when I really need it to dry fast, but it's not that often. PPG is also a vehicle and I could have sworn I read in one of the minoxidil studies that they tried a few differnt vehicle %'s and went with 50%ppg because it was shown to be most effective. I'll have to look around...May have been in the 2% study. I may be wrong too :p
Another odd thing I noticed is that I get a white film on my scalp after using Lee's stuff which I don't get from regular minoxidil. THis leads me to beleive that the alcohol is drying up before the minoxidil fully penetrates and is left as a white residue. Just a guess.


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Many months ago when I first started taking my daily finasteride.. I gave about 2 full bottles of Rogaine a try.

I was unhappy. Everything burned on my crown/vertex, and it dripped like hell using the medicine dropper. It made my scalp flake and itched like crazy.

I dropped that after finishing the 2 bottles, and contacted Dr. Lee. He specifically stated that I was allergic to the PPG and if I continue to use the product, it would cause more harm than good to scalp health. I agreed, and decided that I will give myself a little over a year with Propecia, to see how it works.. before adding minoxidil again.

Now after reading this thread, tynan has made me laugh and smile as usual with his clever wit and his informative.. information ;) All this said, I'm definately not as 'scared' to get back on minoxidil if the finasteride results don't get me the progress I want with my diffuse thinning.. but it won't be the store brands, I will try Dr. Lee's 5.5% PPG free.

BadHairDecade: You sound like you handle the PPG fairly well am I correct?


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TynanW said:
Yes, the minoxidil needs to sit on your scalp, not in your hair.

Sit on my scalp, and tell me you love me...
Sit on my scalp, and tell me you care...


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Iwan Maier said:
BadHairDecade: You sound like you handle the PPG fairly well am I correct?

I have no problem with PPG at all. If anyone has irritation from PPG I'd definitely recommend Dr Lee's stuff. I think my scalp just has a low tolerance to a lot of alcohol. I had the same problem with Lee's spironolactone, that was a little worse since I was also using minoxidil, so i was dumping a lot of alcohol on my dome.


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Hi TynanW,

Where do u live? How long does it take Dr.Lee Min to arrive?



Rsx said:
Hi TynanW,

Where do u live? How long does it take Dr.Lee Min to arrive?


Ye Olde London Town, UK

Four mo'fo' days from ordering.


Iwan Maier said:
I will try Dr. Lee's 5.5% PPG free.

Normal Rogaine 50% PPG = slow drying
Dr Lee's minoxidil 30% PPG = very fast drying
Dr Lee's minoxidil PPG Free = slow drying


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wow is it that good?

could you tell me exactly how long does it take from applying it to drying completely.



pleasehelpme said:
wow is it that good?

could you tell me exactly how long does it take from applying it to drying completely.


I am sure there will be variuos influences on how long it takes to dry, like air humidity, tempreture, even the condition and hydration level of your scalp (maybe?)

Seems to be dry to touch in 5-10 minutes.

Pirate Commander F.B.

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Why don't you guys get your minoxidil made at a pharmacy? When I tried minoxidil a few years ago my doctor gave a script to be made by the pharmacist, I'm sure they could make a minoxidil with low ppg too.

My minoxidil back then cost me 20 eurodollars for 200ml! :freaked2:

Also Tynan could you post links to that graph instead of posting the image, it always fucks my computer up so I have to restart! thanks.


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It's tougher in America, since Minoxidil is over the counter here. Most pharmacies won't bother making a mix for you.


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Ty: Would you still suggest that I go with the 30% PPG ?

I'm just nervous that I'll have that same reaction I did with regular rogaine.. the itchy/flakey scalp nastiness.


Iwan Maier said:
Ty: Would you still suggest that I go with the 30% PPG ?

If you found the Rogaine irritating, yes the lower PPG may sort you out.

Even with an itchy flakey reaction to Rogaine I have found that continued use along with Nizoral and TSal the problems reduce or in my case completely dissapear after a number of weeks.

I would suggest you buy a couple of the 30% PPGs (product 500) and if you still find that causes you trouble after a couple of months you always have the PPG free option (product 540). But with the PPG free stuff you are going back to long drying times (like Rogaine).

You could also consider 30% PPG minoxidil along with folligen and Emu oil.