Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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I absolutely love having hair again :p:D



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Me too, it is incredible how my hair density increased over this month, i still can't believe how Ray Peat said that male pattern baldness is caused by estrogen, these people are confused
of course a man would say that. that's just sexist psuedoscience


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You have incredible hair regrowth but what about your hair density? At this length, it should look a lot thicker.

Man come on are you being serious or are you just trolling. He clearly has a thick head of hair.
You sort of contradicted there also as you can’t have amazing regrowth without good density.


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Man come on are you being serious or are you just trolling. He clearly has a thick head of hair.
You sort of contradicted there also as you can’t have amazing regrowth without good density.
I am not trolling him. Compared to his bald head he is having a lot more hair now. In case of AntyDht, I saw that he got an amazing density on HRT. Maybe it's just me.


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You guys are nuts. "Test makes your skin dry and leathery ewwwwww".
And it makes you look like a man. Sorry bridgeburn, but you look very feminine in your latest picture. If you think thats pretty or you simply dont care about women, all power to you


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You guys are nuts. "Test makes your skin dry and leathery ewwwwww".
And it makes you look like a man. Sorry bridgeburn, but you look very feminine in your latest picture. If you think thats pretty or you simply dont care about women, all power to you
He looks a lot better with hair. My perception is that if you are young and bald then what is the point in looking like a man. We think like this because we give priority to our hair over the masculinity. We are desperate and weird.


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You guys are nuts. "Test makes your skin dry and leathery ewwwwww".
And it makes you look like a man. Sorry bridgeburn, but you look very feminine in your latest picture. If you think thats pretty or you simply dont care about women, all power to you

No one said testosterone makes your skin dry; it does the opposite and makes the chances of having acne significantly higher. Which is why there is generally a higher amount of males with acne compared to women.

Testosterone does make mens skin texture rough, and it does make mens skin appear leathered as they reach their late thirties. Having leathered skin is not a good trait for most men, as it just makes you appear older and less attractive (your skin is one of the first aspects people notice). Another factor is that men put almost zero effort into looking after their skin which worsens that issue.

Who cares if he looks feminine? His looks improved significantly. In my opinion, feminine looking men are the best looking by a mile (e.g. Manu Rios, BTS). And appearing more feminised IS the future, especially now men are significantly more conscious about their appearance compared to the past. At least he will get to keep his hair, whilst most men will just suffer with balding and have to deal with it because they don't want to risk their masculinity.


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you look very feminine in your latest picture. If you think thats pretty or you simply dont care about women, all power to you
It doesn't matter because many gods and angels are androgenous, it is a sign that he transcended over the human form, it is an upgrade, awaking the feminine within yourself is a beautiful experience, chosing masculinity over hair is useless because humans are born with hair, not all women love hypermasculine men, some women find the bald and bearded look disgusting, no actually many women agree on that


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It doesn't matter because many gods and angels are androgenous, it is a sign that he transcended over the human form, it is an upgrade, awaking the feminine within yourself is a beautiful experience, chosing masculinity over hair is useless because humans are born with hair, not all women love hypermasculine men, some women find the bald and bearded look disgusting, no actually many women agree on that

I agree, I think people are just too obsessed over masculinity and femininity. People should just do what makes them happy, without others judging them for their decisions.


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Its one thing to take care of your hairloss and its another thing to completely nuke all the testosterone in your body.
>Manu Rios
Thats not feminine lol. Thats just a guy with a overly pretty face
Also i think beards are ugly as hell. Thats not what makes you masculine lol

Seeñor Pelitos

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That is incredible results but you look like a different person. Not talking about the hair but you face seems to have changed a lot. It looks more feminine. Areas like cheek bones, eye brows and that whole area, your eye lashes, and chin all seem to change a lot compared to the first picture. Your whole face seems softer and you seemed to have put on a little bit of weight over all most likely because of the regimen.
For the people taking all this stuff my question is how is your sex drive? Is your dick working and has you whole body changed overall?


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Its one thing to take care of your hairloss and its another thing to completely nuke all the testosterone in your body.
>Manu Rios
Thats not feminine lol. Thats just a guy with a overly pretty face
Also i think beards are ugly as hell. Thats not what makes you masculine lol

Manu Rios is definitely feminine looking, especially within his photoshoots. He has bigger eyes, prominent cheekbones, a softer jawline and prominent brows. He's pretty due to his feminine features; it makes him stand out.

Also, if you don't agree with the decisions people are making within this thread, just go to a different one where they're talking about finasteride. People do value their hair more than testosterone, which is understandable because I'm in that situation too. And testosterone does seem to be a leading factor within hair loss.


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That is incredible results but you look like a different person. Not talking about the hair but you face seems to have changed a lot. It looks more feminine. Areas like cheek bones, eye brows and that whole area, your eye lashes, and chin all seem to change a lot compared to the first picture. Your whole face seems softer and you seemed to have put on a little bit of weight over all most likely because of the regimen.
For the people taking all this stuff my question is how is your sex drive? Is your dick working and has you whole body changed overall?

I’m now on duta and 200mg of spirolactone.
I have zero gyno, my sex drive is fine. My libido has gone down a bit. But it’s a good thing. I can still bash one out whenever I want and still remain erect for as long as I’m horny, but I no longer have the urge to bash one out every day which is what I was doing. This drained my energy and made me constantly drowsy.

Remember some people say the get erectile dysfunction or gyno just on finasteride. And that puts people of using that.
It’s the same for spironolactone, some say they get sides when in reality the majority who take it probably do not.


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No he isnt feminine. He has a very masculine face and jaw. The entire shape of his skull and jaw is very masculine. His eyes and lips are just very "perfect" and girly looking. Thats very different from what happened to OP.
"Also, if you don't agree with the decisions people are making within this thread"
Note how i said "if you are happy with that or you simply dont care about girls, all power to you".
Im just saying theres no need to take such extreme measures to your hair back. Sure its going to work, but maybe other things are going to work too. Things that dont wreck your hormone levels and make you start looking like a girl.

One should think very carefully before doing something like that. Hair is important, but other things are important too.


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It doesn't matter because many gods and angels are androgenous, it is a sign that he transcended over the human form, it is an upgrade, awaking the feminine within yourself is a beautiful experience, chosing masculinity over hair is useless because humans are born with hair, not all women love hypermasculine men, some women find the bald and bearded look disgusting, no actually many women agree on that
Every time I see a woman kissing a guy with a beard or too much facial stubble I can almost say for certain she is repulsed, how can that feel good on her lips.


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That is incredible results but you look like a different person. Not talking about the hair but you face seems to have changed a lot. It looks more feminine. Areas like cheek bones, eye brows and that whole area, your eye lashes, and chin all seem to change a lot compared to the first picture. Your whole face seems softer and you seemed to have put on a little bit of weight over all most likely because of the regimen.
For the people taking all this stuff my question is how is your sex drive? Is your dick working and has you whole body changed overall?
Not sure how you make those assumptions from the angle of his head. Plus the fact he has a beard in his before pic is going to throw off the whole comparison. And a male pattern baldness head vs a full head of curls will easily give the illusion of a feminine look.