Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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As Almas grew older, he began to realize that his body was changing in ways that didn't quite align with who he felt he was inside. His voice deepened, and he noticed the first signs of hair sprouting on his face. Panic seized him as he faced the specter of masculinity encroaching upon his femininity. Determined to hold onto the essence of himself, Almas sought out a solution.

Unable to find support from traditional medical channels, Almas turned to the internet in search of a remedy. Through clandestine online forums and underground networks, he procured hormone replacement therapy (HRT). With each dose of estrogen, he felt a sense of relief wash over him, as if he was finally reclaiming ownership of his body.

For a time, Almas flourished. His skin softened, his features retained their gentle contours, and the threat of baldness seemed like a distant nightmare. He embraced his identity with a newfound confidence, navigating the world as the person he always knew he was meant to be.

But as the years passed, doubts began to gnaw at Almas's resolve. What if he was missing out on something by suppressing his natural testosterone? What if he could find happiness by embracing the very thing he had fought so hard to avoid?

In a moment of recklessness, Almas made a fateful decision. He ceased his HRT, eager to explore life without the artificial barrier that had shielded him from the ravages of testosterone. At first, the change was imperceptible, a subtle shift in the rhythm of his body. But then, like a storm gathering on the horizon, the effects began to manifest.

Almas experienced what was known in certain online communities as "twinkdeath," a colloquial term for the drastic physical changes that can occur when someone stops taking feminizing hormones. Hair fell from his scalp in clumps, leaving behind barren patches of skin where once there had been lush locks. His once full head of hair receded until he reached a Norwood 7 level of baldness, leaving him nearly completely bald. His voice deepened to a growl, roughened by the abrasive touch of testosterone. His skin, once soft and smooth, became rough and weathered.

Each day, Almas felt himself slipping further away from the person he used to be. He tried to reclaim his femininity, but it felt like grasping at smoke, elusive and intangible. He looked in the mirror and saw a stranger staring back at him, a distorted reflection of the person he once was.
Regret consumed him, a bitter taste that lingered on his tongue. He longed for the days when he had embraced his true self without reservation, when the world had seemed full of endless possibilities. Now, he was trapped in a body that felt foreign and alien, a constant reminder of the irreversible mistake he had made.

In the quiet hours of the night, Almas would weep bitter tears, mourning the loss of the person he once was and the future he would never have. He searched for solace in the embrace of others, but found only emptiness and longing.

And so, Almas lived out the rest of his days in a state of perpetual anguish, haunted by the ghost of a decision that had shattered his world beyond repair. The boy who had once danced with the grace of a butterfly was gone, replaced by a hollow shell of a man who could never escape the prison of his own making.
Strange, I have a slight allergy in the form of itchy eyes and a sweaty nose. I don’t even know what component of RU can cause such a reaction. The allergy is not severe, so I will tolerate it. Maybe it will go away on its own.
Doesnt sound good. I read others with eye issues on RU like floaters/worse eyesight and red eyes. Ru dont give me a single side effect. But I still wont use it anymore.
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Doesnt sound good. I read others with eye issues on RU like floaters/worse eyesight and red eyes. Ru dont give me a single side effect. But I still wont use it anymore.
I think everything is under control. I am an allergic asthmatic, so I tend to react strongly to topical medications. That's why I don't like topicals. I still tolerate RU much better than minoxidil, which added water retention to those effects


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My DHT was also quite high at zero T. Any ways to block the backdoor of DHT synthesis?
Idk. Im already taking dutas and bica so I don't think so. Bica gets me covered as long as it doesn't get crazy high DHT which I doubt. Anyways I have 0.07 ng/ml 3a diol G so in theory I have very low circulating androgens, but ofc this is always the theory, which can differ from reality.


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Strange, I have a slight allergy in the form of itchy eyes and a sweaty nose. I don’t even know what component of RU can cause such a reaction. The allergy is not severe, so I will tolerate it. Maybe it will go away on its own.
yea dont worry too much, goes away after a couple months


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For me, things are a little more serious. I sleep for 12 hours and still have difficulty getting out of bed, and after 5 hours I feel unbearably sleepy again. I feel extremely weak and cannot work. I hope this ends soon.
The worst thing is that if RU helps me and I decide to restore my own testosterone production, it will take many months; probably a whole year. I don’t know how you can live in this state for a whole year, it kills life. Hopefully my testicular T production will return quickly, but given how long I've been on HRT, it would take a miracle for that to happen.
one thing that helped me was vitamin D3 i was very low but still quality of life is very low !! Me too i need a lot of sleep i have muscle weakness i get tired easily can't get hard 100% and i don;t have motivation to workout.I wonder if i could maintain my hair on oral minoxidil 22 mg hair is not an issue any more but i need to find something with less impact on quality of life!Also dutasteride make me hold more fat on stomach area (not weight gain)!
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Great news: I felt better within 5 days of the injection. I feel fine, the testosterone has worked. It is usually said that the first effect of T is oily skin: it appears immediately as soon as T increases. But since I take Bicalutamide, my skin is as dry as it was on HRT.
Excellent !! Have you ever thought to try take oral minoxidil and dutasteride plus RU you could maintain your hair and stop bicalutamide??Do you have sensitive and painful nips??


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My DHT was also quite high at zero T. Any ways to block the backdoor of DHT synthesis?
In a bit of a just pure theory of going all in:
Dutasteride+Bicalutamide and perhaps Abiraterone Acetate (?).

Although, Duta+Bica is very potent. Well, a 5AR inhibitor+a non steroidal anti androgen (Bica, RU, Pyri, etc.).

But Dutasteride alone supposedly tackles the Backdoor through the 5AR1. That’s why it’s a more complete 5AR inhibitor than Finasteride. (Check figure)

Look the nasty AKR1C2, 17B-HSD6, DHR9S, RDH16, RDH5

Read biochemistry in the Wikipedia link.

Also, a reminder: There are two known physiologically and clinically significant 11-oxygenated androgens, 11-ketotestosterone (11KT) and 11-ketodihydrotestosterone(11KDHT), which both bind and activate the androgen receptor with affinities, potencies, and efficacies that are similar to that of testosterone (T) and DHT, respectively.[4][3]

Plus, 3a-diol-G is an important marker:http://immunotech.cz/Media/Default/Page/A-G_analyte_info.pdf

I wrote it as well to my thread:https://www.hairlosstalk.com/intera...ation-of-hair-follicles-and-3a-diol-g.134542/
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Idk. Im already taking dutas and bica so I don't think so. Bica gets me covered as long as it doesn't get crazy high DHT which I doubt. Anyways I have 0.07 ng/ml 3a diol G so in theory I have very low circulating androgens, but ofc this is always the theory, which can differ from reality.

one thing that helped me was vitamin D3 i was very low but still quality of life is very low !! Me too i need a lot of sleep i have muscle weakness i get tired easily can't get hard 100% and i don;t have motivation to workout.I wonder if i could maintain my hair on oral minoxidil 22 mg hair is not an issue any more but i need to find something with less impact on quality of life!Also dutasteride make me hold more fat on stomach area (not weight gain)!
Bro yes try to maintain on oral minoxidil. Those sides sounds horrible.


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For me, things are a little more serious. I sleep for 12 hours and still have difficulty getting out of bed, and after 5 hours I feel unbearably sleepy again. I feel extremely weak and cannot work. I hope this ends soon.
The worst thing is that if RU helps me and I decide to restore my own testosterone production, it will take many months; probably a whole year. I don’t know how you can live in this state for a whole year, it kills life. Hopefully my testicular T production will return quickly, but given how long I've been on HRT, it would take a miracle for that to happen.
Well fuk it. Im back on oral minoxidil and RU daily.


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Hrt users when do e2 effects start to kick in to my hair and facial cheekbones ? Because I can't wait to get into modeling
I started to see effects on face at 3 months but it maximized at around 1 y and 6 months. Hair took a while like 1 year on HRT but I think it was because the first 6 months I was using sublingual e2 + CPA which made my hair worse. I think you can recover hair within 6 months if you use injections + bica.


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