Dr. Tsuji Kyocera, Riken Research, Organ Technologies Form Regenerative Hair Research Team


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But there are those so desperate for a quick fix that instead of listening to Tsuji they prefer to latch on to an email by a general communications representative who doesn't properly understand the separate timelines of Riken and Kyocera and what they mean.

Kyocera equipment will be ready in 2018.

Riken clinical trials will hopefully begin in 2020.

Commercialisation will come at least a few years after this.

Above is the absolute best case scenario if everything goes smoothly.

Member @Swoop who has been in email contact with Dr. Tsuji, estimated a 2026 release as a best case dream scenario before the Kyocera partnership news was announced.

Things change, friend. Kyocera is supposed to have the equipment ready by 2018, and they want to start trials then. They don't have to worry about the FDA, so they could start offering the procedure in 2020 if all goes according to plan. As always, expect delays, but 2026 is more like the absolute worst case scenario now.

Pray The Bald Away

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@kuba197 posted this on b.t.t in June, quoting RIKEN's Facebook page:
So we should trust the person who runs a facebook page but not a primary communications professional from a multibillion dollar private sector company?
@Swoop's email Q&A with Dr. Takashi Tsuji earlier this year:
Huge developments have been made in the last six months and an estimation carries less water than a company press release.
Also I suggest you watch the Science View program segment (original air date: July 19 2016 on Japan's public broadcaster NHK World) about Dr. Tsuji and Riken's work on hair regeneration. Listen to Dr. Mizushima's comments at the end.

The segment about Riken starts at 09:18:
I'm not off work yet so my environment isn't properly suited to watching a video.
Lastly, at the Hair Congress in Miami Dr. Tsuji gave 2020 as the date he hoped to start human clinical trials.

It could not be any clearer.
Once again, this was an estimation that was made almost a year ago. Even if they did start in 2019 or 2020, you still haven't considered the point I made in my previous comment about this being entirely different than a trial for a conventional drug.
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@kuba197 posted this on b.t.t in June, quoting RIKEN's Facebook page:

@Swoop's email Q&A with Dr. Takashi Tsuji earlier this year:

Also I suggest you watch the Science View program segment (original air date: July 19 2016 on Japan's public broadcaster NHK World) about Dr. Tsuji and Riken's work on hair regeneration. Listen to Dr. Mizushima's comments at the end.

The segment about Riken starts at 09:18:

Lastly, at the Hair Congress in Miami Dr. Tsuji gave 2020 as the date he hoped to start human clinical trials.

It could not be any clearer.
All of this was prior to the partnership deal with Kyocera. If this standalone by Riken, then I would agree since there is no way in hell they could develop the cutting edge tech needed for amplifying and delivering dp-epithelial cells on a large scale basis. However Kyocera is a larger than life company and certainly their partnership and intrest in tsujis work has had significant impact on the timelines

That Guy

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Let's make a deal

Whoever is a doubter is buyin' rounds of sushi for us all in 2020. It's only fair, since they'll have been first in line for the treatment.


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This Torin wants bad news and always spread 2026 message. What people will always naysay every potential treatment? hair transplant shill.


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This Torin wants bad news and always spread 2026 message. What people will always naysay every potential treatment? hair transplant shill.

Lol what are you talking about dude?

I really don't think I'm being pessimistic in thinking that an age old problem like baldness could be effectively cured in less than 10 years. Dr. Higgins and Dr. Cotsarelis both think a full cure is further away in the 20 years range.

It was actually @Swoop who made the 2026 estimate for release, which was a right one at the time. Kyocera announcement at best shaves 2-3 years from that estimate imo.

And I'm merely believing in Dr. Tsuji's own words when he said he hopes to begin clinical trials in 2020.

He didn't say this 2 or 3 years ago, he said it this year people. I hope everything goes as planned and they can start their trials in 2020.

I believe in Tsuji and Riken but we need to manage our expectations about possible release dates.

Kyocera is a secondary partner. Remember that. They are not involved with the cells only the machinery. Their know how will be needed in readiness for the clinical trials in 2020.

By the way I would never get a hair transplant :)
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Kyocera will have the machinery ready by 2018, not 2020.

Please show me where I said otherwise.

March 2018 when they aim to have prototype equipment ready. We've known this since the announcement.


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Kyocera is a secondary partner. Remember that. They are not involved with the cells only the machinery. Their know how will be needed in readiness for the clinical trials in 2020.

You implied it here. Nice sidestep though lol


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You implied it here. Nice sidestep though lol

What I said was quite right.

Their know how will be needed in readiness (prior) to the clinical trials (Riken) in 2020. Makes perfect sense that the Kyocera prototype equipment should be ready a year or two before trials begin. Replicel have had their own patented injector device for a while and they're yet to even reach market.

Remember, Riken's role is a LOT larger than Kyocera's in all this. And Dr. Tsuji is the main man.

Just re-read what Dr. Tsuji said just a few short months ago. He re-iterated 2020 for the start of clinical trials (hopefully) when critical issues were resolved. This is excellent news. Why don't you just accept it?

Kyocera or a company like its involvement was inevitable to necessitate the manufacturing of applicators and the like. Riken were probably in talks with Kyocera well before Tsuji repeated the 2020 target.

Kyocera's involvement does not magically speed up the road to Riken's clinical trials just months after Tsuji re-iterated the 2020 date. All it shows is that they are on their way to Tsuji's 2020 clinical trials target.
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"I'm going to keep denying that I'm wrong by citing my own opinion and outdated claims instead of trusting recent press releases issued by the actual parties involved"

If you object to Dr. Tsuji's recent predictions then I don't know why you have his photo on your display. Better if you had a Kyocera communications rep's picture as your profile, since you think they know better than the Doctor.


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Lol what are you talking about dude?

I really don't think I'm being pessimistic in thinking that an age old problem like baldness could be effectively cured in less than 10 years. Dr. Higgins and Dr. Cotsarelis both think a full cure is further away in the 20 years range.

It was actually @Swoop who made the 2026 estimate for release, which was a right one at the time. Kyocera announcement at best shaves 2-3 years from that estimate imo.

And I'm merely believing in Dr. Tsuji's own words when he said he hopes to begin clinical trials in 2020.

He didn't say this 2 or 3 years ago, he said it this year people. I hope everything goes as planned and they can start their trials in 2020.

I believe in Tsuji and Riken but we need to manage our expectations about possible release dates.

Kyocera is a secondary partner. Remember that. They are not involved with the cells only the machinery. Their know how will be needed in readiness for the clinical trials in 2020.

By the way I would never get a hair transplant :)

Didn't someone interview cots either hellouser, or Desmond at a hair loss conference, and he told one of them that the cure would be dictated by funding? So if a huge financial contribution is made that changes his predictions entirely... You're spinning what dr.'s have predicted to fit your assumptions, but these predictions made by doctors were based on current circumstances... They couldn't predict who, or how much finding someone may get in the future...


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Can beard hairs?
beard hope for the DUPA

That Guy

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It has been nearly a whole month since the press releases and neither Kyocera, RIKEN or Organ Tech. has issued a contrary statement. Therefore, it stands to reason we have not received incorrect information.

Torin is ultimately committing a genetic fallacy here by assuming that Tsuji's word is law. In reality, Tsuji probably doesn't actually have much say over the commercialization and business aspects of the procedure and his research etc. would belong to RIKEN. Tsuji isn't even an executive or anything like that - he's just a respected doctor and team leader in the labs.

If the three parties believe they have the money and technological feasibility to move things faster, then what Tsuji thinks about it probably doesn't have much sway and why would he want to wait until 2020 to begin trials arbitrarily?


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If you object to Dr. Tsuji's recent predictions then I don't know why you have his photo on your display. Better if you had a Kyocera communications rep's picture as your profile, since you think they know better than the Doctor.
Torin, thers no point in explaining to some people they only listen to what they want to listen to even when you give them the facts. I like that they are positive though! And I do hope this treatment works as anticipated, but we all know with clinical trials to date the delays, so even the dates you have shown aremost likely best case scenario.

Pray The Bald Away

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Torin, thers no point in explaining to some people they only listen to what they want to listen to even when you give them the facts. I like that they are positive though!
Gotta love that condescending and dismissive attitude


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Torin, thers no point in explaining to some people they only listen to what they want to listen to even when you give them the facts. I like that they are positive though! And I do hope this treatment works as anticipated, but we all know with clinical trials to date the delays, so even the dates you have shown aremost likely best case scenario.

Oh for sure! I can't imagine how insulting it is to converse with us idiots! So tell me, because I assume by the way that you talk you must be on the board of Kyocera... How far off are we? It's good to talk with someone that's been there, and done that like you! Be honest on a scale from 1-10 how obnoxious are us amatures?

That Guy

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Torin, thers no point in explaining to some people they only listen to what they want to listen to even when you give them the facts. I like that they are positive though! And I do hope this treatment works as anticipated, but we all know with clinical trials to date the delays, so even the dates you have shown aremost likely best case scenario.

His "facts" are outdated and the fact remains that the press releases have not been contradicted.

Like, I'm not sure why this is a difficult concept.


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It won't be long before we hear something more concrete on a timeline. Until then, all the points have been laid out both in favor of a 2020 availability, and against. The future is uncertain, and there's no need to speak ill to people who have a different crystal ball. Any one of us could be placing too much or too little value on any given piece of information that would make us think one outcome is more likely than the other. There just isn't enough info here to make solid conclusions about when we're going to see this treatment in the clinic. Since we're all just guessing here let's not make it personal.


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It won't be long before we hear something more concrete on a timeline. Until then, all the points have been laid out both in favor of a 2020 availability, and against. The future is uncertain, and there's no need to speak ill to people who have a different crystal ball. Any one of us could be placing too much or too little value on any given piece of information that would make us think one outcome is more likely than the other. There just isn't enough info here to make solid conclusions about when we're going to see this treatment in the clinic. Since we're all just guessing here let's not make it personal.
On point. This needs to be sticked on every page :D