But there are those so desperate for a quick fix that instead of listening to Tsuji they prefer to latch on to an email by a general communications representative who doesn't properly understand the separate timelines of Riken and Kyocera and what they mean.
Kyocera equipment will be ready in 2018.
Riken clinical trials will hopefully begin in 2020.
Commercialisation will come at least a few years after this.
Above is the absolute best case scenario if everything goes smoothly.
Member @Swoop who has been in email contact with Dr. Tsuji, estimated a 2026 release as a best case dream scenario before the Kyocera partnership news was announced.
Things change, friend. Kyocera is supposed to have the equipment ready by 2018, and they want to start trials then. They don't have to worry about the FDA, so they could start offering the procedure in 2020 if all goes according to plan. As always, expect delays, but 2026 is more like the absolute worst case scenario now.