Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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calm down already. Are you jealous of our boobs? do you want too? Bonuses are not only in the hair on our mode. You start to look at the world completely different. you become more calm and cheerful. it's much better than wanting sex every hour and hating yourself for it. It's not normal when every girl seems beautiful to you. and all are to blame for androgens. list their harm can still be very long. prostate cancer, bad skin, sweat and much more ... I do not have boobs, but if it is the first size, that's okay. but the sixth size of course I do not want. )))) A lot of guys without hrt have the first size ..


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I have seen alot of you people having castration in your regiment. Is that permanent? @bridgeburn will you ever be able to start a family? Because that scares me the most about this thread and treatment. Because is hair really worth it then?


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The guy that's growing TITS is lecturing me on what is or isn't pathetic. Seriously now.
If you hate our regimens, why are you around? If this is uncomfortable to you, you can stop posting in here, Estrogen improved many aspects in our life, hair growth is just a bonus for my case at least


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As for the other ones, well, taking estrogen I haven't explored because it seems like a preposterous thing to do. My point is, if your goal is to minimize side effects while keeping a somewhat acceptable head of hair, then there are much safer routes to take.
true, but that isn't everyone's goal.. people like me want maximum results and prioritize hair and youth. And this thread tends to attract the type which are not the common norm. I understand the warnings, decisions should be educated but still we have the right to decide them the same way a person can get a tattoo after careful consideration. unusual doesn't mean preposterous.


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I just started using bi-estrocream a day ago.

I will be dosing twice a day, 1 pump 2x a day.

2mg estriol + 0.50mg estradiol, on hairline only, per day.

I had a FUT in 2016 that basically fixed me, but I ran clomid (SERM) at 12.5mg/daily for a few weeks, Sep/Oct 2019, and it started eating at my hairline. Stupid mistake, although the loss is very fresh, I am confident I can turn it around.

Hoping this estrogen can fix me right up.
good luck, If it doesn't work though estradiol would probably be better since it is stronger. you'd need pretty high estriol dose to get the same effect or enough to benefit hair. especially with topicals since absorption can vary.

It is possible,however, that estriol in very high doses is better than estradiol due to its ERa/ERb preference ratio. but still I wouldn't say probable


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I for one really don't want any gyno, and I'm taking 2mg estrofem daily right now a long with some estrogel on the hairline. Nipples are sore already so I'm watching this sh*t closely lmao.

I used to be really pro-testosterone n sh*t (into lifting too), but what really did it gave me? I'm shortish, totally not confident and awkward (T never did sh*t for that), and of course, balding started in my early 20s (thanks genetics). Sure if you're a male model with receptors that aren't fucked, I'd love me some T.

The truth is that if you're not some good looking dude, testosterone is overrated tbh. Having a high sex drive without the looks to use/release it, is a kind of torture whether u like it or not. That being said I'm doing a little dance w/ the devil and hoping to maximize hair gains and minimize the feminizing effect. So I understand both sides.


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1/6 bicalutamide + raloxifen (to avoid Gyno) will help restore my hair?? Do I need to continue taking Avodart and finasteride after the start of bicalutamide?
you should take dutasteride, or at least finasteride with bicalutimide. Bica raises the production of testosterone, therefore DHT should also go up. however it blocks the androgen receptor to prevent the effects of androgens. Although bica will generally win, there is still some competition for receptors. You can enhance the effect of bica by taking dutasteride with it, that leaves an decrease in the amount T turning to DHT, and more turning to E.. of course that makes a higher gyno risk.

the raloxifene should be effective against gyno. but you must start on it before gyno develops.. the effectiveness for hair, only using it will really tell. I've heard mixed anecdotes about whether ralox negatively affects hair or not. I have no experience taking ralox though.

understand your results may vary and there is risks to this.. good luck


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you should take dutasteride, or at least finasteride with bicalutimide. Bica raises the production of testosterone, therefore DHT should also go up. however it blocks the androgen receptor to prevent the effects of androgens. Although bica will generally win, there is still some competition for receptors. You can enhance the effect of bica by taking dutasteride with it, that leaves an decrease in the amount T turning to DHT, and more turning to E.. of course that makes a higher gyno risk.

the raloxifene should be effective against gyno. but you must start on it before gyno develops.. the effectiveness for hair, only using it will really tell. I've heard mixed anecdotes about whether ralox negatively affects hair or not. I have no experience taking ralox though.

understand your results may vary and there is risks to this.. good luck
how effective is 10mg/ml of bicalutamide topical in comparison to 25-50mg bicalutamide oral assuming both people would use dutasteride?


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Then as men age they continue to decrease in T, yet hair continues to fall out.
possible that we get more sensitive to the negative effects of hormones with age.. In the Hamilton Norwood studies around the 1950's Eunuchs in thier 20's given testosterone injections took several years to bald, but an eunuch in his 50's lost hair rapidly in a few months after the injections


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how effective is 10mg/ml of bicalutamide topical in comparison to 25-50mg bicalutamide oral assuming both people would use dutasteride?
I honestly don't think the topical would be very effective at all, unless it was a high enough dose to increase systematic levels significantly.. the thing is, Bica has low affinty for the androgen receptor compared to testosterone and very low affinity compared to DHT. If you take the same amount of T or DHT and the same amount of bica in a given location, the androgens will win the competition for the receptors.. However bica is a very effective anti-androgen because of its long half life. If you take 25mg-50mg bica everyday. then it will build up to become 1,000 times higher amount of testosterone in your system and it wins the competition for receptors due to outnumbering.


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I honestly don't think the topical would be very effective at all, unless it was a high enough dose to increase systematic levels significantly.. the thing is, Bica has low affinty for the androgen receptor compared to testosterone and very low affinity compared to DHT. If you take the same amount of T or DHT and the same amount of bica in a given location, the androgens will win the competition for the receptors.. However bica is a very effective anti-androgen because of its long half life. If you take 25mg-50mg bica everyday. then it will build up to become 1,000 times higher amount of testosterone in your system and it wins the competition for receptors due to outnumbering.
what would be a great dosage (that you would recommend topically?)

Jonny Craig

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good luck, If it doesn't work though estradiol would probably be better since it is stronger. you'd need pretty high estriol dose to get the same effect or enough to benefit hair. especially with topicals since absorption can vary.

It is possible,however, that estriol in very high doses is better than estradiol due to its ERa/ERb preference ratio. but still I wouldn't say probable

Thank you very much! Very helpful.

Curious, do you have opinion on why Clomid would be so bad for male hair?

I was banking on the fact that it raises E2, to be helpful, and it did seem to reduce overall shedding... but was not good at all for hairline.

Is it just the increase in T/DHT, or perhaps it displaces E (or has anti-e effect) in scalp? perhaps a combo of both?


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[QUOTE = "bridgeburn, post: 1770442, member: 130663"] debe tomar dutasteride, o al menos finasteride with bicalutimide. Bica aumenta la producción de testosterona, por lo que DHT también debería aumentar. sin embargo, bloquea el receptor de andrógenos para prevenir los efectos de los andrógenos. Aunque generalmente ganará bica, todavía hay competencia para los receptores. Puede mejorar el efecto de bica al tomar dutasteride con ella, lo que deja una disminución en la cantidad de T que se convierte en DHT, y más en la conversión de E .., por supuesto, hace que el riesgo de ginecología sea mayor.

El raloxifeno debe ser efectivo contra el ginecomastia. pero debes comenzar con él antes de que Gyno se desarrolle ... la efectividad para el cabello, solo usarlo realmente lo dirá. He escuchado anécdotas mixtas sobre si Ralox afecta negativamente al cabello o no. Aunque no tengo experiencia tomando ralox.

Comprenda que sus resultados pueden variar y hay riesgos para esto ... buena suerte [/ QUOTE]
So do you think that spironolactone could be a better antiandrogen than bicalutamide or flutamide? since the latter increase free testosterone


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possible that we get more sensitive to the negative effects of hormones with age.. In the Hamilton Norwood studies around the 1950's Eunuchs in thier 20's given testosterone injections took several years to bald, but an eunuch in his 50's lost hair rapidly in a few months after the injections
Women have 85% less testosterone than men and 70% less dht than men and yet they do not go bald until they hit menopause when their estrogen is lowered and T is increased.

Eunuchs have 96% less testosterone than men and 70% less dht than men, and they never ever go bald, I experimented this myself

This prove that testosterone is the main enemy and not dht, so taking dutasteride/finsteride will not regrow hair, it may only slow it down a bit


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I have seen alot of you people having castration in your regiment. Is that permanent? @bridgeburn will you ever be able to start a family? Because that scares me the most about this thread and treatment. Because is hair really worth it then?
if it scares you then don't do it. The longer on hormones the harder it may be to get fertility back.. some have stopped full HRT after 5 years and had kids., but others are not so lucky because there are different tolerances for this.

infertility from only AAs is reversible, but add too much estradiol with it and it fries the nuts in a unique way.


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@bridgeburn ; how is the affinity of spironolactone for the androgen receptors compared to testosterone and DHT? 400 mg spironolactone a day will outnumber testosterone and DHT in the body?


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Anyone here who is making progress on Diane 35? I had to discontinue because of liver discomfort but planning to try it again if it's working for someone
it worked for the notorious Two-hen. unfortunately the youtube account was deleted :/ how much were you taking?