Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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Real men don't care about going bald. They don't care about looking like sh*t and having wrinkles, they literally never think about it. When the average guy starts balding he doesn't notice it until it gets to nw6 and even then he thinks its natural and doesn't matter. Women like us on the other hand see 5 hairs in the shower and go search for a new hair loss cure on all forums. We have nothing in common with men. I can guarantee there's not a single real man on this forum. We're all transgender women and we need to accept this, balding is just our bodies trying to tell us to transition. Every single hair that falls out only does so as a sign to transition. That's the truth whether you like it or not.

Ryuzaki hedeki

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Real men don't care about going bald. They don't care about looking like sh*t and having wrinkles, they literally never think about it. When the average guy starts balding he doesn't notice it until it gets to nw6 and even then he thinks its natural and doesn't matter. Women like us on the other hand see 5 hairs in the shower and go search for a new hair loss cure on all forums. We have nothing in common with men. I can guarantee there's not a single real man on this forum. We're all transgender women and we need to accept this, balding is just our bodies trying to tell us to transition. Every single hair that falls out only does so as a sign to transition. That's the truth whether you like it or not.
I want to ask you.. do you think drinking 1ml of liquid lminoxidil could be harmful?