Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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You can hide the fact that you are using hormone therapy. Don't wear makeup, wear men's clothing, act like a man, etc. People will notice the oddities in the facial features, but they will not suspect anything
True and I am fine with that but my family still doesn't get it, nor my ex-wife. At least you only have the issue with your hair. For me, the compulsive aspect began right at the same time as beard growth and I got to the point after 40 years where I couldn't hack it anymore. For me, androgyny is what compelled and compels me but only after HRT could I get the compulsive desire for castration or whatever to get my hair back to relent. The androgyny fixation actually started before I noticed that I was going bald and I never understood how the two fit together and they still don't entirely. I am not nor have I ever been deemed "effeminate" not that there is anything wrong with that but I am trying to explain why some people are so surprised that I re-assigned at least legally as female at age 55.

But I woke up today and took my oral min and brushed my hair for 20 minutes and it is just the thrill of my life. If you achieve this Almas, it is every bit as great as you imagine. It's not one of those things that wear off. For me, it is like the movie A Wonderful Life but this time I get to live it with great hair.


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I wouldn't worry about anything if there was at least some guaranteed solution. But because even HRT does not guarantee anything, I cannot be 100% sure of something. The lack of guarantees is troubling. Even a small chance of committing suicide is serious.


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If it all ends with the fact that I will be forced to use HRT for life, I will ask the doctor to take a picture of the hip bone to find out if the bones have healed.


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I wouldn't worry about anything if there was at least some guaranteed solution. But because even HRT does not guarantee anything, I cannot be 100% sure of something. The lack of guarantees is troubling. Even a small chance of committing suicide is serious.
Well. Remember, I made my first order of Life Flo Estrogen from Amazon in October of 2013. By summer of 2019, I had made essentially no progress with my hair at all and then I had my massive spironolactone shed. I still knew that this was going to work somehow so I just shaved my head and started removing my beard so I could hide under a wig because first my hair grew back in patches and only maybe by last summer had all of the bald places filled in. I lost fringe hair, everything. It's been about 15 months with the wig and I always get great reactions to it but less and less and less am I wearing it. I am not great at predicting future time for completion but it finally happened and when it happened, boy did it happen. And all of a sudden, every single treatment that I tried seemed to work spectacularly from retin-A to oral min.

So, if it took me six plus years at age 50, then you can win this battle at your age. As you and I both note, a lot of this relates to how much you want it and whether you are going to ever give up. I never gave up and you enjoy the intellectual challenge of all of this just like I do. It's always easier not to worry about someone's hair loss but you will be successful because this is the focus of your life and you have the knowledge. It's just dealing with the opportunity costs but no, I couldn't be a hair system person. Wigs are like hats and they stay on but tape? No. Glue? No. Hair coming out in my date's hands? <Shudders>


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Well. Remember, I made my first order of Life Flo Estrogen from Amazon in October of 2013. By summer of 2019, I had made essentially no progress with my hair at all and then I had my massive spironolactone shed. I still knew that this was going to work somehow so I just shaved my head and started removing my beard so I could hide under a wig because first my hair grew back in patches and only maybe by last summer had all of the bald places filled in. I lost fringe hair, everything. It's been about 15 months with the wig and I always get great reactions to it but less and less and less am I wearing it. I am not great at predicting future time for completion but it finally happened and when it happened, boy did it happen. And all of a sudden, every single treatment that I tried seemed to work spectacularly from retin-A to oral min.

So, if it took me six plus years at age 50, then you can win this battle at your age. As you and I both note, a lot of this relates to how much you want it and whether you are going to ever give up. I never gave up and you enjoy the intellectual challenge of all of this just like I do. It's always easier not to worry about someone's hair loss but you will be successful because this is the focus of your life and you have the knowledge. It's just dealing with the opportunity costs but no, I couldn't be a hair system person. Wigs are like hats and they stay on but tape? No. Glue? No. Hair coming out in my date's hands? <Shudders>
The effects of HRT are noticeable after 3 months, and after 6 months they completely restore the hair. But this is if you respond to treatment.
I’m willing to use HRT for hair, but I don’t want to sacrifice so much for hair. Bicalutamide is my main hope. HRT will change my life 180 degrees, I would not want it, but if I have no choice ...


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The effects of HRT are noticeable after 3 months, and after 6 months they completely restore the hair. But this is if you respond to treatment.
I’m willing to use HRT for hair, but I don’t want to sacrifice so much for hair. Bicalutamide is my main hope. HRT will change my life 180 degrees, I would not want it, but if I have no choice ...
it depends on the dose. When I started formal HRT, I was on nothing but .30mg Premarin and my hair got worse until I started using Life Flo in conjunction with it. I don't know where you are getting the six months figure and I don't know if you are talking about someone completely bald on top or who has more so diffuse thinning everywhere. There are people who have been on HRT for years with no results. I still post frequently on Reddit because so many people on there believe that HRT only arrests hair loss and that significant regrowth is impossible. Many of them are getting transplants. But six months sounds quite a bit too fast for most people and situations.

The other thing is that HRT hair grows back differently from how it was lost so that makes stating a specific time period challenging. The entire head of hair seems to thicken up while male treatments appear to only work in target areas for the most part. I am curious about it but virtually no one ever mentions that their hair got nicer and more manageable from male treatments. It is always counts, counts, counts. Even if I denote last June as my starting point when I switched to high dose well, that is still 11 months. Remember, there are two types on here, those on full HRT and those mostly seeking topical solutions that hopefully don't change hormone levels too drastically. The latter was me for a long time, more or less but it didn't work, at least at my age, it didn't and trying to coax hair out that way was a failure.

That was essentially why I started posting because it was hard to understand why say, topical Estrogel worked for @bridgeburn but not for people not using HRT. I think that it can help jump start hair regrowth under HRT still and there are localized effects but they aren't enough. If a person ends up using huge amounts of Estrogel on the scalp, as I have, then it works but it also reaches limits and feminizes.


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it depends on the dose. When I started formal HRT, I was on nothing but .30mg Premarin and my hair got worse until I started using Life Flo in conjunction with it. I don't know where you are getting the six months figure and I don't know if you are talking about someone completely bald on top or who has more so diffuse thinning everywhere. There are people who have been on HRT for years with no results. I still post frequently on Reddit because so many people on there believe that HRT only arrests hair loss and that significant regrowth is impossible. Many of them are getting transplants. But six months sounds quite a bit too fast for most people and situations.

The other thing is that HRT hair grows back differently from how it was lost so that makes stating a specific time period challenging. The entire head of hair seems to thicken up while male treatments appear to only work in target areas for the most part. I am curious about it but virtually no one ever mentions that their hair got nicer and more manageable from male treatments. It is always counts, counts, counts. Even if I denote last June as my starting point when I switched to high dose well, that is still 11 months. Remember, there are two types on here, those on full HRT and those mostly seeking topical solutions that hopefully don't change hormone levels too drastically. The latter was me for a long time, more or less but it didn't work, at least at my age, it didn't and trying to coax hair out that way was a failure.

That was essentially why I started posting because it was hard to understand why say, topical Estrogel worked for @bridgeburn but not for people not using HRT. I think that it can help jump start hair regrowth under HRT still and there are localized effects but they aren't enough. If a person ends up using huge amounts of Estrogel on the scalp, as I have, then it works but it also reaches limits and feminizes.
I'm talking about high doses of E, starting at 4mg. If you do not go bald for too long and you Norwood 1-2 half a year will be enough. I haven't decided how much I will use yet. Or 2 or 4.


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I'm talking about high doses of E, starting at 4mg. If you do not go bald for too long and you Norwood 1-2 half a year will be enough. I haven't decided how much I will use yet. Or 2 or 4.
I have noticed that young people can achieve a lot in six to nine months but those are still just the ones who post. Most people have middling results and some none, at least under current protocols. The other issue is whether wpath levels are high enough. It seems that I see a lot of good hair results from parenteral E, such as patches and syringes and it might be that half-lives matter much more for hair than they do for breasts. I think I have shown that just haphazard use of OTC meds and low-dose E2 can grow big boobs without much hair. My previous thinking was also that hair might simply take years and years and for some, there is an aspect to that. But yes, now I think that sustained levels of E2 can work right away as long as the person isn't seeking breast growth.

So that is the second reason why I felt obliged to post since I had had uncommonly good breast results and most MtF's are more interested in that since I suppose the younger ones don't have to fight hair loss so much. We mostly hear about the extreme cases but if I had started HRT at age 20, it was plenty early enough and I would have always had hair and probably obsessed instead about my small breasts, assuming I was more so female inclined.


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Thanks for being balanced.
I hope I am. I try to present the good and bad aspects and also discuss the psychological difficulties for any XY to use HRT to present differently. Almost all hair loss solutions have their head elements that we have to work around whether HRT or transplants or hair pieces and it can be perceived societal disapproval that stops many of us from doing what the folks on this thread are attempting. To some, HRT constitutes a sin.

I have had such unique experiences that I have been able to correspond with hundreds of folks on here and on Reddit and I read the entries so I know how much many MtF's struggle with both breasts and hair. My hope is that my experiences with low-dose at the beginning and then switching to high-dose when my breasts were done, is a path that might provide some clarity on future dosing schemes and protocols. We need breast and hair protocols at least, that vary in perspective and amount of time needed.


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All males in my family have DUPA, meaning of that even donor 'safe' zone is thinning. NW7 is the hair condition by the age of early 20's - mid 20's, all in my family history have.
Dupa suffers always end up at norwood 7 ? do you have any solutions to recover from it ? finasteride didnt work on me with dupa


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Dupa suffers always end up at norwood 7 ? do you have any solutions to recover from it ? finasteride didnt work on me with dupa
Hey, no, I have no clue, what to do.

Planning on Bicalutamide, but doubt I will get my hands on it. Maybe will jump on Dutasteride.


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-> MTF
This is honestly intriguing... lol


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Oh wow, tyvm Janey, really appreciate that haha :) look how hairloss forms us lol
I didn't find out that I was suffering from male pattern baldness until 20 and we didn't have the internet and I was holed up in the library looking at microfiche of Der Spigel for articles about Alfatradiol which I don't think males were using yet but you can imagine. I am thinking, well, l will roll up my sleeves and figure out how to get my hair back with my intellect. The more research I did, the more my stomach felt sick. I saw the dermatologist and he said no to any form of estrogen which wasn't unreasonable since I wasn't MtF and it could have hurt fertility they felt back then.

But there was nothing except systems out there and I was like 20 years old wearing a system and my father has a perfect head of hair. No, I can't even consider it. Then right about that time cable got big and there were hair loss infomercials and one of them was for the Helsinki Formula so I got it and it worked very similarly to the descriptions I hear now about Keto. I was able to plough again and I hadn't been able to in months and there was no finasteride then and minoxidil was five years away. If I hadn't found the one infomercial product that actually stopped hair loss, I might have gone into severe depression and not become a lawyer and there were a lot of great looking females in law school.

So a lot of this is good fortune and just hearing about things but in the olden days, it was a lot harder to get any info at all.