ive been a bit busy, but will respond to everybody.
its a good regimen. i think bicalutimide is better if you can get it.
ive used minoxidil and estrogel topically. there were a couple brief times i used diane topically (crushed some pills in a bottle of rosemary extract and added a bit DMSO)
I think it will go at least partially systematic anyway if only topically. might be effective but depends how thick and fibrotic the scalp skin is. I think dermarolling or topical corticosteriods would help respond to it
they dont do the same thing. dutas prevents testosterone from turning into dht. cypro lowers testosterone and blocks androgen receptors . its synergistic this way.
seems a bit neutralizing to use patches with it, unless you put the patches on your head. (or on your nutsack)
damn that sucks, instead of lowering, you could try popping v**** or cialis.
remember, drugs are always the answer...
Or try
shooting meth up your dick...
actually please don't do that but I heard some people do that and bang all night..
well, for me I don't want any testosterone.
I think results will depend how heavy one is willing to go. sh*t id probably blast darolutimide if if was commercially available. even the fact cypros a very weak partial agonist worries me
When i was on 50mg cypro and 1.5mg estrogel only on scalp.. (thats 2.5g gel equal to 1.5mg e) I still started developing gyno, got more puffy nipples and some small lumps which continued to form, not nearly what i got now though but not sure how much it wouldve continued if i had stayed on that dose consistently.
I think with that regimen cypro and tiny amount E. it may wont lower T to total castrate range, it should be close though. but since this reg doesnt change our aromatase levels as far as i know, most of the little T made will probly aromatize.
yeah they do. if they get nuts removed they can come off antiandrogens but still need E.
It can take many months or several years to lose muscle if you have a good amount. though you may be able to maintain them, it will be more effort.