Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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I just want to report people (women) attacked me this whole week how did I get in club this young. Clubs limit is 21yo btw and they thought im 15-19yo (depends on person that asked) lol. I am 24 yo and just use bica + dutasteride and tretinoin + hylauronic acid for skin. I saw same reports from @nWo Wolfpac and @Ein so just wanna confirm that this is true. Also my girl friends that I havent seen for 6months+ have said the same thing, “ youre younger everytime i see you”. ✌️
Do you apply the hylauronic acid as a cream, or take it as a suppliment? Thanks.
PS: in one of your previous posts you mentioned your libido is raging. I wonder how this could be if bica increases estradiol and blocks test receptors? Do you have your blood work done to check T, E and LH for example?


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Sure, 12.5mg is enough for transwomans but in conjuction with E2.

CPA monotherapy is not going to lower your testosterone levels to FEMALE RANGES, even with high doses. Only CPA + E2 is going to lower testosterone to female ranges so I think that you should do more studies.

Oral CPA has been studied at low dosages of 5 to 20 mg/day as a potential male hormonal contraceptive.[132][133] A dosage of as low as 5 to 10 mg/day oral CPA has been found to suppress circulating testosterone levels in men by 50 to 70%.[134][119][135][136] For comparison with lower dosages, the suppression of circulating testosterone levels in men with a dosage of 100 mg/day oral CPA was 77% and with a dosage of 300 mg/week intramuscular CPA was 76%.[137][138] Dosages of CPA of 12.5 to 25 mg/day have been used as a maintenance dosage for testosterone suppression in men with sexual deviance after initial administration of higher CPA dosages, without recurrence of symptoms.[139][140] CPA is generally able to maximally suppress circulating testosterone levels by 70 to 80% in men.

CPA has been found to be effective in the treatment of acne in males, with marked improvement in symptoms observed at dosages of 25, 50, and 100 mg/day in different studies.[52][53][54][55] It can also halt further progression of scalp hair loss in men.[56][57][58] Increased head hair and decreased body hair has been observed with CPA in men with scalp hair loss.[59][13] In addition, lower dosages of CPA, such as 25 mg/day, have been found to be better-tolerated in men.[54]

Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyproterone_acetate

Btw. I dont want to be a Fabio. I just want to stop my hairloss especially on the sides/back of head, so I can wear a hairsystem for a longer time. Maybe I am wrong but I strongly believe that lowering androgens levels at least slow down hairloss. I dont expect regrowth.

Its same as with Finasteride/Dutasteride, this drugs lower DHT levels and a lot of people develop regrowth/stopped hairloss while taking it (unfortunately not me). Its same with CPA, its lowering testosterone as well as DHT so I think Its worth to try if finasteride/dutasteride/minoxidil/RU doesnt work.

Im just trying it... If it wont help, then Im going to withdraw it, I dont see the problem. Each person is different and reacts to something else. One can benefit with healthy diet the other with finasteride only and another one with Cyproterone Acetate and another one with HRT.
For how long will you use CPA?


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Those sites on HRT cafe site do they ship to Greece and other european countries?? I live in Greece obviously! and i would like to know!!

John Difool

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Sure, 12.5mg is enough for transwomans but in conjuction with E2.

CPA monotherapy is not going to lower your testosterone levels to FEMALE RANGES, even with high doses. Only CPA + E2 is going to lower testosterone to female ranges so I think that you should do more studies.
Are you able to share your blood serum levels? This would prove your point much better than copy/pasting the CPA wikipedia page.


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5.17nmol/l (4.94-32.01)

still in the normal male range

im using Alpicort E 2ml aswell with 0.1mg estradiol
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John Difool

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the normal range in males is about 270-1070 ng/dL with an average level of 679 ng/dL

Yours 148 ng/dL. It's half of the low range which makes sense since you are cutting T production by 50%. So I wouldn't call that normal range. And suddenly, you are using E2. So what's your E2 level then? I think you are slowly transitioning.

But at this level, your DHT is probably still high enough to cause Androgenetic Alopecia by itself. So you are adding E2 and no 5ARi? I am not sure how many mg of estradiol benzoate there is in your 2ml of Alpicort but I hope for you it's providing enough to cover the hair loss angle.
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the normal range in males is about 270-1070 ng/dL with an average level of 679 ng/dL

Yours 148 ng/dL. It's half of the low range which makes sense since you are cutting T production by 50%. So I wouldn't call that normal range. And suddenly, you are using E2. So what's your E2 level then? I think you are slowly transitioning.

But at this level, your DHT is probably still high enough to cause Androgenetic Alopecia by itself. So you are adding E2 and no 5ARi? I am not sure how many mg of estradiol benzoate there is in your 2ml of Alpicort but I hope for you it's providing enough to cover the hair loss angle.
Normal ranges depends on the laboratory.
Im sorry, mine is 5.14 not 5.17.

Im using dutasteride + finasteride too. There is 0.05mg estradiol in 1ml of Alpicort.


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John Difool

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Why do you stop citing Wikipedia suddenly? I thought this was the source of all the knowledge you like to display.

I am sorry but the differences between labs can't be that different. Unless you are from another planet. Your level is significantly less according to this table. You are not in the male range at all.

≥18 years350–1080 ng/dL*12.15–37.48 nmol/L*
20–39 years400–1080 ng/dL13.88–37.48 nmol/L
40–59 years350–890 ng/dL12.15–30.88 nmol/L

If you are transitioning that's okay, but don't go on recommending CPA to someone to save their hair while you are not just taking CPA without E2 yourself. Give them the full disclosure.


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Why do you stop citing Wikipedia suddenly? I thought this was the source of all the knowledge you like to display.

I am sorry but the differences between labs can't be that different. Unless you are from another planet. Your level is significantly less according to this table. You are not in the male range at all.

≥18 years350–1080 ng/dL*12.15–37.48 nmol/L*
20–39 years400–1080 ng/dL13.88–37.48 nmol/L
40–59 years350–890 ng/dL12.15–30.88 nmol/L

If you are transitioning that's okay, but don't go on recommending CPA to someone to save their hair while you are not just taking CPA without E2 yourself. Give them the full disclosure.
How much testosterone has to have someone in order to regrow hair?? Should i look the female range???

John Difool

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How much testosterone has to have someone in order to regrow hair?? Should i look the female range???
It depends how aggressive your Androgenetic Alopecia is (genes), your age, since when it's gone slick, etc. You can't really tell. There are heuristics but they are highly variable.

Of course, putting you in the female range of everything will do something to your hair, but there is not even a guarantee it will. Keep in mind that some women lose their hair too.


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It depends how aggressive your Androgenetic Alopecia is (genes), your age, since when it's gone slick, etc. You can't really tell. There are heuristics but they are highly variable.

Of course, putting you in the female range of everything will do something to your hair, but there is not even a guarantee it will. Keep in mind that some women lose their hair too.
Whats your current regimen ?


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Normal ranges depends on the laboratory.
Im sorry, mine is 5.14 not 5.17.

Im using dutasteride + finasteride too. There is 0.05mg estradiol in 1ml of Alpicort.
Can only agree with John Difool, you are slowly transitioning. Not necessarily a bad thing depending on your ideas of manliness but just realize that doing this for an extended time will have consequences.
Your normal range must include geriatrics, normal young males without health problems have a much higher level.

John Difool

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Big 3 and a bunch of exotic stuff: oral, parenteral, and topical; some more bleeding edge than others.


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It depends how aggressive your Androgenetic Alopecia is (genes), your age, since when it's gone slick, etc. You can't really tell. There are heuristics but they are highly variable.

Of course, putting you in the female range of everything will do something to your hair, but there is not even a guarantee it will. Keep in mind that some women lose their hair too.
You have seen my case !

John Difool

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I'm using 100 mg of spironolactone, what can I do to prevent osteoporosis?
Quit smoking if you do, don't drink alcohol and add calcium and some vitamin D (5000UI). If you are overweight go on a diet.Exercise to build muscles. No need to become a gym rat, but everything you do to maintain yourself in shape goes a long way to prevent problems down the road.
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thanks! I don't smoke or drink alcohol, and I'm already supplementing calcium.. I'll add some vitamin D and start exercising.
thanks again!


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I'm using 100 mg of spironolactone, what can I do to prevent osteoporosis?
You don't need to do anything. spironolactone is a really weak AA and 100mg of it will barely do anything to your male levels of T so there's zero risk of developing osteoporosis from taking it alone.