Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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I think it's because the testosterone is prioritizing killing all your hair follicles first, it should focus on other things after you're at about nw3.


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Ur an

I must have gotten massive upregulation after using dutasteride and even finasteride cause both drugs made hair worse for me. Im much much more stable after dropping them. dutasteride 1.5 years ago and finasteride a few months ago.
I feel like dutasteride improved my crown but my hairline thickness got worse, while my hairline got thicker almost immediately and regrew dead zones that I lost as a teenager when I was on the heavier dose of e for like 3 months. Now that I’m on a much lower dose my crown is still steadily improving to the point there’s very little visible thinness, but my hairline has stalled out


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It takes 4-8 weeks to get rid of weakness and drowsiness. Now I continue to feel terrible despite taking T. Because of this, I don't feel like it's working at all. I feel extremely shitty.

I feel like dutasteride improved my crown but my hairline thickness got worse, while my hairline got thicker almost immediately and regrew dead zones that I lost as a teenager when I was on the heavier dose of e for like 3 months. Now that I’m on a much lower dose my crown is still steadily improving to the point there’s very little visible thinness, but my hairline has stalled out

I feel like dutasteride improved my crown but my hairline thickness got worse, while my hairline got thicker almost immediately and regrew dead zones that I lost as a teenager when I was on the heavier dose of e for like 3 months. Now that I’m on a much lower dose my crown is still steadily improving to the point there’s very little visible thinness, but my hairline has stalled out
For me it nuked my crown. Crown is doing so much better without it.


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It takes 4-8 weeks to get rid of weakness and drowsiness. Now I continue to feel terrible despite taking T. Because of this, I don't feel like it's working at all. I feel extremely shitty.
i feel like that from dutasteride finasteride combo


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i feel like that from dutasteride finasteride combo
For me, things are a little more serious. I sleep for 12 hours and still have difficulty getting out of bed, and after 5 hours I feel unbearably sleepy again. I feel extremely weak and cannot work. I hope this ends soon.
The worst thing is that if RU helps me and I decide to restore my own testosterone production, it will take many months; probably a whole year. I don’t know how you can live in this state for a whole year, it kills life. Hopefully my testicular T production will return quickly, but given how long I've been on HRT, it would take a miracle for that to happen.


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Just moment ago I had a look into my gallery from 2 years ago when I was on HRT. I cant believe i deluded myself noone will notice those changes wtf. My face is unrecognizable.
Now I'm worried about the changes on the T. I'm not sure if they will be good for my face... I'm afraid how people will react to the changes if I was socialized when I was already on HRT


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For me, things are a little more serious. I sleep for 12 hours and still have difficulty getting out of bed, and after 5 hours I feel unbearably sleepy again. I feel extremely weak and cannot work. I hope this ends soon.
The worst thing is that if RU helps me and I decide to restore my own testosterone production, it will take many months; probably a whole year. I don’t know how you can live in this state for a whole year, it kills life. Hopefully my testicular T production will return quickly, but given how long I've been on HRT, it would take a miracle for that to happen.

Now I'm worried about the changes on the T. I'm not sure if they will be good for my face... I'm afraid how people will react to the changes if I was socialized when I was already on HRT
Why u care so much? Its who you were meant to be. Meant to look like. You were born male not a woman. Own your manly look and if they wonder what happened to your face just say you had low T issues before but now its normal again. Just make some excuse man.


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As Almas grew older, he began to realize that his body was changing in ways that didn't quite align with who he felt he was inside. His voice deepened, and he noticed the first signs of hair sprouting on his face. Panic seized him as he faced the specter of masculinity encroaching upon his femininity. Determined to hold onto the essence of himself, Almas sought out a solution.

Unable to find support from traditional medical channels, Almas turned to the internet in search of a remedy. Through clandestine online forums and underground networks, he procured hormone replacement therapy (HRT). With each dose of estrogen, he felt a sense of relief wash over him, as if he was finally reclaiming ownership of his body.

For a time, Almas flourished. His skin softened, his features retained their gentle contours, and the threat of baldness seemed like a distant nightmare. He embraced his identity with a newfound confidence, navigating the world as the person he always knew he was meant to be.

But as the years passed, doubts began to gnaw at Almas's resolve. What if he was missing out on something by suppressing his natural testosterone? What if he could find happiness by embracing the very thing he had fought so hard to avoid?

In a moment of recklessness, Almas made a fateful decision. He ceased his HRT, eager to explore life without the artificial barrier that had shielded him from the ravages of testosterone. At first, the change was imperceptible, a subtle shift in the rhythm of his body. But then, like a storm gathering on the horizon, the effects began to manifest.

Almas experienced what was known in certain online communities as "twinkdeath," a colloquial term for the drastic physical changes that can occur when someone stops taking feminizing hormones. Hair fell from his scalp in clumps, leaving behind barren patches of skin where once there had been lush locks. His once full head of hair receded until he reached a Norwood 7 level of baldness, leaving him nearly completely bald. His voice deepened to a growl, roughened by the abrasive touch of testosterone. His skin, once soft and smooth, became rough and weathered.

Each day, Almas felt himself slipping further away from the person he used to be. He tried to reclaim his femininity, but it felt like grasping at smoke, elusive and intangible. He looked in the mirror and saw a stranger staring back at him, a distorted reflection of the person he once was.
Regret consumed him, a bitter taste that lingered on his tongue. He longed for the days when he had embraced his true self without reservation, when the world had seemed full of endless possibilities. Now, he was trapped in a body that felt foreign and alien, a constant reminder of the irreversible mistake he had made.

In the quiet hours of the night, Almas would weep bitter tears, mourning the loss of the person he once was and the future he would never have. He searched for solace in the embrace of others, but found only emptiness and longing.

And so, Almas lived out the rest of his days in a state of perpetual anguish, haunted by the ghost of a decision that had shattered his world beyond repair. The boy who had once danced with the grace of a butterfly was gone, replaced by a hollow shell of a man who could never escape the prison of his own making.


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You're seriously ill, bro. Even if we assume that testosterone will kill my beauty (which is unlikely, because I will use Bicalutamide and take care of my skin), and my body is 100% much better, then I can always return to HRT and reverse all testosterone changes in 5 months. I can give up T at any time if I want to.


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You're seriously ill, bro. Even if we assume that testosterone will kill my beauty (which is unlikely, because I will use Bicalutamide and take care of my skin), and my body is 100% much better, then I can always return to HRT and reverse all testosterone changes in 5 months. I can give up T at any time if I want to.
Are you beautiful though? Do you have a cute gf/bf?


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Why u care so much? Its who you were meant to be. Meant to look like. You were born male not a woman. Own your manly look and if they wonder what happened to your face just say you had low T issues before but now its normal again. Just make some excuse man.
Well coincidentally I was looking over pictures of just before starting estradiol today. It's crazy how much worse my face looked personally. I think its really on a person to person basis. Its obvious that there are tons of men with normal testosterone levels that have great looking faces. I have no basis or desire to deny that fact. But this was simply not the case for me. The difference between then and now makes me seriously feel as though I have some sort of allergy to the testosterone that my body was naturally producing. I mean, I was literally balding at 15 years old. Just because I was 'meant to be that way' simply by way of being born male doesn't mean I should have to live with that pure self disgust and let myself rapidly degrade each year. Life is far from perfect on estrogen, I hate how I look most days, but the before and after is still shocking approaching 2 years on the drug. All my friends agree that I have had a major improvement in looks since starting estradiol. I only plan to get better as there is no other way for me to live.


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Now I'm worried about the changes on the T. I'm not sure if they will be good for my face... I'm afraid how people will react to the changes if I was socialized when I was already on HRT
Think of it this way: People change appearance all the time for a myriad of different reasons and normies have absolutely no comprehension of how hormones work. Those that see you every day will notice no difference unless they overanalyze a picture 6 months own the line. Those that see you once in awhile may think "something is different about Almas" but not be able to put their finger on what. Think about how many times you've seen someone and they've gained a massive amount of weight since you last saw them. People are conditioned to that degree of change, so hormone differentials really won't throw the average person off unless you decide to express yourself drastically different.


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Strange, I have a slight allergy in the form of itchy eyes and a sweaty nose. I don’t even know what component of RU can cause such a reaction. The allergy is not severe, so I will tolerate it. Maybe it will go away on its own.