Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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Born in Kazakhstan



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In fact, my hair quality is extremely crappy, but the photos cannot convey this. My hair in the parting and at the top does not grow longer than a centimeter and it sticks out in all directions. And I didn't see much improvement in this area
All new hair is very thin. I have no idea how many years it takes for them to become long and thick. And I'm not sure that they can even fully recover. Perhaps miniaturization is a somewhat irreversible process.


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Hahah maybe its just the racial thing as white people say: all asians look the same.
From my side it looks extremely stupid, because you show a completely different person and say something like: "It's literally you." wtf? Imagine that I send a photo of a random person and say that you are the same. I think you'll be confused
This guy even has round glasses, and I have rectangular ones. I hope you can at least tell a circle from a square, lol? I think it's individual, because they never confuse me and do not see similarities between me and other Asians, although I am not in Asia. So I think it's your perception
I'm irresistible, don't compare me to anyone
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Hahah maybe its just the racial thing as white people say: all asians look the same.

Its mostly personal response, I easily maintain my hair even with finasteride but struggle with regrowth. As I said before HRT doesnt regrow for everyone and good chunk of them (trans) resort to wigs. Im hoping for HMI-115 to be atleast somewhat affordable if it works.
Pyrilutamide + HMI-115 + GT 20029 could be the best combo in the future. I hope it all comes out because it looks insane.


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Hahah maybe its just the racial thing as white people say: all asians look the same.

Its mostly personal response, I easily maintain my hair even with finasteride but struggle with regrowth. As I said before HRT doesnt regrow for everyone and good chunk of them (trans) resort to wigs. Im hoping for HMI-115 to be atleast somewhat affordable if it works.
Wtf man. U maintain on finasteride with a nw7 in your family and I cant maintain on duta or finasteride or oral minoxidill and I only got recession of the hairline in my family.


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No one is nw7 in my family, my maternal grandpa was more of a nw5a than nw6 and all other men in my family are nw1 (including my dad) with mild crown thinning at 45+yo. They all have thick donor zones luckily.
I dont understand why you take such drugs then. Just maintaining would make me happy as hell. Im nw2 and it doesnt bother me at all. As you saw my hair hides my hairline anyways.


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While my hairline is same or even better now than before ( first before pic from 2017,second frontal from 2016 )

View attachment 180353View attachment 180354

My hair quality deteriorated with small hairline recession, this is comparison i made when I started treatment in dec 2020.
View attachment 180355

Not comparable lighting conditions but difference is clear. I regained all density (even hairline) im just waiting for thickness which was slow process without some e2.
View attachment 180356 On microscopic level it looked like this, density is 100% but feels little lifeless on touch.(pic compares donor vs top/diffuse area). Diffuse area is bottom,more wirey part.

And this were finasteride only gains 3x per week at 3.5 months. Got just a little thickness nothing spectatular but got gyno also so I went on dutasteride since it was inevitable to get gyno surgery at that point.
View attachment 180358

And for the e2 and jaw surgery face changes:
View attachment 180357 People been telling me i look years younger. Im still swelled up and even have bruises under my eyes lol. I lost substantial amount of beard on e2 btw. But still have some dribbles of c*m, noticed it yesterday. (Left pic after gyno surgery in hospital 2days before starting e2,just on bica and dutasteride, right is now.)
Lol ur really obsessed you need counseling honestly, not trying to be mean but damn son.


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Yea, I dont really understand you Dani... if I were you I would never touch estradiol. With your hairloss you just need duta+oral min that’s all. I know you say „hair greed” but right now you have better hairline/hairs than 95% of guys. A lot of guys look good with Norwood 1.5/2

I can’t even fcking maintain on drugs like Fina/duta/CPA/bica/RU/minoxidil/low dose E2. Now im taking 4mg E2 and Im almost sure that it wont stop my hairloss, but I just want to try. That’s sick! And my hairloss is not that very agressive. Im balding since 16/17, im 30 now with NW3/4

I think that hair loss is more genetically dependent than hormone levels. That’s why a lot of women go bald too.
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View attachment 180365 As I said density and hairline are good but this is what I was trying to fix with bica and estradiol. Right is ~2018, left is february of 2022 (i think), hair looked flat and lifeless.. Once I archive good thickening im fine with maintaining as bridge, dutasteride/om.
Consider yourself very lucky if you can maintain on dutasteride/om.


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Me too, but I can deal with side effects If I can maintain my hairloss.
The worst bica sides are the destruction of body image you are the same weight but you look skinny fat with puffy nipples and hold a ton of water weight also muscle loss .It is so cruel and devastating taking such drugs having the worst side effects and in return you don't even get maintenance at the very least!!
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Trust me, heart side effects are just impossible to cope.
Hey bro maybe is just anxiety because you think with your mind that you will get side effects?? I am taking 20 mg oral minoxidil bica 50 mg and have zero sides in the heart department!!
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