Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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It's all about semen and gyno. It's so weird to complain about hairloss but be more concerned with semen and gyno. If you were worried about the social stigma of taking HRT, I can relate to that, I also was and delayed starting the medication 2.5 years after wanting it to fix my hair. But semen and gyno?


My Regimen
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It's all about semen and gyno. It's so weird to complain about hairloss but be more concerned with semen and gyno. If you were worried about the social stigma of taking HRT, I can relate to that, I also was and delayed starting the medication 2.5 years after wanting it to fix my hair. But semen and gyno? f*** off, 0 reason to complain about hairloss at that point.
Retard, i take cypro so my semen is gone anyways, i dont want tits f*****g up my twink body you ignorant idiot


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My Regimen
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Little tiny gyno boobs aren't gonna make nor break your twink status. If you stay very low bodyfat, chances of bodily feminization are slim to none.