That's great that you are testing. Keep those levels in mind because it might be that once you hit a certain threshold, that hair growth really accelerates. People want to know if recoveries are possible without becoming chemically female like
@bridgeburn and me and probably Gergely and some others. I just didn't find being stuck in the middle in terms of E2 and T to provide much oomph in terms of hair recovery. I did see improvement more than new hair, I would say and even improvement in sheen or manageability or ability to grow it long is something that only HRT provides really although min/finasteride might do so in smaller and less noticeable ways.
I think that this is an excellent incremental protocol and probably less likely to cause sheds but it won't protect against breast growth most likely since breast growth is essentially induced by any significant measures of exogenous E2 it appears. This should get you to adult female E2 levels eventually but it might six to 18 months depending on how soon it resets the axis. I had to really start drowning myself in estrogen to make the final leap towards femininity which eventually became a goal so be careful what we wish for cause you might just like it more and more....