Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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When I was on spironolactone first time round I lost almost a stone.
The only side I got from letro was a bit of anxiety. But if you are going on it for only a week or two you’ll be fine.
Did you gain some weight after that?

What do you mean by Idk - didn't you see thinning on letro?


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Bicaludamide prevents testosterone and dihydrotestosterone from biding to the receptors, the rise in hormones are fine and expected, the T & DHT are useless while on bica.

The point is to block the androgens to stop androgenic alopecia, so it doesn't matter how you go about doing it really.
You guys think that rise on T by Bic and tamox could hurt my hair?


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Did you not read the post you just replied to? Lol.
I know thats the job of Bic, but im a little afraid because i already got problems with AA, finasteride wipe my hair off in only 1 month. Im a poor guy here in Brazil and already spend too much money in failures, soo I cant afford any mistake anymore, emotional and $$...


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just dont use bicalutamide man, honestly if your hairloss isn't that agressive you dont need to nuke your ARs

try something less serious like cpa or spironolactone

I saw another kid with a Norwood-2 hairline on this website yesterday claim he started 100mg bicalutamide and 200mg spironolactone. he literally has more hair than an infant.
Brother you saw my pics, that sh*t is really aggressive, i dont know what do anymore. And as you, 2 years ago i was full density! And then puff, all changes..


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just dont use bicalutamide man, honestly if your hairloss isn't that agressive you dont need to nuke your ARs

try something less serious like cpa or spironolactone

I saw another kid with a Norwood-2 hairline on this website yesterday claim he started 100mg bicalutamide and 200mg spironolactone. he literally has more hair than an infant.
Lol at you saying that. You don't have hair loss yet you're considering taking two strong drugs - Bicalutamide and lupron - together.
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just dont use bicalutamide man, honestly if your hairloss isn't that agressive you dont need to nuke your ARs

try something less serious like cpa or spironolactone

I saw another kid with a Norwood-2 hairline on this website yesterday claim he started 100mg bicalutamide and 200mg spironolactone. he literally has more hair than an infant.
Can you link me there. I'm interested in results from taking SAA and NSAA together.


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where do you buy your GNRH analog (lupron)

I might add goserelin to my regimen to null out my AREs and so I can save money buy using a lower dose of bica if I wanted to but I dont know where to get it

Therapist , its free. Try shesalady


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nevermind, u should take bicalutamide, I might have got you confused with someone else.

I said I might try goserelin in the future with a lower dose of bica bc in studies 50mg bica + zoladex = 150mg bica

I just dont like stuffing 3 big pills down my throat lmao
I rarely see someone regrowing his hair on just AA alone. At best it can halt your baldness. Estrogen is the key for regrowth. If you have a slick bald spot and can't compromise your manhood then consider a hair transplant.


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this flutamide study in women showed that there was no difference in regrowth between the two groups that was either on a)flutamide or b)flutamide with an OC that contained an estrogen.

both groups had an average of 28% regrowth by the 2 year mark. The study was done with 101 women so we can confirm its accurate bro.

thats why I believe estrogen is effective for male pattern baldness only for its antigonaditropic effect.

in prostate cancer, the three mechanisms of action is 1)blocking testosterone 2)blocking DHT 3)blocking the AR and millions of men have been saved by the disease with Triple Androgen Blockage/Maximal Androgen Blockage
Right, but the women already have estrogen in their blood. Most of the people in this thread who have tried AA alone did not see any regrowth on the completely bald areas.


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finasteride is the weakest of the anti-androgens, it didn't work for me either, so i understand the feeling of wasting time and money. Bicalutamide + Estrogen is what it took for me to start seeing any kind of improvement in my hair, i was fighting hair loss for 5 years with finasteride / dutasteride + minoxidil, that hardly worked for me, if at all. Some people just need to rid themselves of androgens completely in-order to stop and reverse hair miniaturization.


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Bica raises estrogen in men, so in theory it might have a similar effect to supplementing e.

Bicalutamide does raise estrogen in men, probably because of all the T that isn't being allowed to bind to the AR, and if you're on a 5-AR inhibitor aswell, like Finasteride / Dutasteride, then T rises even higher because it can't convert to DHT either. The only thing that's left for all of that T to convert to, is Estradiol.
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I see you dropped CPA/progesterone and just went on bica/estrogen. Smart Kid!

Honestly i was just continuing to take those because i liked that it made my skin silky soft and was distributing fat to all the places i wanted fat to be in, since I've stopped taking progesterone I've been losing weight, kinda makes me sad because i liked it, but it interferes with bicalutamide.


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finasteride is the weakest of the anti-androgens, it didn't work for me either, so i understand the feeling of wasting time and money. Bicalutamide + Estrogen is what it took for me to start seeing any kind of improvement in my hair, i was fighting hair loss for 5 years with finasteride / dutasteride + minoxidil, that hardly worked for me, if at all. Some people just need to rid themselves of androgens completely in-order to stop and reverse hair miniaturization.
Yeah Bro, I got really frustrated and felt unable to do anything to change my situation. I start learn english just because this, to found informations. The emocional price is worst then money... Let me ask you something, How is your acne/ sebum production right now? After you change your regimen to bicalutamide


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Yeah Bro, I got really frustrated and felt unable to do anything to change my situation. I start learn english just because this, to found informations. The emocional price is worst then money... Let me ask you something, How is your acne/ sebum production right now? After you change your regimen to bicalutamide

your english is good, i can understand you well enough. I have no acne, none at all, Bicalutamide got rid of my persistent acne that i had on my neck, shoulders, and back, now my skin is crystal clear. I haven't had any new acne since i began Bicalutamide.


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Did you gain some weight after that?

What do you mean by Idk - didn't you see thinning on letro?

Yes I gain the weight back whilst off it. This time round though I haven’t lost any weight which is strange nor have I got any sides.
I shed hair whilst on spironolactone and I shed hair at the same rate on letro. And I’m still shedding hair now. My my density hasn’t got worse. And I can see shedded hairs regrowing which proves they weren’t permanently lost.


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- in your opinion why don't finasteride stop or may be slow down hair loss for some people?
It doesn't inhibit 100% DHT
- what is the next drug I should take if my main goal is maintaining what I have with as minimal side effect as possible?
try dutasteride, if it doesn't work add a little spironolactone.

there will always be risk of sides.