Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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Any benefit to using castor oil?
it didn't seem to help me. I used it for a long time before Hrt

Also using rosemary oil + peppermint oil.
rosemary was irritating when I tried it, but rosmarinic acid supposedly increases Pge2.. Spearmint tea (pepermint closely related) according to a Turkish study reduced Hiristim in women


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Do you think easing in to your routine by just adding 100mg spironolactone would be a good idea?
yes, adding a blocker would make your regimen stronger than what it is.


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One of the things that scares me the most (besides certain strong side effects, although I wouldn't mind having some others, like accentuating certain feminine traits) is the absolute dependence and total submission to so many medications during maybe the rest of my existence.
I know what you mean.. If I got lost in the woods or stuck on an island that would be really bad.. :confused:

It is not that I have problems taking so many pills but the question is if my organism would
I don't think such a harsh regimen needs to be taken forever.. as time passes the testicles atrophy more and more.. I doubt Testosterone would come back to the same level as before If i were to stop. maintaining on just dutasteride might be possible.


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In the first few weeks when you got gyno did your dick stop working too?
No. My dick never stopped working when I wanted to use it.. but in the beginning I had much lower libido and didn't use it so much.. estradiol improved my libido.


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What do you think if you take estriol separately, it will not turn into estrone? estriol is better for hair.
estriol is better than estrone for hair. It has the lowest gyno promotion than estrone and estradiol and it doesn't turn into estrone


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Bridgey, I've acquired some 0.1% dexamethaxone ophthalmic solution and will implement your 3xweek protocol (imitation is the sincerest form of flattery:) What vehicle will you use. I have some stemoxy solution I could try. I don't use minoxidil topically so that isn't an option here.
I squeeze out a couple eyedrops on each temple and then put either oestrogel or topical minoxidil on right after.


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Say please
What do you think about bicalutamide? Is he better than cypro? What dose is effective? It does not reduce TST. It only reduces the sensitivity of the receptors. Will it interfere with the action of estradiol? What do you think is good or bad bicalutamide? And what is better than CYPRO or BICA?
probably, 50mg bicalutimide with estradiol spread throughout the day is better.
But without estradiol, cyproterone is better.


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Androgen deficiency accounted for decreases in lean mass, muscle size, and strength; estrogen deficiency primarily accounted for increases in body fat; and both contributed to the decline in sexual function.
Strange how everyone believes estrogen causes weight gain and only testosterone makes us horny.

Hey man, how you liking the Progesterone?
so far so good


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Will adding in Bi-estrocare on scalp/hairline POSSIBLY INCREASE DHT??? Or should I be good to go and go into it with no worries???

Concern is -- Upregulating and ramping up DHT production in an attempt for the body to keep homeostasis as it senses increased E levels!

a male receiving exogenous ESTROGEN, in the form of estriol+estradiol - should NOT have to worry at all about this possibly upregulating DHT...T production....??? good to know. Everyone else agree?

Agree. Ive never heard of increased dht in response to estrogen.. Estradiol actually decreases 5ar, decreases T production and increases SHBG (which reduces bioavalability of DHT and T )


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I am also debating using at same time, but taking the prog in mouth, absorbed in the gums/tongue, and bi-estro on scalp. OR just use all on scalp?! not sure... scalp is most direct, for sure.
I also like to combine different routes of administration, just in case. don't irritate the scalp too much with alcohols but really it's probably fine, I just err on side of caution.
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Should I also take Diane-35 (Or Dianette)? I'm not sure what the purpose of that is, but I've seen others use it so I'm quite curious o_O!
thats the hardcore stuff.. It has pros and cons compared to bioidentical E. Don't take diane everyday if you are already taking estradiol. generally, estradiol is better


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If I need to, I will start crying on command in hopes she feels bad and prescribes me them... Or, I will do special FX makeup on my wrists with cut marks (no offence to people who self harm, I'm just quite desperate for these medications :oops: it's just more convenient for me to have a prescription for these).
I'm trying to imagine you doing that. This is both funny and sad :D


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I'm not sure how I should take the 2MG of Estradiol... Should I just take one daily? Or should I take 1MG in the morning, and 1MG in the evening?
its better to split it up


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@bridgeburn do u think lowering testosterone could halt hairloss or do u think once the gene is switched on any amount would cause hairloss?
Lowering T to castrate ranges stops further progression. If you're lucky it might regrow some too.


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It turns out if you do not eat harmful food, you can safely refuse from estradiol and AA. but few will be able to give up the food that he has eaten all his life.
completely doubt this. its primarily genes and hormones.. look at Dr. Michael Gregor, plant-based whole food healthnut advocate but bald as f***.