Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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I can't afford to have it - I live in an indep flat with other flatmates.
Do you think it is better to get a gyno surgery even before you don't have fully developed gyno? Or I should first let the glands form...
No one will be able to detect your gyno because AA wouldn't give you huge gyno.
Doctor would recommend you tamox first.
My brother had gone through a gyno surgery.
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No one will be able to detect your gyno because AA wouldn't give you huge gyno.
Doctor would recommend you tamox first.
My brother has gone through a gyno surgery.
I would told the surgeon upfront that I'm gonna take this AA for whole my life (or for many years) and therefore I would like all grands out there to be removed. I'm great at communication, so convincing people is easy for me.


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I have the same question, but I suspect no one in this thread has undergo gyno surgery.

I did ... and it went badly. I have now 2 craters ... but my life sucks, so it was supposed to happen.


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hey @bridgeburn , your results look great! what is the main difference between bicalutamide and spironolactone?
Bica is a nonsteroidal antiandrogen while spironolactone is a steroid.

Bica is a superior AR antagonist with similar efficacy as flutamide (one of the stronger AA's and more successful in hair loss studies), but without the dangerous side effect profile of flutamide. Essentially bica blocks androgenic activity more selectively and effectively.

spironolactone, being a steroid, binds to other hormone receptors, including androgens. However it is non selective and binds to other hormone receptors as well, one of which can result in higher cortisol levels.

Also, spironolactone was created first and foremost as a potassium sparing diuretic (with AA side effects), so you pee a bunch and can't eat 30 bananas at once.


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Bica is a nonsteroidal antiandrogen while spironolactone is a steroid.

Bica is a superior AR antagonist with similar efficacy as flutamide (one of the stronger AA's and more successful in hair loss studies), but without the dangerous side effect profile of flutamide. Essentially bica blocks androgenic activity more selectively and effectively.

spironolactone, being a steroid, binds to other hormone receptors, including androgens. However it is non selective and binds to other hormone receptors as well, one of which can result in higher cortisol levels.

Also, spironolactone was created first and foremost as a potassium sparing diuretic (with AA side effects), so you pee a bunch and can't eat 30 bananas at once.

So bassically, bica is the best from them all, right? Why not prefer it over other AA like spironolactone and cpa?
Please don't mind if I ask stupid quiestions here.

P.s. Bridge's regrowth is incredible on last photos. No one can tell that this is the same person looking at before and after pics.
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Bica is a nonsteroidal antiandrogen while spironolactone is a steroid.

Bica is a superior AR antagonist with similar efficacy as flutamide (one of the stronger AA's and more successful in hair loss studies), but without the dangerous side effect profile of flutamide. Essentially bica blocks androgenic activity more selectively and effectively.

spironolactone, being a steroid, binds to other hormone receptors, including androgens. However it is non selective and binds to other hormone receptors as well, one of which can result in higher cortisol levels.

Also, spironolactone was created first and foremost as a potassium sparing diuretic (with AA side effects), so you pee a bunch and can't eat 30 bananas at once.
I love how I usually don't even have to answer people's questions to me anymore Lol


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But what i'm confused about is that I thought dihydrotestosterone was the main culprit of male pattern baldness, but it would seem like these feminizing drugs work better over standerd anti-androgens like finasteride. Could someone explain to me why these feminizing drugs are more effective at combating hairloss?
removing androgens stops further progression. Estrogen reverses the gene expression.
Also, what are the main pros and cons between Cyproterone acetate and Spironolactone, and how would one go about obtaining them/similar drugs with/without a perscription. (uk btw)
cypros stronger than spironolactone. you can order meds from an online pharmacy, look around. ie. inhousepharmacy.vu alldaychemist.com shesalady.co.uk thailandpharmacy.net


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Well bicalutamide doesnt touch the androgen receptor, instead bicalutamide binds to the ligand-binding pocket of the AR.
and isn't the pocket of the AR attached to the AR??