Fanjeera's Story - ( 17-year old balding! Quit BIG 3!)


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Re: A 17-year old balding! Pictures!

Hi im sorry for reporting u i dont know how to do this thing but i have no hair in the back of my head and i have 4 spots


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Re: Fanjeera's Story - ( 17-year old balding! Pictures!)

Go see a doctor. That's not male baldness caused by genes.


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Re: A 17-year old balding! Pictures!

macimate said:
templemonk said:
your hairloss seems very aggressive.. you're only 17...
not to discourage you but shave your head and go completely bald is another option.
i'm 25 and fortunate enough to have more hair than you at this point of my life, but honestly, if my hairline gets where you are at age of 17, i would just shave my head and get it over with.just my opinion. whatever you do, good luck and keep ya head up.

Most discouraging post i ever read.
you obviously were trying to be discouraging or else you would've skipped the whole bolded part :whistle:


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Re: Fanjeera's Story - ( 17-year old balding! Pictures!)

Tomorrow I'm seeing the dermatologist and if all goes well I'll be holding my first Propecia bottle in my hand after already 12 hours. I'm so excited! I have no idea what it feels and looks like.
Though, I won't be starting it immediately: I want to have a clear mind with no fog until I have finished this school year and the important exams. Presumably, I will let it all go and pop my first pill on the 6th of June :).
Btw, how does alcohol go with the drug?


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Re: Fanjeera's Story - ( 17-year old balding! Pictures!)

Goes fine buddy. No interactions between finasteride and alcohol at all. The only thing is your liver metabolises them both, and long term effects of finasteride on the liver aren't known. I've cut back a little since I've been on finasteride just in case, but it was probably an excuse to spend less money. It eats in to my student budget, does that finasteride.

Finish your exams, get wasted in the knowledge that you might just be solving a problem thats bugged you for however long its bugged you for. Your loss is more advanced than mine, but I know exactly what its like to be your age and go out worried about people noticing, I'm only 2 years older after all.

As for the brain fog, reports of that are crazy rare. Hasn't affected my academic performance at all. What did was hair loss. Couldn't focus, went from straight As to anything from A-D, dependent on how much I could concentrate that particular month. But starting after exams is probably a decent idea, any other more common sides would most likely effect your concentration anyway.

Also, a little pointer with styling, if I had your hairline I would mess the sides up around your temples a little more. A little volume on the side does wonders for appearance. Blow dry your hair too, I have a similar texture to my hair but using a blow dryer turns curl into weave, which makes it look a lot thicker. Your loss isn't as bad as some people are making out. Any questions, feel free to ask me, you seem like a nice guy and your obviously down about this, so I'm more than happy to help.


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Re: Fanjeera's Story - ( 17-year old balding! Pictures!)

Thanks :)!
As I love alcohol (yeah, eastern Europe thing) a lot and am afraid of my liver also, I don't want to make it suffer much more. But I guess my hair is worth it ;).
Isn't blow drying bad for your hair?

Anyway, about my dermatologist visit now...
I went there and was stunned how little knowledge the doctors had about this: they asked me if I was smoking, just talked about shampoos, hair transplants -- aren't those temporary? -- and how men shouldn't be worried about balding. Though, the caffeine shampoo she suggested me sounded interesting -- I have heard that caffeine works a little, but it surely can't be a solution. What proved her incompetence even more is that she didn't even know a lot about Regaine, so I told her how it works (how it actually doesn't work enough effectively) and how I have just used it to prepare for Propecia, which she totally declined to give me, because it was a very dangerous drug. So we just chatted a little (they told me about a 14 year old boy who had had a lot thinner hair than I at that moment :O) and said goodbye.
Now I am finding another dermatologist who can give me the prescription...


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Re: A 17-year old balding! Pictures!

queen29 said:
Hi im sorry for reporting u i dont know how to do this thing but i have no hair in the back of my head and i have 4 spots

could be alopecia areata, but it could also be folliculitis like i have, go see a dr


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Re: Fanjeera's Story - ( 17-year old balding! Pictures!)

Try another doctor and get on Propecia. Hair transplants aren't temporary- they should last forever, but our other hair around your transplanted hair will continue to fall out at the same rate. IMO, it's completely useless without Propecia/finasteride. Don't know much about caffeine shampoo or Regaine. I think some doctors are overly worried about Propecia. If your so worried urself, I would take a lower dose, or at least start out on one like I did. I wouldn't recommend a hair transplant at least until your older. Once you get one, you won't be able to shave your head, and the end result will probably be around $20,000 (US) of surgery for about 10 years.

Go see a normal doctor this time. I've heard that dermatologists won't prescribe finasteride easily. Good luck.


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Re: Fanjeera's Story - ( 17-year old balding! Pictures!)

Fanjeera said:
SE-freak said:
Fanjeera, where are you from?

get a medical verdict that it is male pattern baldness you have going on. Then simply go to a local drugstore and ask for proscar since "your grandpa is visiting". Cut in fifths and you are set.

Starting on a hairloss hormone altering drug like finasteride should not be taken lightly. That said, I doubt that the majority of derms has a clue of what current hairloss treatments are about. Educate yourself on hair and hairloss, after all taking drugs for a "cosmetic" issue is a personal choice- not one a doctor would easily make. To their eyes, you are not a patient; you are "merely"... balding.


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Re: Fanjeera's Story - ( 17-year old balding! Pictures!)

I finally have the pills in my hands! I can't believe how easily the pharmacist handed it to me after the prescription. It's very expensive though: almost 47 euros. And the doctor said that 0,25 mg a day would be pointless. I told her I was a bit afraid of the side effects, but she wasn't that skeptical and wrote me the full dose. I will see her again in a month after popping a pill every day and get blood tests.
I asked the pharmacist about cheaper finasteride drugs, like Proscar, and cutting them in the correct size. She told me it wouldn't work, because cutting the pill would ruin the medication. I guess I'll have to start paying 47 euros a month then... But at least, I won't be balding anymore.
Do you think only using only Propecia and no Regaine or Nizoral would be a great loss? It could save up a lot money.
I'm soon taking a before pic of my hair, body and penis size for comparison a month later. Is there a way I can test my brain potential (I'm still very worried about that)?
Do you think I will lose a visible amount of body hair and beard and gain fat?
See you soon in "Success stories"! Thanks!

Ian Curtis

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Re: Fanjeera's Story - ( 17-year old balding! Pictures!)

Lol, you are one funny guy... taking pics of your dick to see if its shrinking, why dont you just use a ruler then?? :woot: BTW, ask your doctor for 5mg. you will definitely get ripped off if you buy 1mg pills. One more thing, it is not a good attitude to be paranoid about side effects, just take then pill, if you get sides, you figure it out later. I took 5mg a day for 10 months and got no sides at all, maybe just some watery semen, but it went away.


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Re: Fanjeera's Story - ( 17-year old balding! Pictures!) ... e=propecia -- such a horrible website :thumbdown2: . So many people are telling that finasteride has irreversible side effects and nobody should take it. How come none of them finds their way to this site? I'm especially freaked out when people tell they aren't able to have witty conversation and be as sociable.
I have enough thinking problems and I already feel after taking the first pill how finasteride's affecting my brain :( . Help!
Finasteride users, do you really have no side effects or are you just trying to fool yourself and others into thinking that you don't?


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Re: Fanjeera's Story - ( 17-year old balding! Pictures!)

Fanjeera said: -- such a horrible website :thumbdown2: . So many people are telling that finasteride has irreversible side effects and nobody should take it. How come none of them finds their way to this site? I'm especially freaked out when people tell they aren't able to have witty conversation and be as sociable.
I have enough thinking problems and I already feel after taking the first pill how finasteride's affecting my brain :( . Help!
Finasteride users, do you really have no side effects or are you just trying to fool yourself and others into thinking that you don't?

Well, to be honest, you can't block that much of the most potent androgen in your body without side effects. However, if you just live on and don't think about them, you won't notice them.


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Re: Fanjeera's Story - ( 17-year old balding! Pictures!)

We'll see then. I don't plan to be a lifetime user anyway, as it's too expensive and risky. I'm just "testing" it for a period. Hopefully I won't get the fast shed in the start.
Sometimes I feel I just want to drop my whole regimen and go proudly bald. But then I pull my hair back and see an ugly face...


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Re: Fanjeera's Story - ( 17-year old balding! Pictures!)

Fanjeera said:
She told me it wouldn't work, because cutting the pill would ruin the medication.

I think she should take a look at my photos, pure results using ruined medication only.


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Re: Fanjeera's Story - ( 17-year old balding! Pictures!)

My situation before starting Propecia:
Hopefully I can see a change after 1 month of use and NO MASSIVE SHED.
P.S. I'll keep the pictures of my body to myself ;), so you can't see my titties grow.


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Re: Fanjeera's Story - ( 17-year old balding! Started BIG 3!)

Okay, one week has gone past now.
I don't think I have any mental side effects, which I'm most worried about. I have always felt like a zombie and so do I now.
But my urine has turned brown. That makes me worried a little bit.
On the first days I always had a hard-on, but yesterday it changed. My penis doesn't show me any sign of life and therefore it does feel smaller. Perhaps I still haven't gone through puberty, though I'm 18? I heard when using finasteride too early, it will have an effect on your body development. I really hope it doesn't go for me. What do you think? Is it safe to say a 18 year old isn't in puberty anymore?

I'm taking this drug 3 more weeks and then visit my doctor and ask her the same question: can we be sure I have passed puberty?
And then demand for Proscar, as its cheaper.

Btw, I stopped minoxidil for a few days and I think I feel a little bit better mentally.

Ian Curtis

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Re: Fanjeera's Story - ( 17-year old balding! Started BIG 3!)

I started taking it at 18 and now im 20...stop bitching about it, you'll be sure that you have sides if they arrive.