Early 30s Bald Guy Still Gets Loads of Women


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I disagree. There are some guys who look fine bald, but hair can really make or break a face on certain guys. He wouldn't look great with hair, but he'd look acceptable. Almost any guys with good hair will look alright.

As it stands, he looks terrible.

The women commenting are clearly talking about his looks. That's the whole point of the joke: "he needs to do this in order to get punani, lol".

If he didn't look so bad, they'd be merely complaining about how shocking the story as and how awful a person he was. Hell, many criminals have ended up getting fan mail from girls because they were so good looking - even serial killers.


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:agree: On the contary if the guy was actually good looking I think you'd find that most of the womens comments would be more like "he could arrest me anytime" or "I would'nt mind working off the fine with him at all". Sorry but thats the difference looks can make.
And it was'nt just that they did'nt think he was good looking they also could'nt believe that he was only 33.


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i agree that he is a 3 or 4 out of 10,however he would only be a 5 with hair at most,very funny story though


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Someone just commented this on the site:

"It goes with that type of bald head. Filthy Loser!"

...but of course people aren't even looking at that, right qball?


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qball01 said:
Lol, somebody photoshop this guy with hair...I wanna see what he would look like...

wish granted



(had to give him a slight eyebrow transplant too :innocent:)


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He's definitely gone up a point or two.

I quite like how this guy's become an internet celebrity here. If only he knew...


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He looks a bit better than I expected photoshopped. He's still ugly as f*** though..I'd say he's gone from a 2 to a 4. He really carries off baldness about as badly as possible..he's got a completely retarded head shape..thank god most of us will never look that bad bald..


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Also bear in mind that hair would look way better on him in real life, since a) it'd be real hair, not graphic design, and b) he'd style it in the best way to complement his looks overall.


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FSHGLD said:
He looks a bit better than I expected photoshopped. He's still ugly as f*ck though..I'd say he's gone from a 2 to a 4.

Lol, the guy looks like Rick Astley now. But with looks every point matters. A 2 might not be able to get any pu55y whilst a 3 can get some. With every point you're improving your options 10%. So a 5/6 might have to work to score, with 50% of women, just moving up to a 7/8 will make it easy to score with 70% of them.


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Small world; this guy worked at my local constabulary. I've met him on several occasions...


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I wonder if the bashing of this guy's look reflects the insecurities present in all you guys....

I think what he did was bad, but there was no need to say how unpleasant he looks. Thing is, I thought he looked rather ok. About average.

I find it rather sad that we are all suffering from balding here and yet we are still bashing some guy for his baldness....


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This thread is making me soooo damn depressed. But lets face it. This guy is ugly no matter what. Its just that his lack of hair makes him even more ugly.


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s.a.f said:
As Larry David would say "this is very bad for the bald community".
You notice that the report had to mention that he was balding and wore glasses. If he'd had a full head of hair would they have mentioned it?

Very good point made there s.a.f. Is it even necessary to mention he is bald? Isnt that pretty f*****g obvious?


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Vanzzzz said:
I wonder if the bashing of this guy's look reflects the insecurities present in all you guys....

I think what he did was bad, but there was no need to say how unpleasant he looks. Thing is, I thought he looked rather ok. About average.

I find it rather sad that we are all suffering from balding here and yet we are still bashing some guy for his baldness....

We did'nt bring up his looks it was the comments that did that, so basicly its just what everyone else was thinking. Did you expect us to just skirt around the issue?


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joshua said:
That fugly bald head makes me instantly depressed + he provides others with another reason for people to see baldies as sexually frustrated losers for which it takes little to be pushed over the edge.
