Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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do you take Topical or Oral minoxidil?

I use topical. I my opinion the liquid is better then the foam. But it also leaves this residual that looks exactly like dandruff when dried. So I alter between the two. I was taking twice per day for 9months but after Christmas I reduced the dosage to once as i was just about to start spironolactone.


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Really appreciate this update and really glad it is going well. Has shedding changed since adding spironolactone? I think @AnxiousAndy noted the spironolactone sent him into a shedding frenzy. I'm considering adding spironolactone very soon, although adding dutasteride prior to spironolactone might make the most sense. If I take the spironolactone route first, I will start at 50 mg/day and work my way up to 100 if necessary.

No worries. As far as shedding goes i recently started shedding again but mainly thin hairs. I may shed about 20 hairs if I brush my head frantically with my hands. And maybe 5 will be thick the rest are fine hairs which I’m hoping will grow back thicker.
Definitely take it slowly if you start spironolactone. I started at 50mg and increased 50mg every 2 weeks.


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yes. or at least a beta blocker. that way You counter unwanted side effects from Oral form.
What kind of side effects?
What happens if I choose not to add a diuretic?
I’m already taking dutasteride & topical minoxidil...if I add oral minoxidil, I’m REALLY don’t want to have to add a Diuretic also.
I don’t even know how to get my hands on diuretics. Do you need a prescription or is it over the counter?

Thanks for your help by the way!


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What kind of side effects?
What happens if I choose not to add a diuretic?
I’m already taking dutasteride & topical minoxidil...if I add oral minoxidil, I’m REALLY don’t want to have to add a Diuretic also.
I don’t even know how to get my hands on diuretics. Do you need a prescription or is it over the counter?

Thanks for your help by the way!
yes. you Will need a prescription. maybe you can Build it up.


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Definitely take it slowly if you start spironolactone. I started at 50mg and increased 50mg every 2 weeks.
It's so weird hearing this haha. I was on 50mg cypro and decided to try spironolactone. so i first started by dropping to 25mg cypro with adding 100mg spironolactone a day, for a few weeks. then I dropped the 25mg cypro and upped to 200mg spironolactone.


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good news everyone!! estrogen will make your c*** bigger :D



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This is actually true, but Estrogen will make you lose width in there but not length, so the thinner always appear longer than thicker objects and that's why it is about "illusions",
I haven't lost any width, but you must use it or lose it! I still hurt pussy with my massive dick! bwhahaha :p

@bridgeburn, have you experienced increased in appetite when starting estrogen?
on testosterone, I had a high metabolism and burned too much fat.. now I feel less physically hungry.. however, I get Extreme cravings, especially recently,, for specific tastes.. even when my stomach is not hungry, I'm dreaming about food all the time! o_O


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I haven't lost any width, but you must use it or lose it! I still hurt pussy with my massive dick! bwhahaha :p
I am not gonna lie, but a month on estradiol, and my dick doesn't work or even react to sensations, it is numb,cold, small and shrinking gradually, maybe because iam surgically castrated but I have heard that CPA and spirolactone can have the same effects, even trans women can't have sex as men, because many others and myself report elimination of orgasms and erection, idk about you bridgeburn but I think you are an unbreakable stallion, maybe the oral minxodil is giving you too much blood down there, but you are definitely an exception to the rule, because it is impossible to perform as a man in bed when you got a female hormonal profile


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I am not gonna lie, but a month on estradiol, and my dick doesn't work or even react to sensations, it is numb,cold, small and shrinking gradually, maybe because iam surgically castrated but I have heard that CPA and spirolactone can have the same effects, even trans women can't have sex as men, because many others and myself report elimination of orgasms and erection, idk about you bridgeburn but I think you are an unbreakable stallion, maybe the oral minxodil is giving you too much blood down there, but you are definitely an exception to the rule, because it is impossible to perform as a man in bed when you got a female hormonal profile
I was actually told that about 30% don't have erection issues.. but idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Honestly, I think its in the mind.. libido on estrogen is very mentally linked and less superficial. If you have someone you are comfortable with, it can work. but now I do need more foreplay. If I don't have a girlfriend then I'd probably have some trouble. also, after starting HRT, the libido will drop or go away.. but after at least a few months.. it comes back but its very different, you may experience this.. Its hard to explain

still I never get morning wood, or random erections, I can go a long time without it and feel fine,, but if I really want to use it, Then its a very strong libido.. it may sound weird but estradiol helps, for me anyway.

"However, estradiol, the predominant form of estrogen, also plays a critical role in male sexual function. Estradiol in men is essential for modulating libido, erectile function, and spermatogenesis. Estrogen receptors, as well as aromatase, the enzyme that converts testosterone to estrogen, are abundant in brain, penis, and testis, organs important for sexual function. In the brain, estradiol synthesis is increased in areas related to sexual arousal. In addition, in the penis, estrogen receptors are found throughout the corpus cavernosum with high concentration around neurovascular bundles."


because many others and myself report elimination of orgasms and erection, idk about you bridgeburn but I think you are an unbreakable stallion, maybe the oral minxodil is giving you too much blood down there, but you are definitely an exception to the rule, because it is impossible to perform as a man in bed when you got a female hormonal profile
actually, orgasms feel longer.. and sex feels wayy better on estradiol,, it did something to my nervous system.
But it wasn't like this for the first few months.. then it took many months to get to how it is now..

maybe it helps that I don't have a car and walk alot. I have low BMI, I don't eat beef, chicken or pork..


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This is actually true, but Estrogen will make you lose width in there but not length, so the thinner always appear longer than thicker objects and that's why it is about "illusions", @bridgeburn, have you experienced increased in appetite when starting estrogen?
But 6” to 7” is gaining length.


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I believe progesterone itself is good. but It does depend on the enzymes in your body. Progesterone is both a hormone and a hormone precursor which can end up turning into many other things; corticosteriods, estradiol, testosterone, etc.. no surprise there's conflicting reports.
But it could boost allopregnalonone which is lowered by dutasteride. and through that process lowers 5ar. Cypro lowers T production by its affinity to progesterone receptor however it is much stronger than progesterone at activating it..natural P is mildly antigonadal but then again progesterone is utilized to turn into androgens, but androgens can be aromatized.. If balls are deactivated then I have less of the enzymes to turn it into androgens.. .

your topical sounds like a nice combo.

I started it a few days ago and the progesterone definitely boosts my mood.