Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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If she says no, I will tell her that I will castrate my self if she doesn't prescribe me it
I wish you don't have to go through what I experienced, is your baldness really that bad? , mine was awful before, self harm is never fun, I was lucky that they saved my bladder from gangrene, becarful


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I wish you don't have to go through what I experienced, is your baldness really that bad? , mine was awful before, self harm is never fun

Oh, I wouldn't actually castrate my self. I just have to emotionally blackmail the doctor so I get prescribed it, LOL!


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Oh, I wouldn't actually castrate my self. I just have to emotionally blackmail the doctor so I get prescribed it, LOL!

That's what I did to get lupron and estradiol :) good luck !!!


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probably a new strain of avocados

A trail mix of avocado, almonds and egg!



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L o L, 'If God made you bald, then be it'. I can just imagine a woman who will never have to experience hair loss saying this!
even ifthey did experience it, they may still say the same because we are men and its normal for men to go bald. and we are weak if we care about going bald. but it is not normal for a woman to go bald so thats so much worse..
Something which interests me is: did baldness occur thousands of years ago? Where did baldness even spawn? Besides from hell.
well theres the water ape theory.. and the sun collector theory that a bald head is to get more vitamin D..
btw, estrogen upregulates the vitamin D receptor.. but I used to expose my scalp to the sun, even once sunburned it on purpose. It didn't work lol


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even ifthey did experience it, they may still say the same because we are men and its normal for men to go bald. and we are weak if we care about going bald. but it is not normal for a woman to go bald so thats so much worse..

well theres the water ape theory.. and the sun collector theory that a bald head is to get more vitamin D..
btw, estrogen upregulates the vitamin D receptor.. but I used to expose my scalp to the sun, even once sunburned it on purpose. It didn't work lol

If a bald head is to get more vitamin D, wouldn't have evolution lead to us all being bald? I feel like we may become a hairless species eventually if that's the case, since we grow hair all over. I don't know, that theory just doesn't seem quite logical to me... Unless there's a further explanation behind that theory.

I honestly believe that some men can't tolerate testosterone as greatly compared to other men which leads to issues such as acne, oily skin and hair loss.

If women experience hair loss, they have a plethora of options to hide it. They could use lace front wigs, which look unbelievably realistic nowadays since people have mastered to art of wigs - this is definitely the best option.

With Ariana's song 'God is a Woman', I honestly do believe that sometimes; it's almost as if women have super powers. I'm glad our world now respects women like they should be respected because they are truly gifts to our world.


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If a bald head is to get more vitamin D, wouldn't have evolution lead to us all being bald? I feel like we may become a hairless species eventually if that's the case, since we grow hair all over. I don't know, that theory just doesn't seem quite logical to me... Unless there's a further explanation behind that theory.
well the head is closer to the sun.. plus we have actually lost hair all over compared to apes.. and I thought women don't bald cause estrogen "tricks" them into thinking they have enough through VDR activity.
also, I think compared to other races, whites have the worst hair genes.. also the vitamin d receptor is involved in anagen initiation. In animals if you knock it out, the hair will keep growing in the current anagen cycle but the next cycle won't start.

or maybe its just evolutionarily random. I don't truly believe the theory, sunlight and vutd supplements did nothing for me. Maybe it did start that way but now its for different reasons too.



I honestly believe that some men can't tolerate testosterone as greatly compared to other men which leads to issues such as acne, oily skin and hair loss.
thats true, and premature hairloss is also correalated to heart disease. So I also think since hairloss is a male trait, yet its not a male trait which is considered attractive. Then it could be an evolutionary signal not to reproduce with those men.. a mark of genetic inferiority which signals who is at increased risk of prostate cancer/ heart disease/ etc.

https://www-bbc-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.bbc.com/news/amp/health-42164898?amp_js_v=a2&amp_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQCCAE=#aoh=15510489799701&amp_ct=1551049015395&referrer=https://www.google.com&amp_tf=From %1$s

"Also, since hair follicles are a target for androgens - for example testosterone - it has been suggested that early male pattern baldness could reflect differences in responses to androgens that might influence the risk of heart disease."

A study of nearly 37,000 people in Japan in 2013 said balding men were 32% more likely to have coronary heart disease.

And as ive stated before how it works in nature is that only a few men are in the top tier league. Androgens actually f*** most of us up and make us less attractive, look less healthy and decrease our lifespans..

They aren't meant for people like us.

With Ariana's song 'God is a Woman', I honestly do believe that sometimes; it's almost as if women have super powers. I'm glad our world now respects women like they should be respected because they are truly gifts to our world.
In general, I find women more trustworthy. Whenever someone is a murderer, rapist, or pedophile. its usually a man who does that.

" In 2014, more than 73% of those arrested in the US were males.[49] Men accounted for 80.4 percent of persons arrested for violent crime and 62.9 percent of those arrested for property crime.[49]"

2011 arrest data from the FBI:[51]

  • Males constituted 98.9% of those arrested for forcible rape[51]
  • Males constituted 87.9% of those arrested for robbery[51]
  • Males constituted 85.0% of those arrested for burglary[51]
  • Males constituted 83.0% of those arrested for arson.[51]
  • Males constituted 81.7% of those arrested for vandalism.[51]
  • Males constituted 81.5% of those arrested for motor-vehicle theft.[51]
  • Males constituted 79.7% of those arrested for offenses against family and children.[51]
  • Males constituted 77.8% of those arrested for aggravated assault[51]
also if you give testosterone to rats, they attack each other more.


and how much testosterone you were exposed to in the womb is linked to less empathy. (btw, this is supposed to be a permanent change in the brain) :


so yeah, androgens make people evil and bald.. like darth vader or bane, etc. lol.
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well the head is closer to the sun.. plus we have actually lost hair all over compared to apes.. and I thought women don't bald cause estrogen "tricks" them into thinking they have enough through VDR activity.
also, I think compared to other races, whites have the worst hair genes.. also the vitamin d receptor is involved in anagen initiation. In animals if you knock it out, the hair will keep growing in the current anagen cycle but the next cycle won't start.

or maybe its just evolutionarily random. I don't truly believe the theory, sunlight and vutd supplements did nothing for me. Maybe it did start that way but now its for different reasons too.


View attachment 113542

thats true, and premature hairloss is also correalated to heart disease. So I also think since hairloss is a male trait, yet its not a male trait which is considered attractive. Then it could be an evolutionary signal not to reproduce with those men.. a mark of genetic inferiority which signals who is at increased risk of prostate cancer/ heart disease/ etc.

https://www-bbc-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.bbc.com/news/amp/health-42164898?amp_js_v=a2&amp_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQCCAE=#aoh=15510489799701&amp_ct=1551049015395&referrer=https://www.google.com&amp_tf=From %1$s

"Also, since hair follicles are a target for androgens - for example testosterone - it has been suggested that early male pattern baldness could reflect differences in responses to androgens that might influence the risk of heart disease."

A study of nearly 37,000 people in Japan in 2013 said balding men were 32% more likely to have coronary heart disease.

And as ive stated before how it works in nature is that only a few men are in the top tier league. Androgens actually f*** most of us up and make us less attractive, look less healthy and decrease our lifespans..

They aren't meant for people like us.

In general, I find women more trustworthy. Whenever someone is a murderer, rapist, or pedophile. its usually a man who does that.

" In 2014, more than 73% of those arrested in the US were males.[49] Men accounted for 80.4 percent of persons arrested for violent crime and 62.9 percent of those arrested for property crime.[49]"

2011 arrest data from the FBI:[51]

  • Males constituted 98.9% of those arrested for forcible rape[51]
  • Males constituted 87.9% of those arrested for robbery[51]
  • Males constituted 85.0% of those arrested for burglary[51]
  • Males constituted 83.0% of those arrested for arson.[51]
  • Males constituted 81.7% of those arrested for vandalism.[51]
  • Males constituted 81.5% of those arrested for motor-vehicle theft.[51]
  • Males constituted 79.7% of those arrested for offenses against family and children.[51]
  • Males constituted 77.8% of those arrested for aggravated assault[51]
also if you give testosterone to rats, they attack each other more.

View attachment 113544

and how much testosterone you were exposed to in the womb is linked to less empathy. (btw, this is supposed to be a permanent change in the brain) :

View attachment 113545

so yeah, androgens make people evil and bald.. like darth vader or bane, etc. lol.

That poor gorilla should just eat some avocados to fix that hair loss :eek:

I wonder in the future if there will be a possibility to genetically modify your child so it won't experience hair loss... But for now, I feel like the only treatment which will deliver actual results is HRT medications. From what I have seen, the results from Finasteride maintain what hairline you have and can thicken your hair slightly, but it eventually stops working and you're back at square one.

Also, the results from the crimes are shocking; men seem to be the monsters of this world. Even in my family, the men I know are highly aggressive and some have ended up in jail. And, the men in my family have a lengthy history of being abusive to their partners and kids. Men are also most likely to cheat on their partners compared to women, which is interesting because I have noticed heavily that in my family.

People in my family are weary about me losing my fertility, but that's the least of my worries. My sperm will only be used for facials, or in peoples mouths or inside of them; none of these options can lead to pregnancy because they're done with another man. So the use of my sperm is basically not necessary. I will probably get my sperm frozen just incase I do want a surrogate child, as I do feel like I will bond with my baby more if it's actually my own. But, I'm just worried that my own baby will get my nasty genetics!


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Let's just all of us get to norwood zero, it is achievable, rejoice brothers! This is massive we found a cure, we have beaten science and tsuji,


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Let's just all of us get to norwood zero, it is achievable, rejoice brothers! This is massive we found a cure, we have beaten science and tsuji,

Is it actually possible to actually reach an NW0 if you were born with an NW0?


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Is it actually possible to actually reach an NW0 if you were born with an NW0?
The skull expands upon puberty,thats why most people are nw1 and not considered balding, but if you were nw0 at 16 then yes it is possible


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The skull expands upon puberty,thats why most people are nw1 and not considered balding, but if you were nw0 at 16 then yes it is possible

My hairline was receded to an NW1 at 14, and stayed an NW1 but is now slowly getting to an NW1.5. Knowing my families history, it will just keep receding until I have a disgusting hairline.

Jonny Craig

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It is a SERM. Blocks Estrogen receptors in a part of the brain. And is supposed to leave other receptors alone.. I would be cautious because I highly doubt anybody has tested what it could or might do to the estrogen receptors in the scalp.. because nobody cares and male pattern baldness is not considered a real medical condition.
Of course I'm just speculating. The SERM action may not even have a negative effect on scalp receptors.

But I KNOW absolutely for sure its the gonadotrophin effect that affects hair negatively. The brain detects current level of plasma sex hormones, T or E, and releases gonadotrophins to signal the Gonads to produce Sex hormones.. LH is the same hormone which "turns on" gonads in both men and women. Testicles after being turned on produce alot of T and a little E while ovaries produce alot E and a little T. yin and yang.
before Clomid may be level 10 T and level 1 E. and after may be level 100 T and level 10 E. which in turn can lead to more DHT, because the scalp has 5ar locally. If say the level of 5ar in the scalp was 15. then going from level 10 T to 100 T puts your scalp from level 10 DHT to level 15 DHT. and that 15 DHT is a greater level than the level 10 E gained from clomid. hope this makes sense.

Anything which increases the production of testosterone also increases the production of estrogen, unless it is increased by affecting the enzymes 5ar or aromatase. So yes, it increases E, but it also makes you overall more androgenic in proportion to the E that is produced.. Estradiol is increased during male puberty, Testosterone is produced during female puberty. What is more important than the level of androgens or estrogens is the ration between them.

cypro for example is an anti-gonadotrophin. It reduces LH. therefore it reduces the production of both T and E.. However, taking it increases the risk of estrogenic side effects like gyno despite the reduction in estrogen because it blocks the androgen receptor which causes the overall T/E ratio a little more to the E side.

Thanks man.

Jonny Craig

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bridgeburn, hope you're doing well man.

Few questions/comments for ya:

I'm using 2x pumps of bi-estrocare a day for the past 13 days. 1 pump in the afternoon, 1 pump before bedtime. Yields 0.50mg estradiol, and 2mg estriol per day. I know this isn't much, and I haven't been using for long, but..
  1. I seem to actually get better quality erections, and it's easier to get one. I was expecting the opposite. Perhaps this will subside OR I need to increase dosage? See... I notice there are transexuals that are quite able to get erections, despite obviously being on HRT. So perhaps this is just a possible side effect, and just enjoy?
  2. I am now going to sleep at normal hours. Proper 'adulting' you could say. This is VERY unlike me, I'm usually a night owl to the max and sleep 3-4hrs a night, for days on end; not anymore. Now it's early to bed and I sleep 8-9-10hrs. Oh, and even on weekends, I can wake up, eat... then go chill and fall asleep, even after I had slept for 10hrs or so. I do not mind this, just pointing it out... estrogen is amazing for sleep?! Oh, btw, just to clarify, this is NOT to say that I feel sluggish/sleepy/tired during the day, not at all. I've used Progesterone extensively, and I know what tired/sleepy feels like, I actually feel great during the day.
  3. Mood is pretty darn good. IT Mgr and I must be sharp and on my toes at all times. I can't say I've experienced any decrease in mood or productivity; in fact the opposite. Which is not what I was expecting.
  4. My face is looking great. No acne. Pretty certain my oil/sebum level has been reduced.
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Baldness is just a sign from your body telling you that androgens are too harsh on your body, it is an allergic response
It really is! Sex hormones obviously effect/modulate the immune system. No more itching. Even my dandruff went away and I didn't know that was connected to hairloss.. All the bullshit anti-dandruff products like Head and Shoulders or Acne products like Proactive or salycic acid topicals... when the Real solution all along is to just get rid of testosterone.