Dr Lee and the Lies....


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Is there any place to buy Dr Lee's formula in the states other than from the internet?

The Traveler

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Yes - Rogaine is a pain in the *** to apply.

Ty, where in the hell do I place an order in the xandrox web site? I can't find the ordering page.


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The Traveler said:
Yes - Rogaine is a pain in the *** to apply.

Ty, where in the hell do I place an order in the xandrox web site? I can't find the ordering page.

It's towards the middle/bottom of the front page under the purple letters. Select your country and click "submit". However, you must first complete a consultation with Dr. Lee before you can order and $20.00 will be added to your first order.


The Traveler said:
Yes - Rogaine is a pain in the *** to apply.

Ty, where in the hell do I place an order in the xandrox web site? I can't find the ordering page.

first up goto http://www.xandrox.com

scroll down to where you see this:

To ORDER ON-LINE using our Secure Order Form
please select your country and press "Submit".

under this there is a little pull down menu, choose your country.

hit submit...

and by the miracle of modern science the ordering page should pop up

the quick drying minoxidil is product 500.

good luck, you shouldn't need it.


Rawbbie is my Prag said:
However, you must first complete a consultation with Dr. Lee before you can order and $20.00 will be added to your first order.

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

No consultation or $20.00 fee for folk in the UK!!!!!!


:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

The Traveler

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By the way, Xandrox needs a new website. My two year old cousin can probably make a better website with FrontPage.



Senior Member
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Yeah man, that website is a disgrace


Experienced Member
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Don't take Lee's word for it on any competiting product!


tynanW said:
I have heard it many times on this forum that Dr Lee's minoxidil dries in under 30 minutes, some even claim 15 minutes is all it takes.

This was music to the ears of someone who has spent 15 months applying greasy Rogaine to his head morning and night. The three hours or more of drying time (I do not exagerate here) for me was the single biggest negative to minoxidil use.

Well I have today received my order of Dr Lees's minoxidil and can honestly say those who claimed a 30 or even 15 minute drying time where not being entirely honest.

This stuff dries within seconds of applying, infact I found it a little difficult to do my first application as I normally move my head around in the light to see which areas have been hit by the minoxidil. This is not now possible as it doesn't leave a greasy reflection to check which areas are done.

I cannot believe my days of rubbing that stuff on and waiting for it to dry are over!!!!!!


Yes, to all who said I will never go back to normal Rogaine after using Dr Lee's, what can I say!!! there simply is no comparison, it's like suddenly being free from a life sentence.


I used Lee's minoxidil for about 2 months.

My hair got worse when using it. I became very doubtful that it was absorbing correctly.

Once I got back on regaine, within a month, it looked better.


Gunner said:
I used Lee's minoxidil for about 2 months.

My hair got worse when using it. I became very doubtful that it was absorbing correctly.

Once I got back on regaine, within a month, it looked better.


How did your hair get worse?

And when you went back to Regaine in what why did it improve?




I concur with Guuner. Ive used dr lees a lot, it styles much better, but just think rogaine is a better product. I think you gotto take the extra grease or get a hair piece.

I would only use dr lees now if i had to for speacial occasions, gangbangs, barmitzvahs, etc.


Senior Member
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I don't mind the greasyness of rogaine and i fear that with the extra alcohol in Dr Lee's it would dry my scalp...but quick drying minoxidil, if tolerated is better... good to have a bottle if you ever overlay and need to get to work in a hurry... mmm



Established Member
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I was getting on the Dr. Lee's site to order more minoxidil, and I starting looking through the products.

I was always worried about scalp irritation, and that is why I wanted to used Dr. Lees. It was supposed to contain less PPG, and hence be better for my scalp.

I just realized, by looking at the pictures and comparing with my minoxidil bottle, that I have been using his 'Standard Minoxidil'. The one containing no PPG is a separate product.

Have I been the exact same thing as Rogaine all this time? I never had a problem with greasiness, I was just worried about my scalp. If this is indeed the same thing as Rogaine, then I will definitely stick with Rogaine, as it is cheaper.


wastingpenguins said:
I just realized, by looking at the pictures and comparing with my minoxidil bottle, that I have been using his 'Standard Minoxidil'. The one containing no PPG is a separate product.

Have I been the exact same thing as Rogaine all this time? I never had a problem with greasiness, I was just worried about my scalp. If this is indeed the same thing as Rogaine, then I will definitely stick with Rogaine, as it is cheaper.

Dr Lee's 'Standard' Minoxidil:
Contains 5.5% minoxidil
30% PPG
Drys quickly
Not very greasy at all
Causes less irritaion due to it's lower PPG

Contains 5% minoxidil
50% PPG
Drys Very slowly
Very greasy
Causes more irritaion due to it's higher PPG

too bald too furious

Experienced Member
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I have a simple question. if Dr. Lees formula dries so quickly, why dont Rogaine and other generic brands start manufacturing the same version as Dr. Lees. i am sure many more people will buy it if they knew Rogaine doesnt take 3-4 hrs to dry, rather 10 min. :roll:


nexus81 said:
I have a simple question. if Dr. Lees formula dries so quickly, why dont Rogaine and other generic brands start manufacturing the same version as Dr. Lees. i am sure many more people will buy it if they knew Rogaine doesnt take 3-4 hrs to dry, rather 10 min. :roll:

Increasing PPG extends shelf life considerably.

Rogaine with it's massive distrubution and retail presence would be adversely effected by a reduced shelf life.