Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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What's a good, cheap safe site to buy spironolactone from? thailandpharmacy seems too expensive and i had a bad experience with united pharmacies in the past. Any other sites people can recommend?


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Why is it still so expensive on group buys? That's the same price we paid 5yrs ago. Where's the progress?

Looks like you can buy it yourself for way cheaper... $148 shipped.

Quotation for our Setipiprant is as follow:
Assay ----------------- 98% min
Quantity need ------ 25g
FOB price ------------- USD 138
Shipping cost to Canada ----- USD 10 by E-packet
Total cost ------------- USD 148
COA -------------------- please see attachment

This is only 25g... imagine organizing a group buy.. get it for say, 70 bucks per 25g.. mark it up.. they are making a killing off you guys. f*** that.

The problem with that is basically I do not trust getting random chemicals and then I would have to pay to get it tested which I don’t know where I’d even do that near me.

I get it third party tested and I trust my dudes at the forum. He also guarantees the shipments so no dealing with seized packages. He definitely is making something, but he also does a sh*t ton of work getting everything synthesized and what not. He’s had multiple batches of sh*t re done over and over because he wasn’t happy with the test results.


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What are your symptoms. I just have very sensitive nipples and have done for the last two weeks. But I have no sign of swelling or hard lumps that some people report getting.

I have actual lumps behind both nipples. And I get tingling and like almost bruised feelings in them. Sex drive is total fine though on Cypro. I took less than a month for me to get gyno deposits


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help ... as I have no idea why I lost hair this year if I used strong antiandrogens and estradiol ... the only answer I have is that it may be that my hair got worse due to the lack of androgens, it is very rare what I try to explain .. For me I am suffering something like an andrpausia ... it's like aging and maybe my hair is suffering from it ... using finasteride noo I lost so much hair ... for 5 months ... since I started this I got worse or I do not know or perhaps flutamide will increase my testosterone excessively ... Some help an idea in which to investigate


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I'm using 2x pumps of bi-estrocare a day for the past 13 days. 1 pump in the afternoon, 1 pump before bedtime. Yields 0.50mg estradiol, and 2mg estriol per day. I know this isn't much, and I haven't been using for long, but..
  1. I seem to actually get better quality erections, and it's easier to get one. I was expecting the opposite. Perhaps this will subside OR I need to increase dosage? See... I notice there are transexuals that are quite able to get erections, despite obviously being on HRT. So perhaps this is just a possible side effect, and just enjoy?
  2. I am now going to sleep at normal hours. Proper 'adulting' you could say. This is VERY unlike me, I'm usually a night owl to the max and sleep 3-4hrs a night, for days on end; not anymore. Now it's early to bed and I sleep 8-9-10hrs. Oh, and even on weekends, I can wake up, eat... then go chill and fall asleep, even after I had slept for 10hrs or so. I do not mind this, just pointing it out... estrogen is amazing for sleep?! Oh, btw, just to clarify, this is NOT to say that I feel sluggish/sleepy/tired during the day, not at all. I've used Progesterone extensively, and I know what tired/sleepy feels like, I actually feel great during the day.
  3. Mood is pretty darn good. IT Mgr and I must be sharp and on my toes at all times. I can't say I've experienced any decrease in mood or productivity; in fact the opposite. Which is not what I was expecting.
  4. My face is looking great. No acne. Pretty certain my oil/sebum level has been reduced.

1. My erection quality is also great. I expected at first maybe some dysfunction. Libido is more mentally linked so I gotta be into it but I have no ED really. If I get very hard, I noticed that after good orgasms and Im finished, it actually takes a longer for it to get soft again than it did before Hrt. which is really strange.

2. This hasn't really been my experience, I'm still a night owl lol. but I think maybe I need a little more sleep than I used to.. I sleep deep when I do but estrogen doesn't help me fall asleep faster.. It actually stimulates my mind, so I stay up thinking about all kinds of stuff. It sounds strange, but if i take E before bed. I'll often wake up in the night feeling somewhat horny.. yet I don't get morning wood. its not a male horny.

3. glad you think so too, my mood and mental functioning is much better on HRT. Estradiol is mellowing, and feels nice for some reason. Testosterone is like cocaine or something.

You feel productive because this stuff are neurosteriods. Estrogen and Progesterone are both neuroprotective and can help the brain after injury.

4. I seriously Never get any acne now.. Or f*****g oilyness. It disappeared pretty quickly after i started.. pores have shrunk. My skin is glowing right now. Ive had comments that I look angelic.


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Dad brushed it off like it was nothing, then 2 months later he's asking me if dying hair would thicken it, sheesh it even matters at 68.
Thats part of the problem of why it is acceptable to point out a mans hair condition. Cause men are socialized to act they don't care when they really do.


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Before I started having laser hair removal on my beard area, I would shave and those pimples would slit in half and bleed - along with that, I would get such bad razor bumps which made my skin look even worse.
thats why I hate shaving.. at the lowest part on neck it grows at awkard sideways angles different than the rest of the hair. Can you believe the military have to shave thier faces Everyday.


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Are there other anti-androgens which are good? Just incase...
Cyproterone, Bicalutimide, Estradiol, Mexyprogesterone, Lupron, Buserelin


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1. My erection quality is also great. I expected at first maybe some dysfunction. Libido is more mentally linked so I gotta be into it but I have no ED really. If I get very hard, I noticed that after good orgasms and Im finished, it actually takes a longer for it to get soft again than it did before Hrt. which is really strange.

2. This hasn't really been my experience, I'm still a night owl lol. but I think maybe I need a little more sleep than I used to.. I sleep deep when I do but estrogen doesn't help me fall asleep faster.. It actually stimulates my mind, so I stay up thinking about all kinds of stuff. It sounds strange, but if i take E before bed. I'll often wake up in the night feeling somewhat horny.. yet I don't get morning wood. its not a male horny.

3. glad you think so too, my mood and mental functioning is much better on HRT. Estradiol is mellowing, and feels nice for some reason. Testosterone is like cocaine or something.

You feel productive because this stuff are neurosteriods. Estrogen and Progesterone are both neuroprotective and can help the brain after injury.

4. I seriously Never get any acne now.. Or f*****g oilyness. It disappeared pretty quickly after i started.. pores have shrunk. My skin is glowing right now. Ive had comments that I look angelic.

All this is so ridiculous but more imporatantly


give a more honest representation of what has happened to you, dont try to paint this as some wonderfull thing

Mr. Grey

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Hello guys!

Which kind of topical Estrogen I have to use? (What you recommend?). I mean name, brand, type of estrogen, e.t.c.

And, please, tell me, how I should to put it to my scalp (I need to apply gel or cream on all my problem surface or only partly?),

sorry, but I don't understand..

Jonny Craig

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The problem with that is basically I do not trust getting random chemicals and then I would have to pay to get it tested which I don’t know where I’d even do that near me.

I get it third party tested and I trust my dudes at the forum. He also guarantees the shipments so no dealing with seized packages. He definitely is making something, but he also does a sh*t ton of work getting everything synthesized and what not. He’s had multiple batches of sh*t re done over and over because he wasn’t happy with the test results.

Why are they random?

Where do you think the group buy is getting them from?

These Chinese companies are doing big business making a LOT of cash selling these products. Millions per year. They have COA available that show date when it was tested. Find a good quality reputable 'Gold' supplier, ensure they've been 'onsite checked' by alibaba, and should be good to go.

You're paying basically double+ to get it third party tested. If you order from a reputable company, there really is no need for that. He is likely ordering from the cheaper companies, to drive costs as low as possible, so his profit is as high as possible.

The only hold he has over you guys is that additional 'testing'. I guess if that's worth it to you, that's where your money is going. If this was your biggest concern I'm sure the supplier could re-test for you and supply you with new COA for much cheaper though. Or get it tested elsewhere for cheaper, if you're really that paranoid about it.

I just bought 1000 day supply of Progesterone micronised powder, 99%+ purity, pharma grade (batch tested Dec 2018), for dirt cheap, shipped DHL to my door -- and if seized or product lost, they reship or refund too.


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Cool pics. But I was referring to when you were gradual balding and you can see the hair progressively in decline.
I tried to make it less noticeable or hide it in most of pictures. or deleted pictures. but Ill try to find a few of the more honest ones:







25, trying to hide it with a head tilt:


On my 26th Birthday:





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I tried to make it less noticeable or hide it in most of pictures. or deleted pictures. but Ill try to find a few of the more honest ones:

View attachment 115464
View attachment 115465

View attachment 115466

View attachment 115467


View attachment 115471

View attachment 115472

25, trying to hide it with a head tilt:

View attachment 115473

On my 26th Birthday:

View attachment 115474


View attachment 115475
Ya what a difference and the more hair you lose the better you look with facial hair to compensate for lack of hair up top.
Even a smile looks better with more hair.

Back to my dad, he is one of the ones who complimented me on my hair during Christmas. And he knows I've been using Control GX to color some of my greys, thats why he asked about coloring his hair - he thinks it's the Control GX that is giving it thickness! I tried to get him on finasteride years ago and he didn't like the idea of taking a pill - imagine what he'd think of these nuclear regimes. Sorry dadeo no pain no gain, hair doesn't come easy in life! But leaves easy.


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I am from India and can tell you that in Indian society If you end up physically castrating yourself, it is highly unlikely that even a balding girl would be willing to marry you no matter how handsome you look with your hair.
really? there's more than a billion people in India. surely, there are some who would..


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really? there's more than a billion people in India. surely, there are some who would..
I think they're very religious so no premarital sex. In other words she wouldn't find out until after the "I do"

Then hopefully she enjoys your hair more than sex!


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really? there's more than a billion people in India. surely, there are some who would..
I am not proud of this absurd Indian thinking but it is true for 99.9999 % Indian population. They consider physically castrated men as physically handicapped. Even a balding physically handicapped woman would refuse to marry a person with no ball at all.